Astrologically Speaking Nov 7-Nov 15

Ronnie Pontiac
7 min readNov 7, 2021


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have before us a rather challenging week in which health issues may come to the forefront, but there are relatively few aspects so it is a quiet week, astrologically speaking. The beginning of the week the only exact aspects are lunar. These can be powerful but I rarely cover them as they change in a matter of a few hours. Mercury and Mars square Saturn are the major aspects of this week. Common occurrences include delays, stubborn facts, exhaustion, repairs, depression, disappointment, pessimism, a sense of futility. However, by applying the Saturnian virtues we can get better results. Patience, discipline, hard work, humility, learning, practice, mentorship, simplifying, meditating, establishing good habits that give us a firm foundation for further efforts are all favored this week. Still, if we feel that Saturn is taking all the fun out of life we can follow Ficino’s good advice by finding some Jupiterian activities to lighten the burden.

Wed Nov 10 early morning Mercury conjunct Mars is exact setting up a dichotomy that may be difficult to navigate. Mercury and Mars together are impulsive, aggressive, desirous of immediate action, even if it’s only kicking up some monkey dust. This is normally a good aspect for writing, for romantic hook ups, for short trips especially involving sports, exercise, libido or ambition. But with Mercury and Mars square Saturn later in the day Saturn is going to have something to say that will settle things down considerably.

Also Wed Mercury square Saturn is exact in the morning. Mercury will be helping us understand not only the adverse aspects of Mars to Saturn and Uranus, but also the dominant aspect of this year, and still a strong influence in 2022, Saturn square Uranus. We are headed for the third of three Saturn Uranus squares this year, in late December. The passage of the trillion dollar infrastructure bill is a step forward in dealing with this aspect. The modernization it requires if not achieved by choice happens when things break down. Don’t expect the process to go smoothly as there will continue to be struggles between the old and new ways of doing things. But that struggle, like a good debate, can be useful in preventing harmful extremes. In our own lives it’s important to find the balance between responsibility and freedom, the past and the future. Mercury square Saturn is good for editing, for organizing, simplifying, and understanding what works and what has become obsolete.

Also Wed Mars square Saturn is exact in the afternoon. The combination of Mercury and Mars square Saturn can lead to harsh criticism of self and others; it’s a combination that excels at sarcasm and other forms of cynical observation. This can also be a combination that intensifies insecurity and awareness of time. Many may feel that they must struggle to accomplish more, as time has been wasted. But that is not the best approach to this aspect. Learn. Be patient. Practice. Meditate to calm your mind. Get extra rest. Take a good look at your thought processes (Mercury) and your libido, ambition, and anger issues (Mars). Are they helping you or hindering you? A little discipline and learning may help you do better going forward.

Thu Nov 11 Mercury inconjunct Chiron is exact in the morning, along with the Saturn squares this suggests news that causes restrictions in some areas. The other day I noticed Amazon had removed the option for thanking delivery people for wearing a mask. There seems to be a general consensus in the corporate world that we are to live with the pandemic, in many cases acting like it is over. With the new allegedly 90% active pill from Pfizer set to reduce hospitalizations, and vaccinations and other precautions helping prevent a big surge so far, we may have seen the worst of this. But this week may leave us pondering whether we have moved too fast.

As individuals caution is advised. Keep in mind that the vaccine does not prevent contagiousness. The unvaccinated must be especially aware of this fact in crowded situations, even more so indoors, and where masks are not being worn. There is always an amount of danger in life that is taken for granted. Round Up, paraquat, asbestos, and deadly talcum powder all received approval, wide adoption, and in most cases caused little or no harm. But for others they opened the door to catastrophe. The pandemic is the same kind of situation. Most risk takers get away with it. Many have caught the disease and didn’t even know they had it. But we don’t know which of us might be the next statistic, and we certainly don’t want to hop over to the other side and learn that an impulsive celebration we engaged in became another human being’s disaster. So take all necessary precautions.

Fri Nov 12 sun trine Neptune is exact, an aspect with escapist tendencies that can bring inspiration to imagination. With all this Saturn, and Mercury and Mars inconjunct Chiron almost exact, over-indulging might lead to a loss of well being, so enjoy yourself moderately.

