Astrological Report Sep 28-Oct 4

Ronnie Pontiac
8 min readSep 27, 2020


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

We have before us a pivotal week of astrological aspects as Saturn is stationary direct Monday night Pacific Time, and Pluto is stationary direct next Sunday. These stations take a long time, especially Pluto. Saturn has been in the same degree (25 Cap) since Sep 1 and will be until Oct 27. Pluto has been in the same degree (22 Cap) since August 17 and will be until Nov 19. The universe is making certain we learn these lessons well. We also have four planetary inconjunctions which can indicate issues around health. Before we get into the details here are some considerations that may help you get the best out of this strong Saturn and Pluto influence.

Japanese culture gives us a valuable insight into life in the phrase Mono No Aware, which may be translated as the sigh in all things or the pathos of things. Sympathy, gentle sadness, melancholy, an awareness of the transient nature of life. The Japanese adapted the Flower Ornament Sutra in a unique way. All of us, and every thing in the world that surrounds us at this moment, are like falling blossoms. This awareness leads not only to a deep appreciation of the beauty and precious qualities of all that we love, but can also lead to appreciation of even our opponents and enemies.

We all share this particular space time. We are all part of the drama unfolding. We are all falling blossoms. This too shall pass. With such an approach we can free ourselves from the anxiety of opposition and confrontation. We can develop faith in the continuance of the world as It flows, even if we disagree with or do not understand the direction being taken. With such an attitude even the most difficult sorrow and suffering of life can be met with appreciation as part of the great theatrical revelation we have chosen to participate in.

We can begin by deeply appreciating what we love about our lives. Instead of taking others for granted, or succumbing to petty irritations, or the ennui of repetition and restriction, we can feel love deeply with an awareness of the nature of all beings as falling blossoms. With effort toward greater understanding we can extend this feeling even to what disturbs us. It’s all part of the seasons of life unfolding all around us. Politics and the struggle to shape the future can become less destructive to our well being if we can achieve this appreciation.

In the west we have the Latin term memento mori, meaning objects that remind us of death. Meditation on impermanence mimics the consciousness of those preparing to depart who understand the beauty, the precious uniqueness, and the sense of kinship in every thing and every one coexisting in a certain time. These Saturn and Pluto stations are an excellent time for exploring these feelings and concepts through meditation. Great healing, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, becomes possible. Now let us proceed to the aspects for the week. As always keep in mind that these aspects are not necessarily strongest when exact and that they influence all this week and with Mars aspects much of next week.

Yesterday’s Venus inconjunct Pluto will be an influence all week. Inconjunctions represent energies that are difficult to integrate, they seem to go off in unconnected directions. Often we emphasize one causing a crisis in the other. It’s important then to hold space for both sides of the equation. In this case Venus and Pluto are at odds, with Pluto strongly emphasized by its near station. This can indicate disruption, obsession, and crisis in relationships, art and finances. But great healing is also possible if we are committed to reforming and repairing these areas of our lives. Avoid power struggles in romantic situations. Be certain that everyone is on the same page. Do not force your way or your romance or creativity may be ruined. The urge to give up on artistic projects or romances can be strong, and in some cases may be necessary. But refocusing on the common good may salvage situations that have suffered due to the stress of the sense of constant doom that has afflicted humanity this year.

Monday Sep 28 Venus inconjunct Saturn is exact at 1:23 PM Pacific, continuing this theme of difficulties in romance, the arts, and finances. Limitations, boundaries, mentorship, rest, meditation, study, patience, thoroughness and practice can help us improve these areas of our lives.

Also Monday Venus trine Mars is exact at 6:01 PM providing some relief for Venus. This is often an aspect of sexuality and harmony between the genders. It can provide extra energy toward for creative and romantic pursuits. But with Saturn and Pluto so strong sensitivity, tolerance and tranquility are needed for best results.

Also Monday (Pacific) Saturn is stationary direct at 10:11 PM. Saturn stations can indicate exhaustion, depression, limitations, and a sense of futility. The past becomes more remote. The present can seem less rewarding and hopeful. Get some extra rest. Meditate. Identify weak spots and strengthen them with discipline, study, practice and mentorship. For those who have worked hard Saturn can bring rewards, and it is sometimes forgotten by astrologers that Saturn can be very funny in a dark kind of way, and also for some there can be strong sexual energy. But these positive Saturn experiences must be earned. Look back to the period around May 10 this year when Saturn went retrograde. What have you learned? What areas still require attention? With Saturn and Pluto so strong this week it is not a good time to take risks. This week may indicate the next stage in the process of the pandemic. It could signify a worsening as we go into October, as many scientists are predicting, or we may find that worst case scenarios have been avoided. As always this depends on the choices made by the collective and by each individual.

