All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Jan 16-Jan 24
Friends, we have before us a relatively quiet week of astrological aspects but with Uranus stationary direct in the middle of it the unexpected and even the shocking may occur, which explains the photo for this week. On the other hand Uranus moves slowly, and better results are possible if one has an eye for the subtle signs of impending change, not by superstition or transference, but by paying attention to what your daily life tells you. A kind of trust in what Manly Hall called “the rational soul of the world.”
This morning sun conjunct Pluto was exact and will continue to be strong for the first half of this week. This can be an obsessive aspect. Morbid thoughts, power struggles, malicious and even criminal urges, can lead to heavy consequences, especially with Mercury retrograde and then stationary direct conjunct Pluto from the last week of January through the first two weeks of February. Repair and reform may be necessary, especially in areas of neglect. Pluto always asks us to consider the greater good, to consider the well-being of others when we take action. As Martin Luther King said: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Mon Jan 17 at 3:48 PM the full moon arrives in late Cancer putting the focus on staying home with family in whatever form we find it. We might be feeling a bit more emotional than usual, though reluctant to express it. Make some time to nurture, and to be nurtured.
Tuesday Jan 18 very early in the morning Mercury sextile Chiron is exact. This is a potentially healing aspect. Research and conversations about how to achieve a greater sense of well being can go far. But with sun still conjunct Pluto be cautious. Perhaps we will see a change in the behavior of the pandemic that brings a more hopeful perspective. We may see, for example, a big decline in numbers in New York this week.
Also Tue Uranus is stationary direct at 7:27 AM as the three day weekend ends there are more supply chain issues, weather created disruptions, possible electricity interruptions, technological problems, detours, and more delays with air travel. But there may also be pleasant surprises, liberating realizations, technological breakthroughs.
Wed Jan 19 the sun enters Aquarius at 6:39 PM amplifying Uranus stationary direct. Perhaps we begin to see declines that give us hope for Spring and Summer. There are further steps to embrace technology as the future of business that become more obvious this week and next. Embrace change. Try doing things in a new way. You might be surprised that something you thought broken long ago can now be fixed. But are you calm enough to recognize the difference between that and other situations that can never be mended?
Thu Jan 20, Fri Jan 21 and Sat Jan 22, only lunar aspects are exact usually indicating quieter days but with Uranus stationary direct all bets are off.
Sun Jan 23 sun conjunct Mercury retrograde is exact and the urge to talk, shop, socialize, and take short trips is strong all weekend. Be careful though. Patience now, and attention to detail, can make a difference in not only your life, and the lives of those you love, but also the lives of the strangers you pass in your daily life.
Mon Jan 24, about an hour before dawn, Mars will enter Capricorn. With Saturn ruling this placement of Mars scarcity at stores could continue but Mars works well in Capricorn, favoring organization and improvements in process.
Something just ahead to be aware of, an unusually long Mercury conjunct Pluto beginning Jan 25, and lasting until Feb 16. That is a whole lot of Mercury conjunct Pluto in late Capricorn, and it’s happening conjunct the exact U.S. Pluto return. Expect some big legal cases to dominate the news. The U.S. faces its shadow and Mercury is bound to bring the messages that allow us to see it clearly. No surprises, as Pluto works slowly. Regrettable things are liable to be said. Arguments may become public. Remember MLK‘s wisdom: “Let no man pull you so low as to hate him,” and “Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.” Embrace the peace of Pluto. Meditation and yoga are Pluto activities, why not indulge? Wittgenstein used to describe our thoughts stuck in a belief system as a fly trapped in a bottle. He advised his students to let the fly out of the bottle and encounter life as it really is. This week the more we can be in the moment the more likely we are to get the best out of chaotic circumstances.