Astrological Report Oct–18 to Oct 25

Ronnie Pontiac
7 min readOct 18, 2020


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Astrological Report Oct 18 to Oct 25

Friends, we have before us a week that features three Venus trines, the first week of such harmonious aspects we have seen for quite some time. In fact, this week commences an easing of the astrological weather, including a temporary respite from Mars square Saturn. Mars square Saturn will return at the end of December, but this will not be the extended square we suffered this year from the second week of August until now. We will get some relief from Mars square Pluto Oct 29 until Dec 23. This does not mean that we will be free of the conflicts and challenges these squares indicate, but the direct influence will no longer be so strong. This has been a year of extraordinarily difficult aspects, and we still have several ahead of us, but pressures are beginning to ease somewhat.

Before we continue to this week’s aspects ponder this quote, most likely from Patañjali the grammarian: “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

Perhaps you are feeling too exhausted, too anxious, or too pessimistic to consider such a great purpose or extraordinary project. But there are many stages to such a process. If you are exhausted you can daydream. If you are anxious you can research and experiment to find what makes you calm and confident. If you are pessimistic you can seek to find what makes you feel optimistic, then develop and share it. From whatever point we start we can always begin the journey to finding a mission worth living, and the story is never over until it is over. Perhaps you have never tried to find your mission. Don’t wait any longer. Perhaps you have already accomplished a mission, or several, there is always another.

Now to our aspects of the week. This morning just before 7 AM Pacific, sun square Saturn was exact. Common experiences during this aspect include depletion, criticism of self or others, lack of energy, depression, the grim and gloomy spectrum of emotions and thoughts, but Saturn can also help us to simplify and organize. Saturn teaches us patience and thoroughness. Saturn forces us to rest. Saturn indicates teachers and the rewards of learning and practice. Meditation and extra sleep can help tip the balance to the more positive side of Saturn.

This morning at 7:49 AM Venus opposition Neptune was exact. This aspect can be beautiful and inspiring but also confusing and mistaken. At the low end of the spectrum we find delusions of love, lies in relationship and creativity, idealization and disillusionment, longing for what can only be fantasy, pleasure in dwelling on nostalgia. But Venus opposition Neptune can be wonderful for art and romance, bringing dreamlike and even spiritual dimensions to romance and creative work. Empathy, charity, the kind of deep and lasting love that sees beyond the physical, are possible with this aspect. And with Jupiter still strongly sextile Neptune the results of inspiration and imagination may be exceptionally profound.

Tonight at 10:38 PM Mars square Jupiter will be exact. This adds a hyper energy that clashes with sun square Saturn’s weakness. Anger can flare quickly into violence. Over optimism and false certainty can lead to regrettable missteps. This is not the authoritarian aggression of Mars square Saturn, or the enraged and self righteous aggression of Mars square Pluto, thisis the aggression of pent up masculine energy, pent up ambition, libido, and anger, bursting out at whatever cost. If you feel tossed between these contradictory energies of contraction and expansion you’re not alone. Give both a chance this week. They can work together if we take it easy.

Mon Oct 19 Venus inconjunct Mars will be exact just after midnight. Inconjunctions often indicate issues around health, adjustments that must be made for well being, and confusion about how to achieve the necessary balance. With Venus and Mars involved, relationships, sexuality, and gender relations require attention. Mars in Aries is forceful while Venus in Virgo is rather prudent and overly analystic. Too much of one will cause trouble with the other. Let both have a say in your choice of activities.

Also Mon Venus trine Jupiter will be exact at 12:35 AM. This can be a joyful aspect bringing opportunities for success in all areas of life but especially in romance, art, finance, and fashion. There is the risk of over indulging or over spending, but there’s no need to over do it. Deliberately cultivate optimism. Imagine how a brighter future might feel. If you are creative, this week is an excellent time to work. Musicians, painters, filmmakers, writers and all related fields, have some fun, and expect good results.

