Astrological Forecast July 27-Aug 4
We have before us a busy week of challenging aspects, the beginning of a difficult season or two of astrological weather, bringing that brings to an end a 20 year cycle of cultural history. These promise to be exciting times.
Monday July 27 Jupiter sextile Neptune is exact at 9:07 AM. For creative people this can be a time of great success, a time when masterpieces are created. The subject of justice has seldom been more popular. but we also see how easily people including ourselves are deluded by optimism and pessimism. Perhaps society as a whole is evolving a more compassionate definition of justice, but the process is ugly. The grandeur of the ocean, the vast sky of clouds can have a mystical quality with this aspect. Try to enjoy nature this week.
Also Monday Venus inconjunct Jupiter is exact at 10:36 AM. Women in particularly may be feeling they are pushed to the breaking point. Among the causalities of the pandemic are a sense of romance, and appreciation for the small luxuries of life, and where possible ease. Help out your mom, sister, daughter, friend. Take up more slack than usual and give the ladies a break. Whatever your gender avoid overindulging in food, over spending, optimistic risk taking, or escapism.
Speaking of escapism, also Monday Venus square Neptune at 10:46 AM can make this a week of record alcohol sales. Inebriation and intoxication are not the best ways to experience Venus, but with a little moderation and caution relaxing is a good thing. Don’t indulge in delusions about love or art. Let beauty, music, all the gifts of Venus feed your soul.
Also Monday Mercury square Mars is exact at 2:46 PM adding an irritable edge to any proceedings. Sharp words may be regretted. Do not pick a fight. Communicate about your ambitions and your anger but then let others communicate theirs. The good possibilities of the week could easily be lost in bickering about politics online or other highly verbal symptoms of stress.
Thu July 30 Mercury opposes Jupiter at 7:17 AM. Optimism rules the day and perhaps the week. But it’s not a good time to take risks. Temper your optimism with facts. Organize your optimism and express it. Communicate with others about how to succeed at achieving a better life for yourself and for others. Don’t be arrogant, or communications could break off.
Also Thu Mercury trines Neptune at 11:45 AM providing, for those who can savor it in the midst of all this astrological noise, a moment of mystical communication, or literary inspiration. A moment of appropriate compassion, or of psychic communion. Writers and other creative communicators are favored in our crafts this week.
Also Thu Venus inconjunct Pluto is exact at 8:51 PM, and here again health breakdowns associated with long term stress and pressure of responsibilities can impact women as they reach the exhaustion point. Do what you can to help each other. Men, it’s time to show that extra care. Take the load off her shoulders. Rub those feet. Show off your competence at drudgery (the prevention of harm).
Friday July 31 at 8:15 PM the sun trine Chiron is exact making this a good weekend for seeking healing. Get some relaxation in. Research how to heal what ails you. Listen to your body. Don’t ignore the signals. Do you need to eat more? Or less? Do you need more down time, and are you willing to take that down time for the common good, because ladies when you break down whole families break down with you, because it’s women who still carry most families. Men, now is the time to show your commitment and competence at keeping your family going. But don’t over do or you could hurt your cause.
Next Saturday Aug 1 Mercury Opposition Pluto is exact. With moon conjunct Pluto that night many are likely to mope morosely or argue viciously. Do research on healing instead. Read something transformative, or at least tranquil. Talk about shadows with a friend. Explore your deeper thoughts about sex, money, and death. Some memorable conversations can occur. Just don’t say mean things to strangers or other potentially dangerous people.
Also Sat Aug Mars square Pluto begins, an aspect that will last until Oct 28, only to return from Dec 6 through the beginning of January. That means that from now till the end of October people are going to be more angry, more willing to do destructive things, even self destructive things. The political fight is about to escalate. Expect more violence at demonstrations. Rumors of murders by officers unreported by the media are proliferating in Portland. If it hasn’t happened yet it may before Mars square Pluto moves on. If you’re going to a protest be extra careful, especially of the police. Please let your friends know that violence and vandalism will be used against the cause.
Sun square Uranus Sunday Aug 2 is exact at 4:19 AM. I suspect many people will insist on seizing what they can of summer with August already upon us and many will take foolish risks. So be careful out there. Sun square Uranus longs for something new, the future, the exotic and shocking. It can also indicate disruptions of electricity or dangerous storms. Be open to the unexpected. Perhaps find a way to update your life with new tech.
The following Monday Aug 3 Mercury opposition Saturn is exact. This can be a time of pessimism and criticism. The discussion is about facts, statistics. Another level of lockdown is quite possible. This would be met with fury from the folks who have been hurrying along the timeline of opening. Try not to pick on yourself, or others. Instead consult with a mentor, learn something practical, edit your writing.
Tue Aug 4 Mars square Jupiter is exact, amplifying Mars square Pluto. The pandemic numbers are likely to become more alarming. The violence at demonstrations could easily get out of control. There are elements on both sides who are itching for a real fight. Hopefully peace will prevail, the bigger the crowds, perhaps, the less likely that violent acts will be tolerated. If you’re going to the protests, again, be very careful, not only regarding the pandemic, but also the police. But with these aspects violence may break out between allies and even friends.
First Mercury will oppose Pluto, Jupiter, then Saturn. Then Mars will square them. We’re really going to get to know what those three planets are up to as they are principal indicators of the pandemic and of social snd political turmoil. We’re all in an alchemical alembic of transmutation and the flame has been turned up. If the recipe is bad we could see a sort of civil war in the streets here and there, far beyond the current violence of the protests. If the recipe is good we could see the birth of a more just and rational version of ourselves and our society. The feeling of liberation when the era of Trump ends, and even more so when the pandemic ends, will lift us into a new cultural cycle. It will happen, there’s no fighting over that. What’s being fought over is how long it will take.