All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Feb 5-Feb 12
Friends, we have another quiet week ahead of us, astrologically speaking. But the Pluto in Capricorn grand finale continues, and Mars is still slogging through Gemini. The first can cause fin de siecle outbursts of apocalyptic behavior, but it can also help us build openness to change and mindfulness at the deepest levels. Hopefully we’ve learned a lot from the losses and the struggles of Pluto in Capricorn since 2008. We are now about five weeks from Saturn leaving Aquarius for Pisces, and seven weeks from Pluto in Aquarius until the second week of June. Big changes right ahead. If the absence of a winter surge continues we may be celebrating in spring, although Pluto’s return to Capricorn for the rest of 2023 could indicate we’re not entirely out of the woods yet. Patience and caution are watchwords for Pluto in Capricorn.
Sunday Feb 4 only lunar aspects are exact. The full moon in Leo is exact at 10:29 AM. Enjoy the leonine energy. As Krishnamurti said, “Only when the mind is still, tranquil, not expecting or grasping or resisting a single thing, is it possible to see what is true.”
Monday Feb 5 Mercury sextile Neptune is exact, indicating a good time for creativity and imagination, meditation and compassion. Don’t edit, just let go and be creative. Dreams and intuition may provide important insights. At the very least enjoy a really good film. This can be a nostalgic aspect. As Borges wrote: “I cannot walk through the suburbs in the solitude of the night without thinking that the night pleases us because it suppresses idle details, just as our memory does.”
Tuesday Feb 6 Venus sextile Uranus is exact. Another aspect of brilliant creativity, but also of romance, sometimes fleeting, and of surprising moments of harmony. De-clutter your life, room by room, and then do the same for your mind and emotions. Arrive in the present. Find new approaches that can liberate your creativity. New tech might help. Love and appreciation help us open the door to a brighter future, surprise someone feminine in your life with some. “In the beginning, woman was the sun,” Japanese novelist and feminist Hiratsuka Raichō wrote, ‘Now she is the moon, a wan and sickly moon, dependent on another.” The pandemic has been especially difficult for women. Show some love.
Wed Feb 8 and Thu Feb 9 only lunar aspects are exact. Bell Hooks wrote: “Once you do away with the idea of people as fixed, static entities, then you see that people can change, and there is hope.”
Friday Feb 10 Mercury conjunct Pluto is exact. This aspect can indicate intense confrontations, even violence, but Pluto can be tranquil and profoundly healing. The news is likely to include an alarming event or revelation of secrets. This aspect can indicate repairs in areas where neglect leads to dysfunction. But also a great time to make repairs, and to research healing and the esoteric. Writers may experience a crisis in confidence, or conversely breakthroughs, sometimes one after the other. Intense conversations might be hurtful but also might open doors to liberating perspectives and opportunities. Martin Heidegger could have been describing how to get the best out of this aspect when he wrote: “If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life — and only then will I be free to become myself.”
Saturday Feb 11 Mercury enters Aquarius at 3:22 AM. Later that day Mars sextile Chiron is exact. Mercury in Capricorn can be pessimistic and exhausted, a good time for practice and learning. In Aquarius Mercury is exalted. Try new things. Find new sources of information. Honor the collective good and individual liberty, that’s the balance Aquarius attempts to keep. Mercury the messenger goes ahead of Pluto. Consider writing down key events of this week and then look back in June and in 2024 to see if foreshadowing occurred when Pluto was first in Aquarius. Here’s hoping that Mars sextile Chiron means more good news about the pandemic. This tends to be an invigorating aspect, though Mars also rules contagion since they cause a kind of war, and Mars loves war. Men in particular should be careful not to aggressively try to help thereby creating the opposite of the intended result.
Sunday Feb 12 only lunar aspects are exact. As Rudolf Steiner wrote: “May my soul bloom in love for all existence.”