All Times Pacific: Astrology Report June 4 to June 11
Friends, we have reached the final week of Pluto in Aquarius for 2023. Take a look back to March 23 and contemplate what you’ve experienced during this Aquarian spring. Pluto in Aquarius is liberating but shocking, enlightening but indifferent, a world moving fast full of uncertainty caused by the end of how things used to be done. Now we return to Pluto in Capricorn to revisit themes that have tested us since 2008.
Last Friday’s Venus trine Neptune is still with us and Saturday’s full moon in Sagittarius influences Sunday night. The Grand Cross of Jupiter, Mars, Pluto and the South Node is over, but the T square of Jupiter, Pluto and the South Node continues until June 12 when Jupiter moves on. The T square between North Node, South Node, and Pluto will be with us until December. The Lunar Nodes are a kind of axis in an astrological chart. The North Node points to the direction in life the soul must travel. The South Node indicates the consequences of past actions, and the area of the life where self indulgence or insecurity can lead to stagnation. Pluto square the nodes can indicate a time when society struggles with materialism, criminality can become brazen, fear and discontent, confusion and manipulation cause division, to the benefit of shadowy elites on both sides of the aisle.
Pluto’s aim is to make reform happen. Repair what can be repaired. Throw out what doesn’t work. Holding on to how things were won’t work with Pluto. Actions have consequences. Time rolls inevitably onward. Squares require that we make an effort, like walking upstairs, we can attain a new level if we put in the work. In our own lives this is an opportunity to make adjustments to how we relate to society. Where can updates improve well being? We may find ourselves feeling like the world is headed in the wrong direction, but we are all simply going over old ground.
Sun June 4 Mercury conjunct Uranus is exact. This can be an electrifying aspect, indicating sudden insights, liberating communication, new tech, surprises that change our point of view, encounters with the strange and fascinating. With Venus trine Neptune a nice aspect for celebrating Pride2023.
Mon June 5 Venus enters Leo in the early morning. That feeling of summer begins to arrive when Venus enters the sign ruled by the sun. But being mindful and aware is called for as mid morning Venus opposition Pluto is exact. At its worst this can indicate aggression against women, the feminine, the arts, and matters related to beauty and luxury. It can be a compulsive aspect especially in art and romance. Relationships can undergo significant challenges. Shadow work and catharsis, cultivating tranquility, making necessary changes that make life more pleasant, are among the positive possibilities. Be kind and protective especially to the children of Venus, as Nigerian writer Flora Nwapa wrote: “‘What can a woman do?‘”’ you say everyday. In the end, a woman does something, and even then still you look down on women.”
Tue June 6, Wed June 7, Thu June 8 only lunar aspects are exact. Keep in mind when confronted with people whose beliefs and actions disturb you these wise words by John Trudell: “The average human being in America is going through some sort of hard times — physical, emotional, psychological. Everybody’s carrying a bit of bone days in them.”
Friday June 9 Mercury sextile Neptune is exact, for writers and other creative people imagination and inspiration are available. For many it’s a time when dreams may preoccupy, or a dreamlike atmosphere prevails, but only if we can take care not to get bogged down by Pluto’s return to Capricorn and Saturn’s approaching station.
Saturday June 10 sun sextile Chiron is exact just after midnight. The dark of the moon begins about a half an hour after noon. The sextile can indicate an opportunity for healing. The dark of the moon is a time for finishing work, reflecting, resting, and sometimes simply lying fallow. Take it easy. Simplify. As Thoreau wrote: “Our life is frittered away by detail… simplify, simplify.”
Next Sunday June 11 Pluto returns to Capricorn at 2:47 AM. What will the rest of 2023 look like? We can expect the return of themes that dominated 2008–2022. Although Covid has disappeared from the news China is reporting forty million cases a week and predicting over sixty million a week by the end of June. The virus continues to evolve with new variants popping up and infecting a significant percentage of sick people. For the rest of 2023 don’t be embarrassed to wear a mask according to your comfort level, and keep washing your hands. Mercury trine Pluto is exact about an hour after Pluto returns to Capricorn helping us make necessary changes, have important conversations, and see more deeply into our lives. Mercury enters Gemini in the witching hour, and then Venus square Jupiter is exact twenty minutes before 9 AM. A busy morning! Venus square Jupiter tends to overindulgence in food, shopping, romance, optimism but with a little mindfulness can be a joyful and fortunate aspect. Mercury in Gemini inclines us to gather information, to chat, to take short trips, and to see both sides of issues.
The following week is very quiet but dominated by Saturn stationary retrograde on June 17. With Mercury square Saturn and sun square Neptune the dominant aspects it’s a week when getting extra rest and making time for meditation could be even more helpful than usual. Keep in mind that Pluto in Aquarius will return in early 2024 for twenty years. The times they are a-changing. As Indian writer Arundhati Roy wrote: “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”