All Times Pacific: Astrology Report July 2-July 10
Friends, last Friday’s Neptune stationary retrograde in Pisces may give this week and next an adrift at sea feeling. Confusion, delays, exhaustion, omissions, misunderstandings are common. Take extra care when taking trips, both kinds. Dreams may haunt or inspire. Attention to meditation and imagination can help us find inspiration. Don’t overdo intoxication. Some find their bodies are more sensitive, more reactive, during Neptune stations. The psychic and mystical can be especially powerful now, but stay grounded. With Saturn still in its degree of station until July 5 we can feel stuck, limited, depleted. It’s good to keep in mind what Williams James wrote: “Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.” Rest, study, practice, simplifying, meditation, mentorship can improve well-being.
Sun July 2 Venus square Uranus is exact. This can be a fun aspect allowing us to refresh and update romance and art. We may be attracted to the strange and unusual, or restless for something new. We may find feelings of inspiration and liberation in music, fine art, film, and romance. With Saturn and Neptune so strong this can be a time of sadness but this square gives us the opportunity to awaken to the beauty of the present moment.
Mon July 3 and Tue July 4 only lunar aspects are exact. Bodhidharma wrote: “Deluded people don’t realize that their own mind is the Buddha. They keep searching outside.” The answers we seek are within us. That is why meditation is essential. The full supermoon in Capricorn arrives at 4:39 AM, the Cherokee called it Ripe Corn Moon. This is the first in a series of supermoons this summer. The moon is closer to earth and appears larger. There’s a reason they coined the term lunacy
Wed July 5 Mercury square Chiron is exact. With Mars inconjunct Neptune around the corner a little extra caution may be called for. Don’t be afraid to wear a mask. So far we’ve avoided bad news about the pandemic this year, and hopefully we will continue to, but why take the risk when it’s so easy to protect ourselves and others? As Victoria Woodhull wrote: “I do not shake hands from a sanitary standpoint.” Mercury square Chiron makes this week a good time to pay attention to the subtle messages the body sends us. Small adjustments can help us avoid bigger problems later. Research healing, talk to healers, and organize healthier habits. Bring harmony from soul to body by way of meditation.
Thu July 6 Mars inconjunct Neptune is exact in the morning with Mercury sextile Uranus in the late evening. The inconjunction can indicate contagion, but also the fog of war, and a tendency for people to get exhausted because the goals they push toward get confused in misunderstandings. Even charitable actions can bring entanglements and conflict unless they are truly selfless. The sextile can help us open our minds, find new approaches that help us accomplish our goals more quickly. A good time for writing but with Neptune so strong perhaps concentrate on imagination rather than editing, if possible.
Fri July 7 and Sat July 8 only lunar aspects are exact. For those dealing with the more difficult side of Saturn and Neptune this African proverb might be helpful: “However long the night, the dawn will break.”
Sun July 9 Venus inconjunct Pluto and Mercury trine Neptune are exact. The inconjunction amplifies issues around health. This combination can indicate the sort of astrological weather that leads to breakdowns in relationships especially in the areas of finance and romance. Frustrated creativity, love, or the need for some pleasure and beauty in life could trigger conditions that require healing. The tendency with inconjunctions is to fixate on one planet while ignoring the other. We might be relentlessly pursuing our Pluto obsessions while ignoring our relationships and the simple graces that can make daily life more lovely. Or we may be insisting on having a good time or acquiring items that make us feel a sense of luxury when we really need to be paying attention to needed reforms and repairs.
Mon July 10 Mars enters Virgo at 4:40 AM, Mercury opposition Pluto is exact mid-afternoon, and Mercury enters Leo in the evening. Mars in Virgo can be picky and fussy. It’s a wonderful placement for getting your world in order, finding the energy to organize and to discriminate between what works and what doesn’t but avoid the urge to be overly critical of self and others, especially if you’re a Virgo or Pisces or have strong placements in those signs. The opposition can be difficult. Communications can easily become arguments, especially if there are long standing issues not getting the attention they deserve. Research is favored. Pluto can indicate healing so again paying attention to learning about what makes you feel good and bad is important this week. Mercury in Leo will bring a more outgoing disposition and a sunnier approach to communications. It can be a bit egotistical and self-centered. We all want to show off what we’ve learned, or air our opinions about the latest current events when Mercury is in Leo. Cultivate optimism, reasons to love life, and your ability to shine warmth and light into the lives of others.