All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Jan 30-Feb 6

Ronnie Pontiac
5 min readJan 30, 2022


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have before us a relatively quiet week of astrological aspects. In honor of David Fideler’s excellent new book Breakfast with Seneca our quotes in today’s report will be from the Stoic sage.

Late this morning sun square Uranus was exact. With moon conjunct Mercury and Pluto tonight the unusually long lasting Mercury retrograde conjunct Pluto is amplified. On the negative end this can indicate compulsions, sarcasm, criticism of self and others, breakdowns in communication especially where no adjustments have been made to situations that require repair or reform. Sexual obsessiveness or repression, power struggles, arguments about difficult situations that can’t be easily solved. Remember what Seneca said, “All cruelty springs from weakness.” On the positive side this can be a wonderful time for writing and other creativity associated with communication. A great time to research healing, depth psychology, especially shadow work, and for enjoying transformative books. films, videos, and conversations. Consider where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to be, meditate on the patterns of your life.

Venus direct but still stationary, be sure to make time for beauty, art, romance, music, not just today, but all this week. This is an antidote to the continuing intensity of Mercury opposition Pluto which will last until Feb 18. Speaking of Pluto, we’ve also got the first of three exact U.S. Pluto returns on Feb 20. This is a transformative year for America. The confrontation with the shadow intensifies. Secrets are revealed. The battle for definitions of reality may be rendered mute by the inevitability of change or the slow progress of institutional protocols. The problems are clear in politics, the news media, and the economy. Yet here and there progress is made. Our decisions collectively will decide how severe our lessons must be. Any urges to force our opinions on others at this time is not likely to get good results. Avoid road rage, for example. Don’t expose others or yourself to unnecessary danger. A possibility mentioned in an earlier report has occurred, mutation of the virus. The new variant appears to be more contagious not more dangerous, but it looks like it may keep the surge going. With Mercury conjunct Pluto until Feb 18 and the U.S. Pluto return at full power we could see a more dangerous variant. Patience and mindfulness are valuable qualities we can develop now.

Mon through Wed only lunar aspects are exact but on Tuesday the new moon in Aquarius arrives and the Lunar New Year of the Tiger. The Year of the Rat 2020 is notorious for plagues. The Year of the Cat may bode well for an end to this crisis, or at least may bring reasons to be a little more optimistic, however unlikely that may seem from the dawn of our third year of the pandemic, and our seventh year of political crisis.

Thu Feb 3 Mercury is stationary direct at 8:13 PM, this is when Mercury opposition Pluto may be most powerful (for some the maximum intensity may be earlier or later in the cycle of the conjunction). “He who indulges in empty fears earns himself real fears.” Seneca wrote. Remember, Venus is stationary direct, too, and Mars sextile Jupiter the next day promises good times if we can let the fly out of the bottle, that is, stop being so mental.

Fri Feb 4 Mars sextile Jupiter is exact and while it is generally a positive aspect it does have negative potentials such as over-indulgence, over-spending, enjoying conflict, being overly optimistic about ambitions, finding vitality in righteous indignation. But it can also be a good time to go outdoors. A good time to move forward with plans in a conscientious way. Find reasons for optimism. Take actions that can help you achieve your new definition of success. Put some energy into having fun.

Also Fri sun conjunct Saturn is exact, working at cross purposes to Mars sextile Jupiter this can be an aspect of exhaustion, pessimism, criticism, and encounters with hard facts. However this can also be a liberating aspect, helping you give up what isn’t right for you anymore, or perhaps never was. We can become more organized. We can learn how to strengthen our weaknesses, and find mentorship. We can set limits and habits in place that protect us as we move forward. Hopefully this aspect will reflect people taking more care and responsibility for themselves and others, but it may also mean news that throws water on the good times. Nevertheless we are headed toward some very positive astrology later in February. Mercury in Pluto’s skill at finding reasons to be stressed out will ease off in the second half of the month. Sun conjunct Saturn is a good time for meditation and getting extra rest. An appropriate quote: “Silence is a lesson learned through life’s many sufferings,” as Seneca wrote. And also, “Every night before going to sleep, we must ask ourselves: what weakness did I overcome today? What virtue did I acquire?”

Only lunar aspects are exact Saturday Feb 5.

Sunday Feb 6 sun square Chiron is exact, possibly indicating a setback in the public health crisis. Another reason to take care. As always, there will be some who flaunt all the rules and suffer no serious consequences, but then there are those who will. If we use this opportunity to practice forbearance, concern for those who are less healthy and less fortunate, and patience in difficult circumstances, we are developing qualities that will serve us all our lives.

With Mercury opposing Pluto and the US Pluto return so strong, it’s not unusual to feel anxious about the future, whether it be the pandemic, politics, or the economy that trouble us, or our own personal predicaments. Keep in mind what Seneca said: “Two elements must therefore be rooted out once for all, the fear of future suffering, and the recollection of past suffering; since the latter no longer concerns me, and the former concerns me not yet.”



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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