All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Oct 16–23
Friends, here we are in mid-October between the Pluto station at the beginning of the month and this week’s Saturn station. Astrologically speaking October is one of the most challenging months of 2022. With Pluto in Capricorn, and therefore ruled by Saturn, Saturn and Pluto take center stage all month. The Saturn Pluto conjunction of January 2020 marked the beginning of the pandemic. We may well see a surge. Why not take extra care? The possibility of mutations, mentioned in the last couple of reports, has taken place. New variants continue to circulate including at least two which we are told provide further evidence that Covid may evolve in ways that could render current vaccines useless. We note that in his recent address to the Communist Party leadership the leader of China reiterated their zero tolerance lock-down pandemic policy. We may not be out of the woods yet.
Here in the last five months before Pluto enters Aquarius in Spring of 2023 we have the culmination of Pluto in Capricorn. We will see Pluto in Capricorn again next year but one way or the other the spell will be partially broken by an Aquarian spring. In the meantime expect to see the limits and the karma of individuals and collectives on full display. Not a time to shirk responsibilities, even if we feel overwhelmed by them. Not a good time for ruthless actions, as authoritarians are learning too slowly.
When Pluto enters Aquarius, the Pluto placement of both the American and French revolutions, let us hope that our world of new technology will help us avoid the bloody conflicts of old that liberty so often required. Uranus will replace Saturn as the ruler of Pluto. This favors the young, and the diverse, liberty, science, the futuristic, the transparent, will be the story for over a decade. With the Great Conjunction in the first degrees of Aquarius in late 2020 Pluto’s conjunction to that point in March 2023 promises to really commence the sense of a new way of life. Observe China for an insight. 2023 and 2024 may see internal changes as China’s Pluto transits promise a reckoning and demands for change. It may be hard to believe given the current defensiveness and pride in their stance, but looming economic crisis in China may be only the tip of the iceberg.
Expect women to be at the center of these r/evolutions. They were the leaders at Standing Rock. They lead the protests in Iran. We will see if they flex their political muscle in the US midterms. Although the astrology around that day indicates confusion and continuing conflict. The battle for democracy such as it is will be fought in this election and the next. All part of the U.S. Pluto return. Now to the aspects this week.
Today sun inconjunct Neptune was exact in the morning. This aspect can indicate exhaustion or illness, and it could point to a surge. This month is critical in that respect though we may not understand what’s going on until well into November. With Mercury sextile Uranus and then inconjunct stationary Saturn tonight what begins as spontaneity, reckless fun, or an erratic act in the name of freedom, could become bogged down in details and the limitations of daily life. Mercury sextile Uranus is great for communication and writing, but the inconjunction can indicate frustrating delays and divergences. With Saturn still closely square Uranus we will see again the themes of this aspect that dominated last year including supply chain disruptions, shortages, etc. but not to the degreeas before. A revisiting of what happened then, testing how well lessons were learned.
Mon Oct 17 the dark of the moon begins in the late morning. Get some rest. Take it easy. Look back on the last few weeks. Tend to the inner self. In the afternoon first Venus inconjunct Neptune is exact then five minutes later sun trine Mars is exact. The masculine, especially the militant and military, may feel energized and emboldened. They feel they must impose their leadership as the Saturn station highlights their human vulnerabilities, such as impermanence. The feminine will be feeling empathic, nostalgic, perhaps preoccupied with dreams or intoxicants (including allopathic prescriptions). Some serious romance and or art could occur, but might easily skid into discouragement.
Tue Oct 18 Venus trine Mars in the evening is one of the most romantic aspects. Pheromones can fly but take care as there are so many less positive aspects active. Sun and Venus squares to Pluto tomorrow, and several inconjunctions, suggest that consequences of reckless or unfortunate behavior can be harsher than usual. With Mercury opposition Chiron also exact tomorrow health may become an issue collectively, and in some cases individually. Get rest. Eat well. Seek laughter and tranquility.
