All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Feb 6-Feb 14

Ronnie Pontiac
5 min readFeb 6, 2022


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have a quiet week of astrology ahead of us. Friday’s Mars sextile Jupiter and sun conjunct Saturn are with us all week in the case of the former, and for the first few days of the week for the latter. These contrary aspects can have a manic quality as Mars sextile Jupiter indicates energy and optimism, ambition and urgency, but also over-doing, over-indulging, and over-optimism, while sun conjunct Saturn indicates exhaustion, limits, consequences, irony, pessimism, simplification, patience, and practicality. The key is to know when to go with the forward flow and when to stop. With Mars square Chiron indicating the continuing threat of the virus, erring on the side of caution is probably the better choice. But don’t ignore opportunities that could lead to success. Take action appropriately.

Today before dawn Mars square Chiron was exact. Chiron can indicate health crisis and Mars the virulence of contagious diseases. Though numbers are dropping the continuing danger of a new variant suggests caution. Keep in mind that the vaccines are not one hundred percent effective, there are still a small percentage of deaths and severe illnesses among the fully vaccinated, and the vaccines do not stop contagiousness, they only mitigate symptoms in a majority of cases. The minority are not mere numbers. They are human beings loved and depended upon by the people in their lives. Practice caution for them. As Gabriel García Márquez wrote: “A man only has the right to look down at another when he helps him to lift himself up.”

Monday Feb 7 the only exact aspects are lunar.

Tue Feb 8 Mars trine Uranus is exact, a liberating aspect that wants nothing to do with caution or patience. As numbers come down, here at the beginning of year three, pent up energy is over-riding all other considerations and the rush to get out there and do something, to have fun, to get laid, to make money, to be a success, to just do the things that make us feel like we are free to be ourselves, becomes irresistible. It as as though the collective is feeling some sort of escape from the pandemic coming up sooner than later and as happens at the end of wars, those who throw caution to the wind, and who go out to see the new world a little too early sometimes suffer drastic consequences.

Wed Feb 9-Thu Feb 10 only lunar aspects are exact.

Fri Feb 11 Mercury conjunct Pluto is exact, a very intense aspect amplified by how long we’ve been involved with it thanks to Mercury retrograde, which is now behind us. This aspect was with us at the end of December and the first few days of January. We got a break from it briefly. This time it has been with us since Jan 24 and will be until Feb 18. More secrets are likely to be revealed, especially in politics. As Márquez wrote: “All human beings have three lives: public, private, and secret.” On the negative side it could indicate news of another mutation. This has happened twice within the span of this aspect with the omicron and stealth variants. Individually this can be a time of intense anger or depression, vicious criticism, of power struggles, sexual obsessions, of seething for revenge, even of criminal activity. This aspect can also indicate preoccupation with danger, and bad news. But it can help us look at our lives more deeply, so that we can see where we need to repair and reform, it’s good for research about healing, and for conversations, reading or viewing that helps us face our shadows including our fears and our mistakes. Remember, Pluto is also the tranquil beauty of purity after the long process of transmuting the base.

Sat Feb 12-Sun Feb 13 only lunar aspects are exact. In honor of moon opposition Venus Saturday evening, which can be a lovely aspect when emotions are respected, here is a quote from Márquez that applies to us all these days: “It was a time when they both loved each other best, without hurry or excess, when both were most conscious of and grateful for their incredible victories over adversity.”

Mon Feb 14 Mercury enters Aquarius at 1:54 PM. Mercury in Capricorn has hopefully helped you to get organized. If you’ve been a little too critical and pessimistic Aquarius will help open some windows in your psyche. Check out the latest gadgets in search of ways to help you accomplish more more easily. As Deltron put it: “Update your gray matter, it may matter.” A good placement for spending time thinking about the future and doing some connecting with ways to get yourself where you want to be.

Wed Feb 17 Jupiter sextile Uranus will be exact. Sextiles are not especially strong, but this is an aspect of opportunity, especially for Sagittarians and Aquarians. It also indicates more urgency toward getting out there in the world so as not be left behind in the rush to what will be called normalcy. Of course, we cannot go back to a world where spending two years wearing masks amid a mounting death toll seemed unthinkable except in cinema and science fiction. This began around Jan 23 and will be with us until March 11. This aspect can indicate success, liberation, the updating of your idea of success, unexpected gain, exciting developments, new approaches that have surprising results. Bring some optimism to your vision of the future. Allow something extraordinary to happen. Ponder this quote by Márquez: “It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.” He also wrote: “Love does not die, when someone gets old, people get old, because they can not love anymore.”

Here is a glimpse at the cover of my book, to be published by Inner Traditions later this year.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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