Astrological Note on Dec 5–6
This weekend we have seven inconjunctions, most of them Sunday, including Venus inconjunct Mars. We also have a lovely Venus trine Neptune today, but the Neptune side of it is especially powerful with Neptune recently stationary direct, and the Venus side of it compromised by the inconjunction with Mars. Still, if you are an artist make time for inspiration and imagination. If you are a romantic make time for romance. Meditation, dreams and acts of kindness can help us achieve a deeper understanding.
But Neptune is also implicated in the astrology of pandemics, and we are seeing an enormous surge in infections, so the collective psychic weather is dark and stormy. Neptune also rules propaganda,. With Saturn conjunct Pluto still in orb of conjunction until Dec 21 we see authoritarian power moves from entrenched oligarchy and institutional hierarchies. Neptune can cause mass delusions, but also mass manipulation. Which side is telling the truth? Is there a truth, or only questionable assumptions and doubtful statistics? Use Venus trine Pluto to create something beautiful, something moving, something passionate. Find deep healing through art. Take time to appreciate the wonders of nature.
As for all the inconjunctions this weekend it’s important that we eat well, drink clean water, and get rest. Don’t over do intoxicants or medications. Nourish your mind and soul with some inspiring watching, reading or listening. Inconjunctions can provide hints of areas our health may be going haywire. Don’t ignore what your body tells you. Inconjunctions usually indicate two areas of life pulling in different directions. Unlike an opposition where stable balance is possible, inconjunctions need constant adjustment. The tendency is to emphasize one side and suppress the other, which results in the neglected aspect erupting in a disruptive breakdown. So this weekend look out for this tug of war between competing directions and emotions.
Consider letting go of the need to speculate constantly on the latest facts. We are still in suspense. Suspense about the virus. Suspense about politics. Below you’ll find an astrological observation about suspense and the Saturn Pluto conjunction. Has 2020 taught us to be functional and tranquil even when we don’t know what’s most likely to happen? There’s still time to practice that profound skill.