All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Feb 12-Feb 19
“The stars are like letters that inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky. Everything in the world is full of signs. All events are coordinated. All things depend on each other. Everything breathes together.” Plotinus
Friends, after a quiet time astrologically speaking we have before us a more eventful week of aspects. Friday’s Mercury conjunct Pluto is ongoing but weakening daily. Get some research done. Have deep conversations. Analyze the depths. Read something that inspires tranquil contemplation. Take care to avoid criticism of self and others. Avoid conflict. Do not lash out with words. Watch a film that speaks to the core of your psyche. Writers, this is a time to dive in. If confronted by experiences of the terrible side of reality over the last three years express it. Capture it. Don’t bottle it up inside you. Write it down like a bad dream to be recorded so that you can be free from its sway.
Saturday Feb 11’s Mars sextile Chiron continues to offer profound healing but also can indicate crisis in the areas of health and well being. With Mars still slogging through Gemini, and Pluto in grand finale in Capricorn, be careful of violent urges, your own and of others. Avoid conflict. Learn how to heal the wounds of the last three years. Energy given to healing over the next couple of weeks can go a long way toward helping us get ready for Spring on March 20 and Pluto in Aquarius March 27 now about six weeks away.
Sunday Feb 12 only lunar aspects are exact. We have three inconjunctions in the morning and a moon Uranus opposition in the afternoon. Inconjunctions can indicate health issues so it’s a good time to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. Perhaps some habits need moderation? Are we leaning too heavily on thistles? Are there good habits we intend to take up but we have been unable to get started? A good week to take small steps toward steady progress.
Monday Feb 13 and Tue Feb 14 only lunar aspects are exact. With almost exactly Venus conjunct Neptune, this could be a Valentine’s Day to remember. It starts off with a couple of nice trines but the evening might be challenging with moon opposing Mars and moon inconjunct Uranus. Watch out for impulsive aggression, awkward moves that create conflict, and men in particularly should avoid sudden actions. With Mars sextile Chiron healing is possible for the masculine side of life. A good philosophy might be, as Stephen A. Ross said, “Ask questions. Answer questions. Don’t make statements.” It’s a useful practice.
Wed Feb 15 Venus conjunct Neptune is exact in the early hours of the morning. Alan Watts wrote, “To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.” This can be a wonderful aspect for art, romance, mystical harmony, music, and community devoted to art and/or spirituality. In relationships this can be an intimate time when deep sentiments can make romance more soulful. But with sun conjunct Saturn tomorrow exhaustion, malaise, pessimism may spoil the opportunity for communion with beauty, for appreciation of the mystery and dreamlike splendor of life. One application of these two aspects you’ll want to avoid is getting over intoxicated and suffering a hangover the next day.
Thu Feb 16 sun conjunct Saturn can indicate a low point or a high point. The high point is rare and earned by hard work and dedication over time. The low point involves pessimism, exhaustion, loss, stagnation. Even then there is a bracing quality indicated by this aspect. We come to understand the wisdom of the pruning process, of lying fallow, of turning the soil. Know your limits. Focus on what is directly in front of you. Get some rest. Consult with a mentor. Meditate. Simplify. Relax. As Eliphas Levi said, “Everything is possible to him who wills only what is true! Rest in Nature, study, know, then dare; dare to will, dare to act and be silent!” That phrase rest in Nature refers to what Manly Hall called “the rational soul of the universe.” Instead of fighting nature we seek to understand its wisdom and conform our own actions to a grand design.
Fri Feb 17 Mercury sextile Jupiter, sextiles being weaker aspects, the astrological weather they indicate is more easily lost when other aspects indicate areas of life that demand more of our attention. This is an invigorating sextile. Communication can bring expansion, opportunity could be a conversation or a message away. Take some to have some fun, laugh, enjoy simple luxuries. Take a philosophical approach to having a good time.
Sat Feb 18 sun enters Pisces at 2:34 PM, the last sign on the trip around the zodiac. Compassion, sentimental feelings, issues around water, the sense of the pooling of the past before it slips away. Dreams may provide insights, or unleash feelings. Usually a better time for finishing than for beginning new projects. Saturn will soon follow the sun into Pisces, that significant shift is now only about two and a half weeks away.
Sun Feb 19 Venus sextile Pluto can mean wild times in art and romance. The sextile indicates the urge for catharsis, for the intensity of love that transforms us. A great time for creativity that transcends decoration by revealing the tragedies but also the transmutations of life. The new moon in Aquarius arrives at 11:06 PM. Venus enters Aries four minutes before midnight beginning a new cycle around the zodiac. Taureans and Librans may find themselves feeling refreshed. Venus in Pisces has deep sentiments, Venus in Aries just wants to have fun, to be reborn, to get a fresh start. As Annie Besant wrote: “Beauty is no dead thing. It is the manifestation of God in nature. There is not one object in nature untouched by man that is not beautiful, for God’s manifestation is beauty. It shines through all God’s works, and not only in those that may give pleasure to man.”
The next three weeks have few aspects. We’ve been in a quiet spell. Of course, we may be busy with new opportunities, or with old traumas, or both. Sometimes when we get a little space to breathe we encounter feelings and reactions we were unable to process while in the heat of the moment. That too is an effective use of this quieter time. With all the world has been through these last three years it helps to be aware that we all need the time and space to process. There’s a Swahili proverb that goes: “Patience attracts happiness. It brings near that which is far.”