All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Feb 20-Feb 28
Friends we have before us a quiet week, astrologically speaking, an opportunity to take a breath before the following week brings some powerful aspects that could be challenging. With Mars and Venus nearing a conjunction to Pluto the drums of war continue. But with Mars sextile Neptune this week action may be delayed, or ulterior motives and surreptitious strategies may have more to do with misinformation and oblique goals than actual all out war. However the following week the risk for precipitous or strategic action is higher. Focus on what you can accomplish to improve your life and the lives of others. Take care of details. Be patient while allowing your mind and your intuition to explore the possibilities of your own potential. As Maya Angelou wrote: “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
Sun Feb 20-Mon Feb 21-Tue Feb 22 only lunar aspects are exact. Sunday night’s moon square Pluto may cause unpleasantness so cultivate tranquility or catharsis. Moon opposing Uranus Monday night may involve surprises or interruptions.
Wed Feb 23 Mars sextile Neptune is exact in the late morning, there may be more motivation toward escapism than action. Certainly the propaganda and speculation will increase in amount and aggressiveness. Unless you can take some specific action to influence the situation or safeguard yourself from potential harm from it, why subject yourself to the stress of the news when there are better uses for your time? Such as cherishing your life. Also the dark of the moon begins at 2:32 PM, for many a time of low energy when finishing work is better than starting something new. Extra rest and introversion can help us meet the new moon with the energy we’ll need to pursue our goals. Mercury sextile Chiron is exact just after 9 PM. We have seen bad news about the pandemic when Mars, Neptune, Mercury and Chiron are involved. Even positive Mars Neptune aspects can indicate aggressive spread and even mutation, and that new variant has already arrived in the form of BA.2. Recent reports indicate it may be an unholy blend of Omicron’s contagiousness and Delta’s severity. With Jupiter sextile Uranus the collective is in liberation celebration mode, but this thing may not be over yet. If you’re in an urban area or other higher risk situations practicing precautions is a small price to pay for avoiding sickness, and in a small percentage of cases tragedy.
Thu Feb 24 Venus sextile Neptune is exact a likely time for combining romance and intoxication, but with Mercury square Uranus also exact there may be misunderstandings, detours, and sudden moves that can ruin the good times. Mercury square Uranus can be a nervous, anxious, neurotic aspect but can also indicate flashes of insight and mind-expanding realizations. Communicate clearly. Ask questions. Clarify direction. As Walt Whitman wrote: “The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity.” With Mars and Venus in positive aspect to Neptune, consider another quote from Maya Angelou: “It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody.”
Fri Feb 25 thru Mon Feb 28 only lunar aspects are exact. Saturday the 26th has the most pleasant series of aspects, while the evening of Sunday the 28th might be a little rough with moon conjunct Pluto, but this is a good aspect for cultivating tranquility with meditation, and also for shadow work and other healing by depth psychology related methods.
The new moon Mar 2 arrives with Mercury conjunct Saturn, followed the next day by Mars conjunct Pluto and Venus conjunct Pluto. If there’s war it’s liable to happen during that week. If there’s bad news about the virus this is when we’ll most likely hear about it. In our individual lives this is a good time to get into our ambitions, hidden anger, need for romance and for affection, finding a balance between urges and the need for grace. Keep in mind what Walt Whitman wrote: “Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed passage with you?”
Venus and Mars will enter Aquarius later that week. helping lighten up the atmosphere as both are in Capricorn now giving those issues of life described above an extra gravity, with criticism and pessimism holding back the erotic and artistic fun these planets usually indicate when they meet. Their conjunction in Aquarius will be exact Saturday March 5. As Whitman wrote: “Do anything, but let it produce joy.”