Astrologically Speaking Nov 21-Nov 29

Ronnie Pontiac
4 min readNov 21, 2021


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have before us a rather quiet week of aspects. Neptune is slowing down to stationary direct on Dec. 1. This can lead to confusion, exhaustion, illness, depletion, over-intoxication, and deception, on the negative side; but on the positive this is a time of powerful imagination, transformative dreams, and of inspiration, especially mystical and psychic. If you’re a creative person tune into the profound visions of Neptune. Look back to the week of June 25 when Neptune went retrograde for hints about issues that may require further attention if you haven’t fully learned what Neptune has been trying to teach. Acts of charity and compassion will get you further than escapism.

Early today Mercury sextile Pluto was exact making today and the next several a good time for research, especially into healing. Cathartic conversations may lead to a feeling of rebirth. This aspect can lead to morbid fascinations but also to deep realizations that can help us make necessary changes.

This evening the sun enters Sagittarius at 6:34 Pacific, a more cheerful placement than sun in Scorpio, and more inclined to being sociable. Enjoy some optimism and some good times but don’t fool yourself into thinking there are no risks. False optimism is another common Sagittarian trait. And remember, Sagittarius is the only sign in the zodiac holding a weapon. With Mercury about to follow the sun into Sagittarius avoid sharp words. Sagittarius influence can lead to not only arrogance but violence.

Monday Nov 22 and Tue Nov 23 we have only lunar aspects the most challenging of which will be moon opposition Pluto Tuesday night. This can be a frustrating time, when emotions tend to the darker themes of life, but we can also find tranquility in simple joys.

Wed Nov 24 Mercury leaves the depths of Scorpio for outgoing Sagittarius, adding more logs to the fire of sociability that is Sagittarius. We shall see the results in late December when sun in Capricorn asks for just the facts and Saturn square Uranus is exact for the third time in 2021. Is this the end of the crisis in some significant way, or its third and perhaps most challenging phase?

Thu Nov 25 Thanksgiving Day has only lunar aspects, the morning features a disruptive moon square Uranus so don’t be surprised if there are surprises on the journey to Thanksgiving dinner. In the late afternoon moon inconjunct Venus warns that women in particular may find their emotions out of sync with attempts to make a beautiful holiday gathering. With moon square Mars in the early evening Dad might very well say the wrong thing, in any event an angry exchange could happen a little more easily with this aspect, so communicate in a mindful way. Five minutes before midnight moon inconjunct Neptune suggests exhaustion, possible over-intoxication, and emotions getting in the way of sleep. However, even negative aspects can have positive results. For example, help out when something unexpected happens. Say something nice to the people trying to make the holiday enjoyable. Put a little extra energy into helping out but be gentle about it. Don’t over-do food and drink. Show compassion. No need to be blunt. Remember what Quentin Crisp said, “Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.” And take care. We are not through this pandemic yet. Austria is in full lock-down and Germany may follow. The surge in Michigan has led to hospitals struggling to give care. Though we have some aspects coming up that may indicate good news, continue to practice precautions in risky situations.

Friday Nov 26 Saturn sextile Chiron is a major and long term aspect related to healing through crisis. Sextiles are not the strongest aspects, so perhaps it’s too early to say this could mean good news about the pandemic. A treatment that really works. A way to prevent not just serious illness but contagion. Some way of further limiting the constant threat. Saturn favors caution, discipline, attention to detail. This way we can prevent harm to ourselves and others.

Saturday Nov 27 the dark of the moon begins. Get some extra rest the following week. Try not to start new things, especially with Neptune retrograde about to end.

Mars trine Neptune will be getting stronger this week on it’s way to being exact on Nov 29. The following day Venus sextiles Neptune. After all these difficult Mars aspects here is a welcome positive one. With Venus and Mars smiling on Neptune and Neptune “changing direction” with Saturn sextile Chiron there could be good news. But there could also be widespread denial that leads to a surge in the pandemic. After all, we still have Saturn square Uranus ahead of us in late December. And Neptune rules pandemics. Perhaps the good news isn’t for us, it’s for the pandemic. As always the results will be dictated by the wisdom of our collective actions. As Publilius Syrus wrote, “He blames Neptune unjustly who twice suffers shipwreck.” Publilius coined some still famous phrases including “a rolling stone gathers no moss” so since Muddy Waters named his 1950 song Rolling Stone after that saying, and the Rolling Stones named themselves after that song, we can say that Publilius named the Rolling Stones.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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