All Times Pacific: Astrology Report April 10-April 19
Very early this morning Mercury square Pluto was exact. Watch out for sharp words and overreactions, for obsessions and apprehensions. With Mercury square Pluto starting the week and sun square Pluto ending it, this is a good week for shadow work. Do you find that you sabotage yourself? Do stray emotions block your efforts? Do you feel exhausted suddenly when approaching something you thought you wanted to accomplish? Do you oscillate between judging others and feeling judged? Our shadows are where the parts of ourselves we have suppressed persist. Pay attention to your shadow, find ways to integrate it, and you will find you have more energy and more interesting goals than you knew. Bring out to the light the parts of yourself that seem to be obstructing you. Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko’s poem about national liberation captures the process well: “…break your heavy chains and water with the tyrants’ blood the freedom you have gained.”
This evening Mercury enters Taurus, deepening that feeling of Spring, for many increasing the delights of good food, romance, and the simple comforts. A lovely garden, perhaps some good music, as Mercury’s attention is turned to Venus.
Mon April 11 only lunar aspects are exact. The moon inconjunctions to first Jupiter then Neptune in the morning may indicate health issues, especially related to over doing intoxication, food, etc. the night before. Moderation can prevent problems. Don’t make decisions based on optimism that may not be justified.
Tue April 12 Jupiter conjunct Neptune is exact. You may be seeing more posts about dreams in your feed, perhaps you have been remembering more dreams. If you are creative use this time to achieve a grand vision. Epic acts of charity may occur. But there can also be mass delusion, yet another expansion of propaganda, and escapism that costs more than it’s worth. Meditation, prayer, and the long view can help us achieve new levels of understanding. If you’ve ever wanted to be creative now might be a good opportunity to start. Take a moment to appreciate what you love as you go about your day. We tend to take for granted the familiar joys that will not always be with us. Cherishing them not only makes us happier, it is an increase of awareness. With this aspect joy can help us achieve glimpses of what they used to call cosmic consciousness. Allow simple bliss to shine through the collective grief. Elias Canetti captured this constant invitation to despair when he wrote: “In five minutes the earth would be a desert, and you cling to books.” But Tolstoy was right, “Spring is the time of plans and projects.”
Also April 12 sun sextile Saturn is exact, favoring organization, taking breaks, getting overdue work done, learning, practicing, and teaching. Let Saturn ground the vast horizons of Jupiter conjunct Neptune with appreciation of the practical and humble. Sextiles are not particularly strong aspects, but this one can help writers, musicians, filmmakers and artists capture the grandeur of the conjunction earlier today.
Wed April 13 only lunar aspects are exact.
Thu April 14 Mars enters Pisces in the evening, not the happiest placement for Mars. Mars likes clear definitions and steady goals, but Pisces is inclined to get lost in nuances and to shift goals, embracing opposites, only to reverse again like a fish swimming in a bowl. Mars in Pisces can be the compassionate warrior, the energy that keeps charities functioning, and the peacemakers. But it can also incubate the new aggression that becomes manifest when Mars enters Aries on June 27.
Fri April 15 only lunar aspects are exact
Sat April 16 the full moon in the critical last degree of Libra arrives just before noon, the last full moon before the solar eclipse in Taurus April 30. The last two weeks of April are a time of great changes. Get ready for some excitement.
Next weekend features harmonious aspects between Mercury, Venus and Uranus. Through art, communication, relationships we can seek liberation. New technology and new communities can free us from the stagnation caused by outworn habits and interests. As Tolstoy wrote, “In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.”
Sun April 17 Mercury sextile Venus is exact in the evening for Easter. This harmonious sextile can spark flirtation and romance, adds grace to creativity and communications, and with Mercury conjunct Uranus in the evening, and Venus sextile Uranus the next day, breakthroughs may be possible. If you write, edit, or negotiate there is a short window of opportunity for real progress. At the very least find some new art and music to enjoy. Sextiles can be ignored, they are like a breeze that can make a sensitive person smile but to most goes unnoticed.
Mon April 18 Venus sextile Uranus is exact just after midnight. Don’t let the dynamic Pluto squares seduce you into a preoccupation that isn’t as fun or liberating as what you could have been doing instead. Think of this as a fresh start. Tell yourself this is a new beginning. Take each day as an opportunity to cherish, rather than a burden. Remember that drudgery is really prevention of harm. Isn’t that a sacred task? To prevent unnecessary harm, of self or others?
Also April 18 sun square Pluto is exact in the morning. I was speaking with someone the other day who believed that my astrology writing is based on my own predicaments. I explained that I read the planets like mathematical equations, without regard for my own situation, and I try not to impose my personal interests on what is supposed to be an impartial weather report. Such attempts to read between the lines, to make assumptions about what is really going on with others, is a prime way that Pluto squares can confuse us. If you find yourself doing someone else’s shadow work, that is a very good sign that it is time to do some shadow work of your own. Put those skills to good use and liberate those submerged parts of yourself. As Carl Jung wrote, “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.”
Tue April 19 the sun leaves Aries for Taurus at 7:24 PM as we settle into Spring and for many romance, comforts, good food, and luxuries where possible will remind us that Venus rules Taurus.