Also Mon Mercury retrograde opposition Uranus will be exact again at 7:53 PM. We have this aspect for an unusually long period of time due to Mercury retrograde. This can be a nervous aspect, apprehensive and anxious, over thinking, and accident prone, especially when driving, or using electricity, and with Mars square Jupiter be careful with sharp instruments. So be extra careful. But this can also be an aspect of breakthroughs, realizations, and even genius. Look for synchronicities. Take a different perspective. Expand your horizons.

Wed Oct 21 Venus trine Pluto will be exact at 2:42 PM. With Venus trine Jupiter and Saturn this week, Venus trine Pluto is especially powerful. Look to the female, to the artistic, to the romantic, to the beautiful, for inspiration and for a greater understanding of what you have learned and what you still need to learn as we navigate these challenging times. If you have any creative inclinations now is the time to follow them. A good week for negotiations. Venus trine Pluto specifically invites us to renew our relationship with Venus. Catharsis and creativity can help us fall in love with life again. Start where you are. Whatever your predicament, look around you for something or someone to appreciate. Rather than grieving over what you’ve lost, or fearing what will happen next, enjoy what you have, however humble.

Thu Oct 22 the sun enters Scorpio at 4 PM. The balancing act and grace of Venus ruled Libra changes to the transformative intensity of Pluto ruled Scorpio. Avoid suspicion, speculation, envy and malice. Do some research. Explore the depths of your experience of your body, emotions and mind. Use sun in Scorpio to help you achieve a better understanding of yourself. Get rid of the cobwebs of yesterday’s predicaments. Dec 21 a new 20 year cycle begins. Ponder where you’ve been and where you would like to go next. An Amazon review warned potential buyers that a device intended to trap flies and mosquitos attracted scorpions instead. What sort of scorpions have you attracted this year? How can you turn them into eagles?

Also Thu Mercury inconjunct Chiron will be exact at 4:30 PM. Inconjunctions can indicate health issues, and Chiron can indicate a crisis that can help us improve our well being. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Consider writing down or otherwise capturing the complexes and feelings that are making trouble in your life. Communicate and do research to get a better understanding of what is asked of you if you are to achieve healing. Examine habits that may be contributing to the problem, and consider replacing them with habits that support health. If you need help to break through patterns that are holding you back, find it.

Sat Oct 24 Venus trine Saturn will be exact at 8:41 AM. The third of this week’s Venus trines can help us to simplify and organize our romantic and creative lives. With patience, thoroughness, attention to details, some extra rest, and a little meditation, we can help bring structure to our art and to our relationships, to finance and fashion. Take time to learn about Venus. What areas could you improve by paying more attention to beauty and harmony? Look for mentorship from women.

Sun Oct 25 sun conjunct Mercury will be exact at 11:23 AM. This aspect emphasizes how good this week can be for negotiations, communication, creativity and romance. But don’t put too much ego into your self expression, see the other side of the issue, and respect everyone’s point of view. Don’t waste these positive aspects speculating about the outcome of the election, or nervously following statistics and doom scrolling. Do something creative. Appreciate beauty and cultivate harmony wherever you can.

The next big challenge will be Jupiter conjunct Pluto, which has been building strength for months. This could indicate a major surge in the pandemic, as many scientists are predicting, so be a good squirrel and prepare for winter. This aspect could also indicate the stock market crash that many astrologers have been expecting all year. Although so far the other side of Jupiter conjunct Pluto has driven the market to new highs. What can be sure of is that Jupiter will demand that America’s authoritarian shadow as indicated by Pluto receive some updating to better reflect a more contemporary sense of justice and fairness. Meanwhile, Pluto will demand a revision of the economic and political institutions indicated by Jupiter. Next year will be dominated by Saturn square Uranus, so whatever the result of the election, the division between those who want the old fashioned America and those who want a more progressive version will continue. How can you contribute to the future you would like to see?

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Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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