Tue Sep 29 Sun opposition Chiron is exact at 1:44 PM, potentially indicating a crisis in health. Pay attention to the messages your body is sending you. Paying attention to good habits, learning about healing modalities, and making healthy choices can help us feel better. Find the balance between ego and necessities required for well being.

Also Tue Mars square Saturn is exact at 2:50 PM. This can be a frustrating and depressing aspect, potentially causing angry and perhaps violent outbursts in frustration. Sarcasm and criticism of self and others can lead to burdensome consequences. Apathy and inhibition can limit self expression and undermine well being. To improve our effectiveness in expression, ambition and libido we can meditate, study, and simplify. Don’t try to force your way as Saturn can teach Mars a harsh lesson. Don’t waste your time in arguments with those who refuse to have their minds changed. Find solace in getting organizing. Remember, chores may be boring but at essence they are prevention of harm.

Thu Sep 30 the full moon in Aries arrives at 2:05 PM. This can be an aggressive full moon. Don’t let frustration and irritation ignite unnecessary conflict. Aries brings fresh energy but like the spring these are beginnings, so don’t over do.

Fri Oct 2 Sun inconjunct Uranus is exact at 6:31 AM. The urge to do something new, to break free, to be independent can cause consequences that harm health and ego. Find the balance between ego and the need for change and liberation. Explore ways that new tech, new perspectives and future looking communities can help you to express yourself and to feel more comfortable in the world. Don’t be hasty, and be extra careful when commuting as erratic actions are possible.

Also Fri Venus enters Virgo at 1:48 PM. This is quite a shift from sunny Leo. Don’t be over critical, don’t over analyze, be careful with words. Virgo can help us communicate and better define creativity, romance and finances. But overdoing criticism and over thinking can lead to depression, worry and stagnation. In the arts a good time for editing and organizing.

Sat Oct 3 Mercury inconjunct Chiron is exact just before 11 PM. Research, conversation and study in the area of healing can help us achieve greater well being. If your mental processes and your communications have been undermining your health this is a good aspect for finding balance. Don’t let your mind run away with you. Don’t let online arguments provoke a crisis that exhausts you. Cultivate a healthier mentality.

Next Sunday Oct 4 Pluto is stationary direct at 6:32 AM. Pluto went retrograde April 25. The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January 2020 indicated the beginning of the pandemic and the economic and political debacle that followed. Pluto demands that we let go of what no longer serves us or others. Pluto requires attention to the collective good. Reform, repair, and regeneration can help us achieve a rebirth amid the ashes of how things used to be. For many this may be a time of grief, mourning, worry and exhaustion as the feeling that the year is closing without significant improvements influences the collective. Death and resurrection are Plutonian themes. Spend some time considering what you have discovered about yourself and about life this year. What progress have you made since late April? What do you want to accomplish before the end of the year? With Saturn and Pluto so strong don’t ignore areas of your life that may require repair or reform. Cultivate tranquility. Practice catharsis where necessary to free yourself of unnecessary tension. Pluto can indicate deep healing if we learn our lessons well.

Mars square Pluto is gaining strength as it nears exact on Friday Oct 9. This can be an aspect of anger and violence especially when libido and ambition are frustrated. Avoid potentially dangerous situations. Avoid risk. Walk away from belligerence and don’t allow frustration to start a fight that may have more drastic consequences than usual. Arrogance, the use of force, ruthlessness, and excessive defensiveness can cause trouble. Avoid the temptation to demonize those who disagree with you. Threatening others, inflammatory rhetoric and imagery, will only arouse powerful opposition. This can be a destructive aspect. For best results use this energy for reform, catharsis, healing, and to contribute to collective transformation. These Mars squares will be playing out all through the rest of 2020 and into early 2021 so it’s important that we learn these lessons now. With tranquility, with a willingness to surrender the past, with attention to the greater good, we can learn how to be more effective.

Jupiter sextile Neptune is gaining strength as it nears exact on Mon Oct 12, bringing harmony, opportunities for spiritual growth and for artistic accomplishment. Avoid excessive intoxication, blind optimism, propaganda and false certainty. For the deeply dedicated there is the possibility of creating masterpieces. Cultivate optimism and compassion. This aspect will be with us until mid November. Remember, we are all falling blossoms.

You can also read my astrological reports at:



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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