All Times Pacific: Astrology Report Oct 30-Nov 7
Friends, we have before us a relatively quiet week but it began with Mars stationary retrograde today just before 6:30 AM. The station occurred square Neptune. This can be a confused and frustrating aspect, exhausted, even to the point of illness. Compassionate actions are favored but choosing appropriately may require quiet reflection. The drive for intoxication can be very strong with this aspect, especially with Halloween arriving, but be careful. Confusion can lead to anger and this aspect is notorious for indicating pandemic spread or other aggressive collective health issues like stampedes. So be careful out there.
On Halloween only lunar aspects are exact. If it weren’t for the Mars station this suggests a quiet sociable holiday with the moon in Aquarius. The approaching Venus inconjunct Chiron can indicate health problems associated with romance, enjoying a concert or art gallery, and other pleasures of Venus. Venus square Saturn looms not faraway. The cause or causes of the likely winter surge will be out there and we may hear more about them later in the week when the Mercury inconjunction is exact. Emily Dickinson wrote, “One need not be a chamber to be haunted; One need not be a house….”
Tue Nov 1 only lunar aspects are exact. Joseph Conrad wrote, “There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery.”
Wed Nov 2 Venus inconjunct Chiron makes this a week for paying attention to well being. Taurus and Libra people may not want to, but devoting a little extra attention to health could have good benefits. That means eat better. Get rest. No matter how stressful your environment take the time to laugh and to love. Cherish your friends and show them appreciation, whether they be two legged or four legged, finned, feathered, or scaled, animate or not. For artists and musicians healing qualities can infuse your work if you are open to inspiration. Love can lead to healing. Betty of The Unobstructed Universe fame says that appreciation is one of the strongest forces in our world. All the small moments of appreciation counterbalance the tragedies that fill the news. In this time of division and conflict love is needed more than ever.
Thu Nov 3 and Fri Nov 4 only lunar aspects are exact. Contemplate Cicero’s assertion, “Peace is liberty in tranquility.”
Sat Nov 5 sun inconjunct Chiron about two hours after midnight echos Wednesday’s Venus inconjunct Chiron. For all of us this is a week when healthy choices will be important. Mid-afternoon Venus opposition Uranus is exact. This can bring surprises good or bad in the areas of art, romance, finance. Women may be more sensitive to opposition, especially where matters of freedom are concerned, so take care when communicating with loved ones. Leave room for spontaneity and try new things but with that inconjunction to Chiron avoid unnecessary risks.
Sun Nov 5 Mercury inconjunct Chiron may bring us news from the other Chiron inconjunctions earlier this week. A winter surge of the flu is already here and will no doubt be compounded during Halloween. New strains of Covid are out there, too. We typically here about surges after they’ve done significant damage so take care. In our own lives this is an important time to pay attention to the subtle messages our bodies send us. If you notice that something you do has a bad effect minimize it, or take countermeasures, or a break. About a half an hour after midnight Venus square Saturn is exact. Good for editing creative work, in relationships it requires patience, loyalty and respect for boundaries. Women will be feeling nervous thanks to the Uranus aspects but also concerned and perhaps pessimistic on the eve of the midterm election. Show support.
What about election day you ask? A lunar eclipse conjunct Uranus at 16 degrees Taurus, opposing the Sun, Mercury and Venus, while squaring Saturn. Mercury opposition Uranus exact. Venus square Saturn still strong. Venus trine Neptune Nov 10. The nearly exact final Saturn square Uranus will be emphasized. Expect confusion, surprises, disruptions, false claims of victory, and hurt and angry feelings on both sides. That Venus square Saturn seems ominous when it comes to the rights of women, but on the other hand could indicate that they draw a line by voting in unprecedented numbers. Lunar eclipses can indicate endings, could this mean the end of progressive politics as we’ve known with an eclipse conjunct Uranus? Even if that happens it means a new beginning and a new approach to politics for those who don’t want religious views imposed on them.
That Venus Neptune trine might indicate good news as races that will require longer than a day to call are resolved. The following week a grand trine between the moon in Cancer, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Jupiter while the moon also T-squares Saturn and Uranus. The T square could indicate a crucial moment in the battle between old and young, right and left, etc. triggered by the moon and its eclipse. It could mean that women tilt that conflict to the Uranus side. It’s inevitable that Uranus wins this battle. Just as Saturn serves to restrict the excesses of Jupiter, Uranus liberates what Saturn has disempowered. That grand trine could indicate widespread understanding that women, and perhaps the young, have arrived as never before in American politics. But it could go either way. Remember this is only the second of the most important four elections occurring during America’s Pluto return. Whatever the results, this battle over the soul of the nation is far from over. As Eliphas Levi wrote, “Judge not; speak hardly at all; love and act.”
We can expect all kinds of hostility and anxiety around the election, and when many people are apprehensive it causes a sort of collective atmosphere that can be hard to resist. Our own troubles may be magnified. A good time to talk about Vajrakilaya. This wrathful deity summons from all directions demons to be slain. He is the action of all the Buddhas in all the worlds. He knows that the fate of the demons is to become enlightened. Though they don’t know it they long for it more than they long for power or revenge. So he summons them and they are irresistibly drawn.
Vajrakilaya looks like a monster to them, his glowing eyes and nimbus of flames terrify them. In his six hands he carries the weapons they fear most. He roars the lion roar of enlightenment. The roars of lions can shake the ground, and the ground was said to shake when the Buddha became enlightened. It can be helpful to visualize yourself as Vajrakilaya and the demons as your troubles. Begin with four oms, the sound of the creation of our world. Summon your troubles to the center of your being where they can only bow before the original consciousness that is outside time. As Eliphas Levi wrote, “There is nothing more to controlling demons than to do good and fear nothing.”