Wed Oct 19 Sun square Pluto is exact in the early morning followed by moon square Uranus and then opposition Saturn in the later morning, again highlighting the powerful Saturn Uranus square. It’s the past vs. the future. Secrecy vs. transparency. 20th vs. 21st. In the early evening Mercury opposition Chiron is exact and perhaps news may be on the way about the pandemic. But with all the inconjunctions and the Saturn station this week it may be that all the Venusian commingling from restaurants to ball games and art and music events could be a cause for concern. But the healing and rebirth side of Pluto might indicate that enough good choices have put this more or less behind us. Saturn can indicate rewards for patience, ethics and practice.
Thu Oct 20 and Fri Oct 21 only lunar aspects are exact.
Sat Oct 22 before dawn Mercury inconjunct Uranus is exact. Here’s another possible indicator of health related news on the collective level. Drive, walk and communicate carefully this week, there will be much confusion, and feelings will be running high. In the afternoon, sun conjunct Venus is exact, one of today’s two positive aspects that help counterbalance the relentless celestial weather. Make time for the beautiful, the romantic, and other matters of Venus. At 6 PM Mercury trine Saturn is exact, this is an especially strong trine with Saturn stationary direct at 9:07 PM. Saturn has been retrograde since June 5. Look back at what progress has been made but also ponder lessons still to be learned. A great time for editing, for deep meditation, for organizing, and for detailed communications.
Sun Oct 23 Venus enters Scorpio at 12:52 AM. At 3:36 AM the sun enters Scorpio. The Libra placements have been helping to keep things a bit more diplomatic believe it or not but now Pluto takes the scepter. To add to the challenge Venus inconjunct Jupiter is exact just before 9 AM and a few hours later sun inconjunct Jupiter is exact. In our own lives we can pay attention to places where habits create stress, or observe reactions in diet or for that matter emotions as they influence our bodies. We don’t want to ignore signs of illness. Since Jupiter is involved overindulgence of any and all kinds could be a cause. Venus inconjunct Jupiter indicates two naturally compatible factors at odds instead of working together.
The new moon in early Scorpio arrives Tue Oct 25 with a solar eclipse. But October isn’t done yet, Mars will be stationary retrograde Oct 30. It’s like the cards are being reshuffled. Saturn is showing us the bitter truth about how we spend our lives. Pluto is making sure we see the horror but also the vision of a better future some of which will be achieved because it can’t be avoided no matter how earnest an effort is made to stop it.
This is a good time to recall mono no aware but also the secret of the golden flower. Mono no aware, as I have mentioned before, is the Japanese phrase for those moments when we recognize the poignant beauty of impermanence. Stillness of a beautiful sunset or the sound of beloved laughter, in fact, anything in this world can inspire mono no aware. Perhaps it is the only time humans are sane. Those who have suffered loss during this long duration of grief and apprehension may find comfort in the words of Kōbō-Daishi: Although it is said that it is impossible to be disturbed by anything upon reaching enlightenment, I could not help but cry upon bidding farewell to a loved one.
The Chinese Secret of the Golden Flower, in a much simplified form, is that the soul is divided (though not literally) by embodiment. The lower soul in the fog of the body and the currents of society forgets about the higher soul which remains unobstructed. For the lower soul the angst of life in the body is the cause of apprehension, panic, hate, hostility, and contempt. The impersonal world seems to roll over our fragile lives. Some react with unrestrained aggression, others with melancholic resignation, or bitterness, the blind reactions of souls that forget themselves. They become obsessed with competition, ambition, regrets, gossip, entertaining distractions, spending as much time as possible absorbing information about trivialities. This is called leaking. As the Secret of the Golden Flower says: The primal spirit loves stillness; the conscious spirit loves movement.
The higher soul loves life as a miracle of unchanging yet ever changing wonders. Even suffering becomes a solemn sacrament, admired for the depth of its transformative power. Appropriate acts of charity and forgiveness can rejuvenate the soul and the body. But that doesn’t mean let your guard down. How to get to the higher soul? Breathe. Put your mind on your breath. Gently ignore thoughts. Watch them like fish slowly swimming past to be replaced by others. Breathe slowly and deeply. This is called turning around the light.
Here is a quote about the Secret of the Golden Flower: If one cultivates action while both in the world and in harmony with the light, then the round has curves and the angular has angles. Then he lives among others, mysterious yet visible, different yet the same, and none can define it. Then no one notices our actions. They are like secrets. The living way of the circulation of the light has just this meaning: to live in the world and also in harmony with the light.