All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Oct 23–31
Friends, this week is a little less busy astrologically speaking but there are three important events. The Saturn station has already happened. This week brings the solar eclipse in early Scorpio and Mars stationary retrograde. October continues to be a challenge but light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. Here is a quote appropriate for Saturn stations, from the Avatamsaka sutra. “For all the evil I have done in the past, created by my mind, mouth, and body, for my greed, anger, and delusion, I now feel shame and remorse.” That is the gift of Saturn, the fresh start that comes from facing the facts.
Today we have Venus entering Scorpio about an hour after midnight. The sun follows just after 3:30 AM, as sun and Venus are conjunct through the first two weeks of November. Libra favors balance and compromise, a let’s keep things nice affability. Scorpio plumbs the depths. On the negative side we might become obsessive, suspicious, even destructive. On the positive end of the spectrum healing can come from realizations about how to make necessary changes. By facing obviously irrational fears, and doing other shadow work, we can liberate and regenerate ourselves. This sets a good example for others. In the morning we have Venus inconjunct Jupiter and in the early afternoon sun inconjunct Jupiter, both indicating an inclination to over-indulgence with consequences possible in the areas of health and finances. With Venus and the sun together well into November pay attention to the feminine, the beautiful, to love, art, music, and the pursuit of harmony in our societies and in our lives. Appreciate the Venus in your life, from the smiles of those you love to the birds singing in the trees. Take some time to enjoy nature. As Nagarjuna wrote in the Lotus Sutra: “Even offering three hundred cooking pots of food three times a day does not match a bit of the merit acquired in one instant of love.”
Mon Oct 24 only lunar aspects are exact. The suffering of these times can be confusing. But as the Flower Ornament Sutra says: “Because of living beings, we develop great compassion. From great compassion comes the Bodhi Mind which brings the supremely perfect enlightenment.” The compassion we feel, whether caused by our fellow humans, or animals, plants, whichever way nature conspires to teach us the lessons of love and loss, is how our souls evolve slowly over time, until our compassion and our enlightenment are complete.
Tue Oct 25 the new moon arrives at 3:49 AM with a solar eclipse at 2 degrees of Scorpio. Solar eclipses are said to bring new beginnings. With Venus in tandem with the sun we could see some bold manifestations of the powers of Aphrodite. The protests in Iran and the upcoming midterm election could reveal why in ancient Egypt the lioness goddess Sekhmet, whom even the gods tremble before, when happy becomes Hathor, the Egyptian Venus, or Bast, the great Cat Goddess of domestic well being. Men, what can we do to help the women at this crucial moment? History proves that suppressing the female is the most important step to autocracy. Let us empower the female side of life. Later that morning Mercury inconjunct Neptune is exact. Confusion in communications and commutes can be expected. This is one of the possible indicators of news regarding the pandemic. In our own lives it may be a time when over intoxication or exhaustion causes us to make mistakes. Drive, ride and take walks carefully.
Wed Oct 26 Mercury trine Mars is exact in the evening. This can be an inspiring time for writers. It’s a good time for activities requiring energy and dexterity but we must be cautious as Mercury is very near an exact square to Pluto. In our communications Mars may add sharpness, especially if we have suppressed libido, anger, or ambition. Because of the Pluto square misspeaking could cause unexpectedly disruptive consequences. Don’t get carried away and say something you may later regret.
Thu Oct 27 Mercury square Pluto is exact just after 6 AM. A road rage aspect so be careful out there, this square can lead to hurtful arguments, but healing can follow if responsibility for the results of wrong actions are accepted and forgiven. Repairs occasionally become necessary with Mercury Pluto aspects, or you may see the first signs of trouble ahead. Don’t ignore it. Small adjustments may prevent bigger problems. This is true for health as well.
Also Thu Jupiter retrogrades into Pisces at 10:10 PM. It will remain in Pisces until Dec. 21 when it will enter Aries not to return to Pisces until 2033. With Saturn entering Pisces in early March 2023 (and into 2025) this is a good time for Pisces to seek greater prosperity. Dare to be optimistic. This may not be the week to ask for justice but soon the astrological weather will improve. In November and the first three weeks of December set out to find the help you need. Ask the universe for what is rightfully yours. Saturn in Pisces may make you feel pessimistic and insecure at first. But it can lead to great accomplishments, to mentorship, and to teaching. All it takes is dedication, work and practice. Get that optimism in place while Jupiter is in your sign.
Fri Oct 28 only lunar aspects are exact. As the Flower Ornament Sutra says: “The knowledge and wisdom of Buddhas is in the mind of every being. All beings, by abandoning all their false discriminations and deluded ideas, will ultimately attain the Perfect Enlightenment and become Buddhas.” But this process takes a very long time.
Sat Oct 29 Mercury inconjunct Jupiter is exact in the late morning. About an hour later Mercury joins the party in Scorpio. More pandemic news? Or will it be news about how the economy is not behaving as expected? This can be an aspect of false optimism so, ironically, it behooves us, especially if you’re Pisces, to learn the difference between false and true optimism. True optimism is based on facts and virtues. One can usually detect false optimism by its urgency, and the phrase “too good to be true” while not always applicable, is a good guide far more often than not.
Sun Oct 30 Mars is stationary retrograde just before 6:30 AM until Jan 23, 2023. With a brigade of the U.S. 101st engaged in war games near the border of Ukraine, and Russia and Belarus said to be planning a coordinated attack to close off western Ukraine, this is an important retrograde. Will the momentum change? Or will the unraveling of brute force accelerate? Or will the war quiet down as winter settles in? Brute force is traditional; it’s the favorite tactic of empires hence Pluto in Capricorn. The U.S. NATO response is collective (more than fifty nations) and tech heavy: Pluto in Aquarius. Ultimately Pluto in Aquarius suggests that the people will determine what happens next. The protests in Iran are only the beginning as twenty years of Pluto in Aquarius opposes conspiracy with transparency and technology. We see all around us people getting caught up in the digital evidence they didn’t know they left.
For Halloween we have only lunar aspects. Moon in Aquarius could make for a fun time. But the ultimate scary Halloween characters this year are covid variants. So be careful out there. Have a good time conscientiously. When you wake up on Nov 1 congratulate yourself for getting through October but keep in mind that Pluto in Capricorn will still be active (off and on) until Nov 20, 2024. Beginning Mar 23 2023 interludes of Pluto in Aquarius will help us get out of the doldrums. But winter could be difficult. We have a potpourri of new variants, including some vaccine resistant varieties, competing to lead the next surge. Pandemic exhaustion and wishful thinking masquerading as common sense will undoubtedly lead many to take unnecessary risks. A few may suffer the harsh consequences threatened by the Saturn station. Pluto in Capricorn is a time for patience, dedication, thoroughness, and caution. We’ll have plenty of time to feel free when Pluto sojourns through Aquarius.
In this world where we are hanging on every detail of the present, looking for signs of the next catastrophe that might be just around the corner, the vision of the world of the Flower Ornament Sutra can be helpful. Here the infinite universe is filled with uncountable Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The universe is a net of jewels reflecting each other, called the Jewel Net of Indra. Except there are no jewels only reflections. All of us experience uncountable lives as we journey through the infinite traversing a myriad of cycles of time called Kalpas. Each Kalpa lasts 4,000,000 years. We have all the time we need to learn. We have all the time we need for reunions, for realizations, and for the attainment of enlightenment. What if we could have millions of chances at living lives? What would we do with this one?