All Times Pacific: Astrology Report June 19-June 26
Venus square Saturn and Venus sextile Neptune are still strong especially during the beginning of this week. The first can be depressed, exhausted, pessimistic, especially about relationships and creativity. But the second can bring inspiration, sensitivity to beauty and harmony, romantic rapport, and creative imagination. Squares are stronger than sextiles so Saturn may block Venus. Try to find a balance that allows both to do what they do best.
Today sun inconjunct Pluto was exact often indicating power struggles, health problems, situations that require repair, patience, reform. Often we attempt to facilitate only one side of the inconjunction, then the other demands our attention. For example sun in Gemini wants to be gossipy, sociable, light hearted but Pluto in Capricorn forces us to face our fears, it’s an evolve or die kind of placement. If you have Robert Hand’s Planets in Transit read what he has to say about Pluto in the Tenth House (the 10th is ruled by Capricorn). He warns that use of force in unethical and immoral ways result in people uniting against the culprit and pulling him down methodically. With one more year of Pluto in Capricorn, and spots of it in 2023, we can expect to see this dynamic at play.
Mon Jun 20 Mercury sextile Jupiter is exact and the dark of the moon begins at 8:11 PM. Normally an optimistic and fun loving aspect, given to talking too much, we must be a little careful of ignoring risks because we’re having a good time. Have an uplifting conversation. Compliment someone. Find reasons to feel hope. Good for writing and for making connections involving business and authorities. During the dark of the moon rest and introspection can help us adjust course.
Tue Jun 21 Venus trine Pluto is exact very early in the morning, the sun enters Cancer and the solstice marks the beginning of summer. The trine can be a time of intense romance, sexuality and creativity. Experiencing and creating art, film, music, can be transformational. Be creative. Seek guidance about healing from women. Explore the darker side of the creative imagination. Exorcise old ghosts, or lose outworn habits by embracing the shadow. Sun in Cancer brings that familiar feeling of summer beaches, lakes, rivers, and pools; holidays with family. But don’t forget there is a pandemic out there and tragedies are still happening. Take precautions, something sun in Cancer can help us achieve.
Wed Jun 22 Venus enters Gemini and romance turns talkative and a sometimes fickle. A great placement for writing, especially when the aim is to express love or beauty. Good for research into Venusian matters, but be careful of gossip causing unnecessary problems.
Thu Jun 23 , Fri Jun 24, Sat Jun 25, and Sun Jun 26 only lunar aspects are exact.
Neptune is about to join Saturn and Pluto in retrograde, going stationary June 28. As we approach the station confusion, dreams, dreamlike waking states, the urge for intoxication, but also the danger of infection are stronger. With Saturn, Neptune and Pluto set to be retrograde expect increased problems this summer around the pandemic, politics and propaganda, supply chains. Mars square Pluto is also getting stronger until exact July 1. This is a violent aspect. Vengeful, grudge holding, anger can quickly flare into drastic action. The war is likely to get uglier. And another mutation is possible. Just keep reminding yourself that Pluto’s first step into Aquarius arrives with Spring 2023. Soon we will be nearing the last Saturn square Uranus, an aspected that dominated 2021 with distribution disruptions and fierce struggle between not only left and right, but the left and right within both.
It’s a good time to practice a detachment meditation. Longchen Rabjam wrote, in Dudjom Lingpa’s An Ambrosia Ocean of Sublime Explanations. “First, toward all those who are relatives, attachment is to be abandoned as though they were neutral. Then abandon aversion for enemies as though they were neutral and remain without partiality. In order to be free from delusion even toward the neutral, have the intention to dispel the passions of beings all at once. Meditate like this without clinging.”
We are also right now in the midst of the second of three exact Pluto returns for the United States. Intense change continues. While Pluto in Aquarius promises to be a sane and both holistic and scientific successor to Pluto in Capricorn, that will also be a time of rapid change, perhaps even more so. Medical discoveries, universalized tech, revolutions of the oppressed, are all part of the Aquarius story. These are momentous times. There’s much to learn. They say that enlightenment is much easier to attain during the Kali Yuga. We can use this opportunity to bring out the best in ourselves. Abe Lincoln once said, “The occasion is piled high with difficulty. We must rise to the occasion.”
How do we take on such a daunting task during such daunting times? Plotinus wrote, “Withdraw into yourself and look. And if you do not find yourself beautiful yet, act as does the creator of a statue that is to be made beautiful: he cuts away here, he smooths there, he makes this line lighter, this other purer, until a lovely face has grown upon his work. So do you also: cut away all that is excessive, straighten all that is crooked, bring light to all that is overcast, labor to make all one glow of beauty and never cease chiselling your statue, until there shall shine out on you from it the godlike splendor of virtue, until you shall see the perfect goodness surely established in the stainless shrine.”