Also Fri Mars inconjunct Chiron is exact. Mars can indicate virulent diseases, while inconjunctions often coincide with health issues, while Chiron is linked astrologically to health crisis. Another reason to suspect that this week puts the damper on the “pandemic is over” narrative. However with Mercury and Mars about to oppose Uranus the desire for freedom may override the facts or there could be surprisingly good news especially from the world of science. In our own lives libido, anger, ambition, but more especially the frustration of them, can lead to health problems, so respect those Martian urges and find ways to liberate them.

Saturday Nov 13 Mercury opposition Uranus is exact. This can be an aspect of brilliance but also of anxiety. Be careful commuting, as people tend to drive erratically. This is an accident prone aspect especially with Mars opposition Uranus gaining strength. Do not drive angry. Be careful with sharp objects and other potentially dangerous tools, including your words. Great for breaking free of ruts in writing, film and other arts of communication, especially where electronics are involved. New tech might give you a fresh voice and an updated perspective.

Monday Nov 15 Venus square Chiron and sun square Jupiter are exact. The first suggests that social events driven by romance and art may contribute to whatever health crisis is brewing this week. Meanwhile sun square Jupiter tempts us to over-do. We may become falsely optimistic, chasing after opportunities that are too good to be true. Do consider an optimistic viewpoint on success but also give yourself some time to make or enjoy music, art and love, as ways to heal from all that Saturn this week. If you have to make a big decision, sleep on it.

Wed Nov 17 Mars opposition Uranus will be exact, swinging the narrative over to the Uranus side of the Saturn square Uranus aspect of 2021. Let this week show you important information about the past, your limitations, where you need to learn, the weaknesses that need to be fortified, and outworn beliefs and behaviors that belong to another decade, century or even millennium. Next week we will see new vistas, new ways to move our Mars agendas forward, as new technology and new generations reshape how things are done in this world. Continue making the adjustments necessary for flourishing in the dawning era.

As a spirit named Jock once said to Tamra and me in his thick Scottish brogue, while being channeled by the Seer of the Sunbelt, the Reverend Edward A. Monroe: “This influence moves forward influencing first one zodiacal sign and then another. This is, we might say, sidereal clock time and everybody gets a treatment of it. ’Tis preparation for the so-called New Age, but the New Age may not be what individuals conceived it to be. It has severe problems to be dealt with effectively and realistically. These are not things that can be swept under the rug. When the first pressure of these changes lets up, there are many individuals who are going to drop into a sort of static blank. However, the individuals who have been so chosen, one might say, are going to associate with building the foundation of this New Age.” He also said it would be “a ruddy lot of hard work.” So where would you like to pitch in?

The eBook of Tamra Lucid’s new book Making the Ordinary Extraordinary: My Seven Years in Occult Los Angeles with Manly Palmer Hall is now available. The paperback and audiobook will be available Dec. 14. If you are curious about your weekly astrologer here you can find out how Manly Hall civilized me. Here are several recent reviews. Please help us get the word out.

“Beautifully written, touching, historical, fast-paced, and fun. This is a book magical people everywhere will love and learn from.” Amanda Yates Garcia, author of Initiated: Memoir of a Witch

“Tamra Lucid’s warm, engaging, and illuminating account of her years as Hall’s friend brought back memories of a special time and place, and reminded me of just how important and eccentric Hall was. Readers coming to Hall for the first time will get an excellent introduction to him from her account. Those, like me, who remember him, will enjoy a welcome reunion with one of the twentieth century’s secret teachers.” Gary Lachman, author of The Return of Holy Russia and The Secret Teachers of the Western World

“A compellingly written portrait of life with one of the most significant occult voices of the last century — a rare, through-the-looking-glass account of an esoteric circle that quietly impacted the outer world in which we dwell.” Mitch Horowitz, PEN Award–winning author of Occult America

“Tamra Lucid’s prose is playful, poetic, and magical befitting a novelist. Her subject matter is the stuff of great characters — captivating and ultimately tragic. Yet, it is all true. Manly P. Hall was an enigmatic genius and the genius of Tamra is the ability to capture that world of Manly and Marie, with all its quirks, its vision and its downfall. This book is beautifully written and the stuff of legend. Tamra lays it out with grace, humor, and empathy. I highly recommend this book.” Normandi Ellis, author of Imagining the World into Existence.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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