All Times Pacific: Astrology Report May 8-May 15
Happy Mother’s Day to all. Friends, we have a week of fifteen inconjunctions, which suggests the pandemic situation may be in the news, as inconjunctions often indicate health crisis. We are seeing new mutations and surges, and reported numbers are probably low due to home testing. Take care out there. In our own lives we can listen to the messages our body gives us so that we can address areas that could get worse if they don’t get the attention they need. A good week to eat and rest well. We also have Jupiter entering Aries this week for a new cycle of approximately a year. Good time to be an Aries, but also a Sagittarius.
Sunday May 8 and Monday May 9 only lunar aspects are exact. Hopefully you have remained calm during today’s difficult lunar aspects. Provide mom with the appreciation she deserves. Men in particular should avoid irritating comments or behavior.
Monday we have a lunar eclipse full moon in late Scorpio. Pluto has not budged even a fraction since April 20. If you’ve been feeling stagnant, upset, burdened, if you’re caught up in repairs, or obsessions, or you’ve noticed many exits of the two and four legged varieties in the feed, this is typical of Pluto stationary. But so is deep healing, and repairs that bring rebirths. Happily, Pluto finally makes a tiny bit of retrograde progress today.
Tue May 10 Mercury retrograde begins in the dark before dawn, it ends June 2. Take your time, be thorough, make sure you are understood, be patient with delays, Mercury retrograde can be very useful for going back over areas that still need work. You can read more about getting the best from it here.
Also Tue Jupiter leaves Pisces for Aries. The Pisces Jupiter cycle began May 13, 2021. How have you been doing in the areas ruled by Jupiter? What did Pisces Jupiter mean in your life? Epic escapism? Joyous mystical experiences? Attainment of a spiritual goal? Acts of compassion? Or enthusiastic illusions including perhaps self-delusion? Now is the time for a fresh start. What is the next horizon? What does success really mean and what action can you take to get started on this new cycle? But with Mercury retrograde don’t throw yourself into overly optimistic ventures. Since Aries is involved with war we could see an expansion of conflict, but Jupiter can also be a diplomat.
Wed May 11, Thu May 12, Friday the 13th, and Sat May 14 only lunar aspects are exact. This week’s aspects that are exact before and after are still in play. With all these inconjunctions we can see where we may need to turn down certain habits while turning up others. Has stress led you to eat less, or more? Now is a good time to establish healthier routines. With inconjunctions stress can be caused by two sides of our life that seem to work at cross purposes. Make room for both.
Next Sunday Venus conjunct Chiron is exact, art and romance can have a deeply healing influence. This is a good time to do things that can help you heal, especially by consulting with those of the Venus persuasion. Let Aphrodite bring delight back into our lives, but there is a warning. Chiron can indicate crisis, and reckless acts of passion and pleasure could lead to unexpected challenges.
Also Sunday sun square Saturn, can indicate exhaustion, pessimism, limitations, and the need for practice, learning, discipline and patience. Delays are common, especially with Mercury retrograde, too. Good for hard work, for simplifying, for seeking mentorship, but don’t be too aggressive, squares can indicate actions that repel if they are too forceful.
Also Sunday sun sextile Neptune could make for a pleasant time, especially around water. Let your imagination free. Relax. Hold on to today’s simple pleasures. View life with a little compassion. As believers in reincarnation point out, you were once the same sort of idiot that you now find intolerable. And that idiot you find intolerable will one day be as disappointed as you are in the progress of others. Rapid change is nothing new. As Margaret Mead wrote in the middle of the last century: “In the modern world we have invented ways of speeding up invention, and people’s lives change so fast that a person is born into one kind of world, grows up in another, and by the time his children are growing up, lives in still a different world.”
With Mars conjunct Neptune next week, traditionally associated with pandemics, but also with the fog of war, things may get intense. It’s important to know how to detach, how to focus on our own immediate circumstances. We can engage with whatever version of what’s going on out there we prefer, but we greatly benefit by being able to turn away from it. A good time to recall JFK’s famous quote: “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger — but recognize the opportunity.”