All Times Pacific: Astrology Report July 17-July 25

Ronnie Pontiac
7 min readJul 17, 2022


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have a busy week of astrological aspects ahead. With Saturn square Uranus gaining strength until exact in October we can expect summer and early fall to resemble 2021. Supply chain problems, pandemic resurgence, and continuing political divisions intensify as we approach the election. Saturn square Uranus forces change but not too quickly. Arguments over politics will be fed by an ever increasing tidal wave of propaganda as competing ideas about reality go the polls.

In society we see traditions and institutions disappear with new ways of doing things, new companies, new opportunities. For those who cling to the culture, business, and politics of the past this can be a painful time. But those who hurl themselves into the future find that Saturn still had quite a lot to say. Balance must be found, and with Saturn and Uranus in stressful aspect discretion is the better part of valor.

Friday’s Venus inconjunct Pluto and Saturday’s sun and Mercury inconjunct Saturn remain with us as the week begins but fade as it continues. Health issues may be at the forefront, and situations where two different demands seem to find no compromise can create frustration. In most cases people will emphasize one, and then suffer the consequences of ignoring the other, so take some time to consider how to give appropriate attention to both. Don’t ignore the subtle messages of the body. Adjust accordingly and allow time to heal.

Not long after midnight this morning Mercury trine Neptune was exact. This afternoon sun trine Neptune will be exact. This evening at 8:32 PM Venus enters Cancer. Here is a rather dreamy set of astrological circumstances, with strong inspiration for the arts, for mystical realizations, for fun by water, and romance at home. Enjoy some music. Be in the present. Cherish the moment, the familiar beloved landmarks, the sun bright on the horizon just before dusk in a garden of flowers fragrant from the warmth of the day, or in the shining ripples of a blue swimming pool. Wake up in the dream and realize how marvelous each moment really is. With appreciation of all that had to happen for us to enjoy these moments we can find not only relaxation but even bliss in the present.

Monday July 18 Mercury opposition Pluto is exact at one minute past midnight. This can be a highly critical aspect, prone to anger, capable of violence, of criminality, and obsessive about issues related to ambition and libido. But Mercury opposition Pluto can also show us where reforms and repairs are needed to avoid harm. A good time for research andfor conversations about ways to heal, especially healing the stressed out nervous system and the mind. As Abraham Maslow wrote, “The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.” Any Pluto aspect indicates the possibility of tranquility, a need for the willingness to let go of what no longer works, and a commitment to the greater good.

Tue July 19 Mercury enters Leo around dawn. Mercury in Cancer tends to bring thoughts to home and family, but Mercury in Leo wants to shine as a leader and the desire to take short trips and visits to enjoy summer may be enhanced. But with all these health related difficult aspects risk taking is not advised. In the morning Chiron is stationary retrograde. Chiron stations can indicate public health crisis. In the early evening sun opposition Pluto is exact, suggesting that the consequences of taking unnecessary risks may be surprising. Now is the time to identify where changes need to be made, and to begin the steps needed to make them.

Wed July 20 the dark of the moon begins at 7:19 AM. Most of us feel less energetic during this moon phase and traditionally we are advised not to begin new projects. Finishing work, extra rest, and introspection are favored.

Thu July 21 only lunar aspects are exact.

Fri July 22 the sun enters Leo at 1:07 PM reinforcing the Mercury in Leo urge to get out there and enjoy summer. The same warning applies. In American culture leadership has often been depicted as damn the torpedoes type behavior. But leadership can also require patience, solitude, and forbearance. Knowing when not to act is as important as knowing when to act.

Sat July 23 Mercury trine Jupiter is a lucky, fun, optimistic aspect but can lead to overdoing things, especially spending. With Venus square Jupiter the next day over-indulgence is even more likely. Many will throw caution to the winds, a typical symptom of pandemic fatigue. By being mindful and taking care we can minimize risk and still have a good time. Dare to be optimistic as you ponder your future. So many people these days are obsessed with our collective future, while all but ignoring their own. Meanwhile opportunities for learning, for practice, and for success, languish in the present. Find yourself in the present. As the mystic Evelyn Underhill wrote poetically, “God is always coming to you in the Sacrament of the Present Moment. Meet and receive Him there with gratitude in that sacrament.” Cosmic consciousness is so immersed in the present it can include aspects of past and future.

Sun July 24 Venus square Jupiter is exact, a romantic and creative aspect, fun loving, and with a little work, opportunities can be found. It’s never a mistake to find reasons to love life. Take time to encourage people around you, especially the women in your life. Give an artist you know a compliment. Treat yourself to something nice. Have fun safely. It’s a very human characteristic to pretend the danger isn’t there when we feel we just can’t take it anymore. But the danger is still there.

Jupiter will be stationary retrograde July 28. It is possible that we begin to see inflation retreat. But we also see the real damage that was done with inflation soaring. A few days later Mars conjunct Uranus conjunct the North Node is exact. We’ll be feeling that one more daily. Rash acts of violence with import far and wide are possible. Some sort of surprise or shock in the area of the future we thought we were headed for. War comes to mind as a likely theater for this aspect and news out of Ukraine could include something like the use of limited tactical nuclear weaponry as Putin has threatened. We can avoid rash actions, and rash people, in our own lives. We can use this aspect to align ourselves with the zeitgeist while energizing and modernizing, liberating how we approach our ambitions and sexuality. I’ve been doing research on the Thirty Years War. American politics today is reminiscent of that war, and our own Civil War, but thankfully humanity has crawled a level or two up the spiral and is somewhat less likely to set fire to a continent in the name of the Prince of Peace.

Mars conjunct Uranus conjunct the North Node also indicates the birth of a new concept of what it means to be male. It’s the activation of the political networks of communities that have a long history of effectively fighting for their rights. We may also expect to see a representative or perhaps several of a new generation who become heroes of some kind. It’s a moment in the slow but inevitable great reveal of Saturn square Uranus. Saturn can slow down change, but Uranus always wins. Saturn can shape change, or hold progress back and cause it to explode. Saturn can mentor, support, and hold the line as long as possible in the good fight, or Saturn can explain the reasons why doom is inevitable. Apocalyptic predictions are as American as apple pie. In doing research for my book about American Metaphysical Religion I found we are never without them, and they especially proliferate during challenging times.

Some astrologers believe that the generations can be divided into astrological quadrants, and that those born with Pluto in Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, are a notch higher than preceding generations. At the very least it’s a metaphor to remind us how much more capable human beings have been getting. We have unprecedented challenges, but also unprecedented tools for meeting them. Pluto in Capricorn kids have lived in chaos all their lives. The first of them were born in 2008. They are turning fourteen this year. Happily, Pluto in Capricorn is about to end. We can expect scientific and tech breakthroughs with Pluto in Aquarius, that will transform life on our planet, and the emergence of a society that reflects the beliefs of a younger generation. Kids born with Pluto in Aquarius will probably look upon all preceding generations as somehow quaint and in need of conservation and wrangling. Their slogan could be Percy Shelley’s advice, “Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.” The kids are watching, folks. What kind of example are you setting to those in your vicinity?



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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