All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Nov 13-Nov 21
Friends, we have before us a week with some positive aspects but there are crosswinds. Saturn and Pluto have been occupying the degrees of their stations, but today Saturn has moved slowly into the next degree, while Pluto will follow Dec 10. This can be an excruciating time as we experienced last during the darker days of the Covid crisis. Time seems to crawl to a near stop. One challenge may follow another. Feelings of frustration and depression are not uncommon as Saturn and Pluto turn the screws of our awareness of mortality. As of today there’s a slight down-tick in the pressure with more to follow. Neptune and Jupiter soon to be stationary direct will help offset those Saturn and Pluto stations. We’re only four months away from Pluto’s first dip into Aquarius. As Rachel Carson wrote, “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
Saturn square Uranus is now conjunct by three degrees. This aspect will weaken until it ends in mid-December. It indicates conflict between generations, between old and new, restrained and extreme, past and future. The mission of Uranus is to break Saturn’s stranglehold. We can see from the midterm election the power of the youth vote. The red wave did not break on our shores. Yet in Italy and Israel we see decidedly Saturnine leadership taking power. Certainly the fight for the soul of America will continue during the next presidential election.
Venus sextile Pluto was exact in the wee hours of this morning and is with us through the week. There will be no congressional referendum to end gay marriage and choice, at least this time around. With Mercury sextile Pluto and Venus trine Jupiter almost exact it may be possible that the Democrats have held on to the House as well. Optimism among women is indicated. Later this morning Mercury inconjunct Mars was exact. Suppressed ambition, anger, or libido can lead to conflict more easily. Be careful about communications. Don’t give in to the temptation to seek healing by lashing out. As Emerson wrote, “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.”
Mon Nov 14 in the early evening Mercury sextile Pluto is exact. This can indicate good news, conversations, videos or books that have a regenerative quality, insights about healing. A great time for creativity in film and writing. A bit more than an hour later sun trine Neptune is exact, providing inspiration and empowering imagination. With these two aspects exact today listen to your intuition.
Tue Nov 15 in the wee hours of the morning Venus trine Jupiter is exact. This can be a fun and fortunate aspect but those crosswinds from Saturn and Pluto could louse things up. Especially with sun inconjunct Mars exact in the late afternoon easily leading to ego conflicts and unnecessarily argumentative aggression. This inconjunction occurs with Mars retrograde and closely square Neptune. Issues around addiction, confusion, delusion, deception may arise. With this aspect many people feel they have less energy. They may complain that their actions seem to lead nowhere. We’ll have the astrological weather Mars square Neptune indicates until around Dec 5. At 10:09 PM Venus leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius, a more gregarious placement. But take care, those vaccine resistant variants are still spreading out there.
Wed Nov 16 Mercury trine Jupiter is exact in the early morning. With Jupiter nearly stationary direct do something joyous midweek. Compliment the people you admire. Encourage yourself to view the world through the lens of optimism. You may find opportunities you might otherwise have missed. A good time for creativity, more than editing. As Guillaume Apollinaire wrote, “Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.”
Thu Nov 17 at 12:42 AM Mercury leaves Scorpio for Sagittarius. The obsessive apprehension of the election will be behind us and whatever the outcomes in the last few races we have not seen the triumph of extremists. In our own lives we may feel drawn to travel and crowds, but those crosswinds may require a mindful readiness to protect our safety and the safety of others.
Fri Nov 18 sun sextile Pluto is exact in the early afternoon. A regenerative influence that can help us ease into reforms or repairs before they become bigger problems. Find ways to express the deeper drives that can help you heal. As Seneca wrote, “The wish for healing has always been half of health.”
Sat Nov 19 Mars retrograde square Neptune is exact again. There will be a third square early next year. We’re about three weeks away from Neptune stationary retrograde. Many may feel weakness, confusion, uncertainty, discouragement. The same issues seem to arise even after we address them. We still have lessons to learn. Deceit, suspicion, sabotage are not a healthy way to express the energy indicated by this aspect which favors compassionate actions, active sincerity, and willingness to be of service.
Sun Nov 20 Sun trine Jupiter is exact in the evening. With Jupiter nearly stationary we can take optimism to heart. Enjoy a joyous Sunday afternoon and night. Reflect on what is going well in life. Reach out to share an inspiring moment. As Robert Heinlein wrote in Stranger in a Strange Land, “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
The following week will be less eventful, with Jupiter stationary direct Wed Nov 23 indicating optimism, opportunity, and possibly good news that promises to make life a little easier. Jupiter turned retrograde July 28. What sort of issues have you had around optimism and success? Perhaps your definition of success has changed. Are you ready to resume forward motion at a more appropriate level? But no need to rush. The rest of 2022 is quieter, though we can expect the last months of unalloyed Pluto in Capricorn to pack some kind of punch. We continue to learn about patience, silence, simplicity, determination, practice, and education. Use that good side of Pluto in Capricorn while we still we can. The skills we’ve been learning since 2008 will be helpful as we get our first look at Pluto in Aquarius in about four months.