Astrological Report Nov. 15-Nov 23
Friends, we have before us a busy week of astrological aspects. Once again we find aspects that indicate the urge to take action clashing with aspects that prefer isolation and caution. This is collective and also individual. Political but also personal. But as with most of this year the aspects indicating serious risk outweigh the others. We’re in the calm before the storm. From the cold war over the presidency to the surging epidemic the suspense is shared by much of humanity. Can we stay creative? Can we appreciate the little things? Can we nevertheless relax and eat well? With these aspects bad habits can culminate in crisis while good habits can protect us from unnecessary troubles and suffering. Fatigue and frustration can create denial. We find ourselves taking foolish risks without noticing until after the fact. Impulsiveness can take over at inappropriate times.
Mars stationary direct Friday the 13th is still a strong influence. Mars has been in Aries for an unusually long time. Mars here can indicate aggressiveness, anger, ambition, violence, precipitous action, and false certainty. Yet, one can admire the will to live, and to live as we wish, manifested in this denial. At times such an attitude has saved humanity, at other times it endangers us. What have you learned about Mars over the last several months? How do you feel about conflict? How much time has been spent on fruitless argument. Have you made a fresh start anywhere? Do you recognize your anger, your desires, your ambition, or are you suppressing them?
Yesterday’s sun sextile Jupiter conjunct Pluto, and the new moon, can also impel to action. We want to be optimistic. We know there is big change in the air, we want to get on with it, we wants to see the end of the old and the start the new.
Jupiter conjunct Pluto itself is still a strong influence, and continues until Dec 14. This is likely to be a time when the pandemic is stronger than ever. Old ways of doing business continue to collapse as new companies and new ways of doing things are born from crisis. The major challenge to political and economic institutions reaches its third and final peak. Have you redefined success? Are you actively optimist about achieving healing and well being? Have you positioned yourself for tomorrow, or are you watching in dismay as the past fades away?
This morning at 1:35 AM (All times Pacific) Mercury inconjunct Chiron was exact. This can indicate healing caused by crisis. There is much thought and discussion about the need for society to heal not only from the pandemic but also from conflict, oligarchy and chronic neglect. Do some research about how to heal your own issues. As Eliphas Levi once pointed out. refined awareness can detect the very beginnings of problems and nip them in the bud.
This morning just before noon Venus square Pluto was exact, another aspect that can be urgen,t and infatuated with risk in the name of pleasure. Cathartic sexuality can release healing. Creativity and appreciation of the creativity of others can also bring healing and even tranquility. Avoid criminal places and dangerous activities, with all this Pluto they are especially risky. Facing our fears and our shadows can help us to achieve great heights of understanding in love and art.
Tonight just after 9:30 PM Venus square Jupiter is exact making this weekend and most of next week a time when over optimism can lead to trouble. With this aspect many over do, or over indulge, or over spend, but with Pluto involved the consequences may be unexpectedly harsh. By all means, find reasons for optimism, perhaps acquire something nice, recall joy and remember happiness, have some fun, but moderation is key.
Tuesday Nov 17 just after 8:30 AM Mercury conjunct Uranus is exact again. This nervous and anxious aspect has been with us for an unusually long time, beginning on October 1 and including the last Mercury retrograde which ended Nov 3. Been especially antsy? Here we have an aspect that encourages us to rush forward while also being accident prone. Take care when in motion. Pay attention to what you’re doing. Take your time. Used with mindfulness this aspect can bring startling revelations, liberating ideas, and glimpses of a better future.
Wed Nov 18 sun sextile Saturn is exact at 11:18 PM, making it easier to get organized, to be patient, to be thorough. In what areas of your life can you simplify? Take some time to relax. Learn something from a mentor or by study and practice.
Thu Nov 19 Venus square Saturn is exact at 3:29 AM. This aspect can indicate depression, especially in the areas of romance and creativity. We see the imperfections in beauty. We witness the effect of time on our perceptions and objects of adoration. However this aspect rewards dedicated routines associated with beauty, creativity, and love. Show patience. Let the impermanence of things sharpen our appreciation of beauty.
Sat Nov 21 Venus enters Scorpio at 5:22 AM. Get ready for the kinkier, more obsessive side of Venus. We can expect all sorts of fascinating propaganda that claims to reveal shocking truths. Where do you need transformation in your life? How can you encounter Venus in ways that bring out the best in you?
Jupiter conjunct Saturn is gaining strength on its way to becoming exact Dec 21. We are now one month way from the end of the last twenty year cycle and the beginning of the next. Expect the grand finale to be stressful as politics and the pandemic provide lots of suspense and shock. Stay mindful. Stay patient. For those who have been devoted there may be rewards, awards and the achievement of new levels of responsibility and understanding. The 20th century has been a strong influence on the 21st so far, but the pandemic will be seen as the moment when that changed.
Also Sat at 12:40 PM the sun enters Sagittarius bringing more impetus to action. False optimism can flourish with this sun placement. Big talk and big lies and people taking foolish risks and worsening the problems are likely themes. But we can welcome Sagittarius after a month of Scorpio’s intrigues behind the scenes.
Sun Nov 22 Mercury inconjunct Mars is exact at 6 AM indicating perhaps an announcement of a new peak in the pandemic. People will be feeling argumentative. Men in particular, and those who fancy that particular masculine perspective, will simply dismiss the news. Recently a nurse tweeted about accusatory patients who deny they have the virus even from their hospital beds.
Mon Nov 23 Mercury trine Neptune is exact at 8:40 PM, a creative and intuitive aspect, look to dreams for insights. Let your imagination wander. Read or watch something mystical or psychic. Find a way you can help out. For writers and photographers, and all artists, this is a great aspect for creativity. Take time to relax. Imagine how wonderful it will be when the trouble is over. What will you do until then? Can you use these challenges to bring out the best in yourself and in others?
Here are four Rumi quotes to ponder during these times.
“Whenever they rebuild an old building, they must first of all destroy the old one.”
“What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle.”
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.”
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
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