All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Jan 15-Jan 22
Friends, we have before us another relatively quiet week astrologically speaking, but two turning points may make things interesting. Mercury is stationary direct Wed Jan 18 and Uranus is stationary direct next Sun Jan 22. With Mars also having recently turned direct, we may begin to see a more natural rhythm in our lives. Progress may resume. Having spent seven months in Gemini rather than the usual eight weeks Mars will enter Cancer March 25 marking one of the big three shifts that month, the others being Saturn entering Pisces and Pluto entering Aquarius. End of March into June will help us feel that the zeitgeist that began in 2008 is ending at last. You may have read here about the probable Pluto in Capricorn grand finale between now and the end of March. Take it easy, and be patient.
A word about California flooding. With Saturn approaching California’s natal Neptune it seems drought conditions will return sooner than later. With Pluto square its ascendant conjunct the moon California is likely to continue to suffer disasters such as fire and flooding, hopefully learning valuable lessons and making necessary adjustments. This is how Pluto works. It shows us where change is needed and it slowly ratchets up the pressure until lessons are learned. By 2031 California will be very different as reactions to repeated crisis transform the state in good and bad ways. The good thing is that California is more open to experimenting with policy than most states. The worst thing to do with a heavy Pluto transit is to fight necessary progress. As Gary Snyder wrote, “Wildness It is perennially within us, dormant as a hard-shelled seed, awaiting the fire or flood that awakes it again.”
Sun Jan 15 only lunar aspects are exact.
Mon Jan 16 Mercury inconjunct Mars is exact. Inconjunctions can indicate problems in the area of health. This one may indicate irritable or frustrated feelings. Communications may not go as planned. We might seem more aggressive than we intend, or others might. So far we seem to be avoiding another pandemic surge. That is good news. But we can also be aware of the situation in China, where a possible million new cases a day provides the right conditions for further mutations. Continued caution may be wiser than premature optimism. If the news is good through March the upcoming Aquarian spring as Pluto enters Aquarius for three months could feel like a great liberation. But first we have to get through this Pluto in Capricorn winter. And another one next year, though Pluto will spend most of 2024 in Aquarius. The end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
Tue Jan 17 only lunar aspects are exact.
Wed Jan 18 Mercury direct at 5:12 AM is followed by sun conjunct Pluto around dawn. Hopefully this Mercury retrograde has helped you gain insight into what really matters to you. We may find fewer detours and a little less confusion on the path. With Mercury emphasized this is a good time for writing and other crafts and occupations requiring dexterity but be careful with Sun conjunct Pluto which can be intense. Reform and repairs are common themes but the spectrum can range from criminal obsession to healing epiphany. If you are in need of healing this is a good time for research, research of all kinds, actually. The desire to exert power can be overwhelming with this aspect, or we may find ourselves victimized by someone who has lost control of themselves. With sun conjunct Pluto it’s best to avoid conflict, as reactions can be swift and dire. But remember Pluto is also tranquility.
Thu Jan 19 only lunar aspects are exact. Cherish the small things. As Gertrude Stein wrote, “I am I because my little dog knows me.”
Fri Jan 20 the sun enters Aquarius a half an hour after midnight just as the moon conjoins Mercury. This touches the Grand Conjunction point of 2020 suggesting that more of that Aquarius zeitgeist will be appearing. There are new beginnings hinted at here. A great time for writing and other Mercurial activities. Refresh your perspective.
Sat Jan 21 the new moon arrives at 12:53 AM on the first degree of Aquarius, also conjunct the Great Conjunction of 2020, somehow reinforcing a sense of a new beginning. We only have about six weeks to go before March but perhaps some sort of news lightens the individual or collective mood.
Sun Jan 22 the Chinese lunar New Year of the Rabbit begins. Tiger years are said to be especially challenging and this one certainly was. Rabbit years are quiet but self protection is a theme. Venus conjunct Saturn is exact mid afternoon. This can chill creativity and romance. Give space where needed. Show loyalty. A good time for editing creative work. Uranus is stationary direct at 2:59 PM. With that Venus conjunct Saturn and Uranus stationary it’s a safe bet that relationships may end. If you are looking for the right time this might be it. But strong foundations can be established too. Venus ruled Taurus and Libra placements may benefit from being creative as a way to process the Saturn and Pluto themes of the last several years. As Picasso wrote, “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”