All Times Pacific: Astrology Report for Jan 9-Jan 16
Friends, we have before us a week of few but potent aspects. There’s electricity in the air as Uranus retrograde slows down to stationary direct next week. The week begins quietly with Mercury sextile Chiron this evening and the sun still closely conjunct Venus. Take some time to refresh yourself with beauty and harmony. Art, nature, music, romance, can help you heal your worried mind. The energy and perspective you gain can be helpful as the week becomes more challenging. Where you find discomfort in your body do some research, talk to someone knowledgeable, consider what changes of diet or habit may have contributed to the problem.
Mon Jan 10 sun sextile Neptune is exact in the evening, providing a dreamy or confused atmosphere, and an urge for escapism. A good time for imagination, mystical contemplation, and artistic reverie. Jean Cocteau captures the depths of Neptune: “Mystery has its own mysteries, and there are gods above gods. We have ours, they have theirs. That is what’s known as infinity.” However, the Neptune side of this aspect is aggravated by tomorrow’s square from Mars. Over-doing anything is not recommended.
Tue Jan 11 Mars square Neptune is exact, the dominant aspect this week. On the negative side this may indicate the surge spreading at even higher rates; it is traditionally associated with not only hypochondria but lowered immunity and susceptibility to contagion. This will cause continued disruptions in the supply chain, especially liquids such as water and oil. This can be a discouraging aspect, leaving many wanting to drown their sorrows. There’s an urge toward malicious gossip, vindictive deceit, and jealous treachery. With this aspect these tend to backfire as the malicious person’s words or actions are viewed by others as questionable behavior. Ideology can cause arguments and even violence with this aspect. However, this can also be a time for inspired acts of charity and compassion, of mercy and forgiveness. Put some energy into relaxing. Perhaps contemplate Pessoa’s thought that “We are two abysses — a well staring at the sky.” But we can add Clarice Lispector’s observation: “It is because I dove into the abyss that I am beginning to love the abyss I am made of.”
Wed Jan 12 and Thu Jan 13 only lunar aspects are exact.
Fri Jan 14 Mercury retrograde begins at 3:41 AM in Aquarius. It will end Feb 3. Traditionally not a good time for starting things. Better for repairing, finishing, contemplating. Better for introverted activities than forceful attempts to make progress. Delays, detours, misunderstandings are not unusual, are usually irritating, but could turn out to be helpful. Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going and take more care getting there. Ask questions. Make sure everyone is on the same page and much aggravation can be avoided.
Sat Jan 15 the only exact aspects are lunar. The moon enters Cancer early in the morning and a pleasant sun trine Jupiter can make for a nice day. But sun conjunct Pluto tomorrow could spoil the chill.
Sun Jan 16 sun conjunct Pluto is exact. This can be a difficult aspect. It’s a bit like a stress test sometimes. Areas that may not have received necessary attention may now demand it. Lost souls may become obsessive, superstitious, paranoid, or overly forceful, ruthless, and devious, but with Pluto there are always consequences. By lost souls I mean those who are always in reaction to externals. Pluto is also a planet of catharsis, regeneration, rebirth, repair, reform, tranquility, meditation and healing. Dare to do something that may transform you. Be willing to face deep fear and guilt. You can process them now, and be free of them. Free to breathe again without the weight of all those chains. As Sartre wrote: “Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.”
Tue Jan 18 Uranus will be stationary direct. Look back to the middle of August 2021 when Uranus turned retrograde for hints about what issues may arise. Uranus can bring disruptions and shocks. It’s likely that the extent of the pandemic in mid-January will feel uncomfortable for everyone. Two years have fallen under this shadow and the third may begin with another scare. However Uranus often brings silver linings. For example, yes there are so many cases that hospitals are compromised and supply chain problems get worse. There may be significant breakdowns in tech. But the variant is not so deadly, the hope for a better Spring looks reasonable. We don’t know what variants may still be in store. Which way will Uranus shock us? With unexpected freedom because we collectively made enough good choices? Or with a bigger threat because we haven’t gotten the message yet? If you’re feeling cooped up find some freedom for yourself, but not by taking unnecessary risks. Protect yourself, your loved ones, and people you may pass in the street. Make smart choices. Practice precautions. We are still in choppy waters.
As we move forward in this midterm election year, during the exact U.S. Pluto return, we can keep in mind the wise words of Manly Palmer Hall from a 1955 lecture titled Woman the Mother of Living: “When the mob governs, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church governs, he is ruled by superstition; and when the state governs, he is ruled by fear. Before men can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transmuted into wisdom, superstition into an illumined faith, and fear into love.”