All Times Pacific: Astrological Report April 3-April 10
Friends, we have before us a relatively quiet week of aspects, with Saturn emphasized, so this will be a good time for learning, resting, meditation, setting limits, building stronger foundations, establishing better habits, and simplifying. This weekend with sun conjunct Mercury conjunct Chiron can help us tune into small problems and address them before they become more serious. Conversations, reading and research about healing can be especially helpful with these conjunctions.
Mon April 4 Mars conjunct Saturn is exact. This can be an irritating and depressing aspect when pessimism dampens libido, ambition, and even the ability to set limits. For some it may be a time when forceful action leads to major obstacles, even endings. However, this is a great aspect for hard work, for refining protocols, and for becoming more effective. The Mars areas of our lives can be improved if we are willing to wait, to practice, to learn, to accept our limitations, but also to overcome them by remaining dedicated over time. The next couple of weeks with this aspect and then next week the exact conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, could see some sort of major change in the war, but both of these aspects can exasperate bad conditions. If aggressors are stubborn and triggered by defeat they may take grave actions. But also, what looked like a profound breakthrough could turn out to have been propaganda. Avoid driving if you are angry and frustrated.
Tue April 5 Venus enters Pisces 8:18 AM, the last step through the zodiac of a cycle that began March 21, 2021. Venus in Pisces is imaginative, dreamy, sentimental, more emotional than Venus in Aquarius. A romantic approach is called for. In the arts this a good placement for both finishing and incubating projects. The urge to escapism, especially by intoxication, may be stronger, but with all this Saturn moderation can prevent problems.
Wed April 6 only lunar aspects are exact.
Thur April 7 Mercury sextile Saturn is exact. This aspect can help us organize, edit, plan, spring clean, express important communications. Practice and learning can help us turn weaknesses into strengths. Meditation can bring tranquility to the mind, making greater clarity possible.
Fri April 8 Mercury sextile Mars is exact, a great aspect for creative writing and film making, any activity involving dexterity, and cutting or digging. Take care that communications aren’t unintentionally sharp as Mars can add nearly unconscious inflections that deflect our intentions but express our frustrations. Because Mercury square Pluto is almost exact take care especially in sports, exercise, or using sharp or otherwise dangerous tools. Look back to the week of Mar 3 when Mars and Venus were both conjunct Pluto as these themes may reappear, or you may find out more about what actually happened, or you may see the results of what you did then.
Sat April 9 only lunar aspects are exact
Sun April 10 Mercury square Pluto is exact, that evening Mercury leaves Aries for Taurus. This can be a challenging aspect. There could be news that is disturbing about the war, the virus, etc. This aspect can sometimes indicate breakdowns in Mercury related items such as communication devices. Take extra care when commuting as this aspect with Mars conjunct Saturn can make for road rage incidents. With Mercury square Pluto angry words can quickly elevate to regrettable actions. For many it may be difficult not to obsess on current events and especially theories about what really happened or what is about to happen. That kind of stressful speculation if over-indulged can lead to unnecessary emotional challenges and health problems. Do some research. Have a deep conversation. Do some shadow work, in other words, in what way are your fears and repressed desires and grievances impacting your navigation of life? Can you find ways to release these attachments to the past? Mercury in Aries can be aggressive but Mercury in Taurus can be stubborn. Prepare to be preoccupied with food and comfort.
The Chinese classic The Secret of the Golden Flower teaches that the part of the soul embroiled in the functions of the body forgets itself. It fears the world as more powerful, more permanent, and utterly indifferent. It obsesses on killing and other imagery of death because it longs to be free from the body. It ignores the every day beauties of life as mere trifles compared to the ominous reality of being. But the unobstructed soul is in love with life, appreciating the magical miracles that are the five senses, and enjoying wonder at the incredible diversity of creation, while cherishing the simple moments of life as quickly passing epiphanies. What a privilege to play a role in this wondrous art, ultimate game, mystery school, and complicated playground. To regain awareness of the higher soul we are told to put our mind on our breathing. Focus on breathing as slowly, gently, and deeply as possible. Don’t try to suppress your thoughts. Let them go their way.