All Times Pacific: Astrology Report 7/9-7/15

Ronnie Pontiac
5 min readJul 8, 2023


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Apocalyptic convictions are popular these days, but then every age had its preoccupation with Armageddon. The ancient Egyptian gods fought off Apep the howling blind worm of nonexistence every night. The Vikings believed the end of their gods and of our world could happen at any moment. Comets convinced Rosicrucian sympathizers just before the Thirty Years War that the world was about to end. Exact dates have been given countless times and so far all of them that have come up have disappointed believers. Perhaps its time for us all to examine our pessimistic convictions which may be not only detrimental to self but to others around us.

From an astrological perspective this last big chunk of Pluto in Capricorn is bound to have the feeling of imminent ending since Pluto’s 16 years in Capricorn will end in 2024. Combining Saturn and Pluto, the two great enders, since Pluto’s first entry into Capricorn in 2008 the relentless sense of doom has become familiar to all. It’s not just the pandemic aftermath, with an asterisk on aftermath. Add Neptune ending a cycle that began in the 1860s with the Civil War and the advent of Spiritualism. What’s the worst case scenario? Many feel we’re about to find out, I believe I’m in the minority when I express sincere but cautious optimism. A spirit speaking through a Cherokee medium once told me that the human race has already destroyed three planets in previous collective incarnations, but look on the bright side, he said, we have all eternity in which to learn.

A series of inconjunctions and sun square Chiron dominate this week. An inconjunction can indicate a time of frustration. Two areas of life seem to find no compromise. Commonly we emphasize one and ignore the other only to find that the ignored area triggers a crisis. During inconjunctions frustrations can be expressed through health problems. The key is to find balance so that we can give each area of life the attention it requires.

Sun 7/9 Mars inconjunct Pluto is exact early Sunday morning, the sort of astrological weather when violence can occur more easily. Thwarted ambition, libido and/or anger can cause breakdowns, conflict, actions that are more destructive than may have been consciously intended. If one or more of these areas of life are being neglected turn your attention to them. Find constructive ways to allow them expression.

Sunday afternoon Mercury trine Neptune stationary retrograde is exact, indicating a time when imagination and inspiration are especially strong. For writers, readers, musicians, filmmakers a time to follow the creative flow of the craft. But with Mercury opposing Pluto tomorrow we might find that crosscurrents of self criticism or other unproductive preoccupations get in the way. Neptune may inspire while Pluto belittles and destroys. Leave the editing for later. Just get all you can recorded for future perusal. Dreams may bring insights.

Mon 7/10 Mars enters Virgo at 4:40 AM. Avoid becoming overly critical of self and others. Organizing and simplifying are favored but avoid perfectionism. Pace yourself. Mars in Virgo indicates a good time for getting diet and exercise sorted out. Watch out for the kind of stubbornness that ignores obvious and necessary adjustments. For example, getting so involved in some task that daily necessities fall far behind or are lost altogether. Mercury opposition Pluto is exact in the afternoon then Mercury enters Leo at 9:11 PM. This opposition can indicate a time when arguments easily turn violent, or words are said that are later regretted. With Mars inconjunct Pluto and Mercury opposing Pluto the consequences of rash actions, and frustrated outbursts could be harsh. Mercury in Leo brings a warmer and brighter mental disposition but may be rather self centered.

Tue 7/11 only lunar aspects are exact. A good week to keep in mind Walt Whitman’s wise words: “Be curious, not judgemental.”

Wed 7/12 sun square Chiron is exact, another aspect indicating potential problems in the area of health. Adverse Chiron aspects are good for establishing routines that improve well being. It seems I’m saying every week lately pay attention to the subtle signs your body tells you. Don’t let the inertia of old habits cause unnecessary challenges. Meditation can help bring the necessary clarity.

Thu 7/13 only lunar aspects are exact. Walt Whitman also wrote: “A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.”

Fri 7/14 Mercury inconjunct Saturn is exact, yet another inconjunction possibly indicating issues around health. Repressed thoughts and emotions can take a toll. Here we have Saturn on one side of the imbalance representing exhaustion, rigidity, necessities, responsibility, and Mercury on the other. The desire to talk with friends, to travel, to go out for a fun adventure collides with budget, chores, possibly resulting in depression and feelings of being left out. Like Whitman’s morning-glory Sun sextile Uranus could brighten the day, but sextiles can be hard to notice when more difficult aspects demand our attention. Take some time to do something different or unexpected, but avoid unnecessary risks.

Sat 7/15 Venus inconjunct Neptune stationary retrograde brings the now familiar imbalance to Neptune’s need for intoxication, empathy, and mystery and Venus’s desire for intimacy, beauty and harmony. An obvious example would be ruining a date by getting drunk. Sedated and therefore repressed emotions may demand attention through dreams or unconscious slips. Moderation can do a world of good when the astrological weather is heavy with inconjunctions.

Remember even difficult aspects indicate the potential for positive outcomes. Mars inconjunct Pluto can indicate liberation, and finding ways to make our desires and ambitions more effective; helping us to succeed in ways that are good not only for ourselves but others, and helping us have the ability to defend ourselves. Mercury inconjunct Saturn can help us see ourselves and others more clearly, without rose colored glasses, and with genuine insight into the means to attain greater well being. Venus inconjunct Neptune can lead us to new heights of appreciation in romance, creativity, the arts and in the simple awareness of the beauty of life in the moment. In a culture where our emotions are manipulated to create dissatisfaction for profit it is helpful to cherish what we tend to take for granted.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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