All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Aug 21-Aug 28

Ronnie Pontiac
7 min readAug 21, 2022


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have a pivotal week before us, a little less hectic than the last two, astrologically speaking. It’s an interesting combination as Uranus turning stationary retrograde and Pluto slowly culminating in Capricorn dominate the astrological weather. The approaching Uranus station has seen the CDC ditching six foot distancing and other pandemic protocols. “Now that the pandemic is over,” is a common ironic refrain. But now Uranus goes retrograde, and so it’s likely that the advice will change again as fall brings a surge, as it has in the last two years. In a sense we have a peak of freedom here. On the other hand, we are told that Covid is endemic and will be here for good. Meanwhile, one horrific story after another, whether it be weather or politics, amplified by the mass media, and by individuals trying to make sense out of what to do about the future, have unleashed a torrent of sardonic remarks about certain doom. So very Pluto in Capricorn.

But next Spring we get the first moments of Pluto in Aquarius. Consider how different the Jupiterian atmosphere of Pluto in Sagittarius (11/95–1/08) was from Pluto in Capricorn. Remember how violent a turn it was? The frothy world economy hopped up on hot air and over optimism came crashing down as Saturn’s just the facts ma’am mentality took over. Another thing about Pluto in Capricorn, while in the beginning it may kick up all sorts of petty dictators who personify the power lust of old goats, it is a very strict judge, and those who violate laws in the name of personal power will likely reap the harsh repercussions this year and next. Then when Pluto in Aquarius arrives, they will find a far less hospitable environment for their grifts as the transparency of technology and collectivism makes it all the more difficult to get away with 20th century style deception and ruthlessness.

You may recall reports from Dec 2020 about the zeitgeist defining great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. In 2023 Pluto will loosely conjunct the degree of that conjunction and we can expect the shift from Saturn to Uranus to be as dramatic as the shift from Jupiter to Saturn. Expect the rise of the power of younger people, the demise of 20th century culture, and the arrival of new icons, medical discoveries, technological breakthroughs, and where freedom and equality are suppressed revolutions cultural or otherwise. With this week’s Uranus station some of us may be getting glimpses of what the future may hold.

And now let’s take a look at this week’s aspects. Today Mercury opposition Neptune was exact in the hour after midnight. This can be a confusing aspect, inducing mental fog and fatigue, and leading to tangents that may or not may be caused by extra psychic sensitivity. Over intoxication or over medicating ourselves is not advisable with this aspect, as our bodies are more sensitive. It can also be a bit like Mercury retrograde, causing miscommunications and delays. But good for meditation, for imagination, and for inspiration, if we can get avoid the mental chatter and rivers of distraction everywhere.

Monday August 22 Mercury trine Pluto is exact a minute before 3 PM, then the sun enters Virgo at 8:16 PM. Both are excellent for deep research and analysis. Have a good look around and within at where reform and repairs may be needed. Has the malaise of the last two years of Pluto in Capricorn led us down the path of bad habits in diet, lifestyle and thought? Could exhaustion and the need for comfort have led us to compromises that might cause trouble down the road? Now is a good time to make the small adjustments that can do wonders for health and well being. Avoid becoming overly critical of self and others, though, and Virgo likes to worry. Get a little more organized instead.

Tue Aug 23 only lunar aspects are exact

Wed Aug 24 Uranus is stationary retrograde (square Venus opposing Saturn) a T square that brings the unexpected to all matters Saturn and Venus. Also Venus trines Chiron in the late morning. Keep an eye on the war in Ukraine as this is Ukrainian Independence Day and the Uranus station may cause Russia to take an extreme action. The way our powers of imagination and reason can project consciousness into a vision of the future can be anxiety provoking. Return to the present. We can draw attention back to what is immediately around us. In the feed and on the news we encounter sickness, war, hatred, we feel apprehension about the future of the climate and of society, but in the present we may actually be safe. All that we cherish is with us but will not be forever so take the time to enjoy who and what you love. Venus trine Chiron offers healing through love, art, music and beauty. Take time to enjoy some.

Thu Aug 25 Mercury enters Libra at 6:03 PM. After the overly analytical but practical and useful Mercury in Virgo (since Aug 5) the romantic, artistic and partnership-oriented placement of Mercury in Libra may be a relief. Let some Venus shine on your Mercury. Pay attention to the lovely and the beautiful. Give some thought as to how you can bring Venus to those you care about, by beautifying surroundings, saying kind words, and expressing affection.

Fri Aug 26 Venus square Uranus is exact at just after 9:30 PM, followed by sun square Mars about an hour later. Venus takes center stage for the weekend giving us a good look at Saturn square Uranus which will be almost exact in October, the last close conjunction of this aspect that dominated 2021. Supply chain issues, restrictions of freedom, and the vicious competition between conservative and progressive intensify until then. With Pluto in its last months of Capricorn a grand finale of angst is quite likely, probably featuring a shitshow of an election and more problems with pandemics. Avoid conflict. Practice precautions when in public. We actually still don’t know what will happen. Last week many were laughing at the spectacle of Chinese officials Covid testing not just fishermen but their catch, with swabs in the mouths of the dead fish. China continues to practice strict lock downs. Are the Chinese just overdoing it, as most prefer to think, acting out of autocratic habit? Or do they know something we don’t about where all this might be headed? Haiyaa. It might be advantageous to just play it safe.

Keep learning the lessons of Pluto and Saturn. Face that shadow. Strengthen weaknesses by means of learning and practice. Apply discipline in the face of threatening situations. As Thomas Merton wrote: “Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” Meditation can be very effective, and the skills we can learn during such times will serve us and others well throughout our lives. Be careful not to overdo the urge for the new and for liberation as the Uranus side of the Uranus Saturn square is strongest today but Sunday the Saturn side may reveal the consequences of reckless actions. Sun square Mars can be irritable, and accident prone if libido, ambition or anger are suppressed. I would recommend caution this weekend when driving. Find ways to use this energy positively, choosing how to express it instead of acting out unconsciously in unhelpful and perhaps damaging ways.

Sat Aug 27 the new moon in Virgo arrives at 1:17 AM, commencing a time for fresh starts, but also bringing that feeling that summer is about to end, especially with Venus opposing Saturn the next day. Again, avoid being overly analytical, especially about emotions. Don’t try to think your way out of what you are feeling. A little detachment and organization is a good thing now, but in all things not too much. Loyalty can be important this weekend, in love and creativity. Turn those deep feelings into heartfelt acts of kindness. As Jakob Bohme wrote, “If Love did not dwell in Trouble, it would have nothing to love. But its substance which it loves, namely the poor soul, being in trouble and pain, it has cause to love this its own substance and to deliver it from pain, that it may by it be beloved again.”

Sun Aug 28 Venus opposition Saturn is exact just before 11:30 AM. Usually a depressed time, people can feel isolated, relationships can feel burdensome, and some may end. In the arts we might feel deflated by criticism or by our own limitations. Give it all a little space. We can face our own faults instead of cataloging those of others, and even those of strangers. We can study, practice, find mentors, simplify, and otherwise make practical adjustments in these areas of life so that Venus can operate more freely and effectively going forward. As Sartre wrote, “Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you,” a very Saturn square Uranus quote.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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