Astrologically Speaking Oct 31-Nov 7
Happy Halloween to my readers! Here’s a scary story for you but it has a happy ending. For much of October and through November we are experiencing a series of powerful Mars aspects. Mars square Pluto was exact Oct 21 and ends today. Mars square Saturn is getting stronger until exact on Nov 10, which happens to be the day that Mars opposition Uranus begins, getting stronger, until exact on Nov 17.
If you’ve been feeling frustrated, struggling through breakdowns of one sort or another, working hard with only minor progress, these are typical experiences associated with Mars square Pluto. This can be an angry and even violent aspect so avoid confrontations. Drive with patience and caution, and in fact, it’s best to conduct all our affairs with a calm diligence during these Mars aspects.
One of the problems associated with Mars square Pluto is forging on as if there is no danger, and that has been a theme that would seem to have become more common recently as society attempts to live with the pandemic in order to regain economic footing. With these Mars squares we certainly want to be using all possible precautions. Mars can indicate virulent disease. Saturn often brings exhaustion especially after the struggles of Mars square Pluto. We could see the return of certain restrictions but these would be temporary measures.
Mars square Uranus wants freedom at any cost. This could mean good news about the pandemic, a form of liberation, such as an effective treatment, but it could also indicate a surprising surge or other disturbing news. This too can be an irritated aspect, acting out when frustrated. Anger and even accidents can be triggered by minor unexpected events, and online arguing is a favorite abuse of this square. Instead use it to find ways to liberate your work and your play, perhaps with new tech, or more importantly, a new perspective.
The Mars squares to Saturn and Pluto call back to the Saturn Pluto conjunction that coincided with public awareness of the pandemic in early 2020. The Mars aspects to Saturn and Uranus foreshadow the third of the Saturn Uranus squares that dominate this year and next. This is the struggle between old and new, with bureaucratic obstacles versus disruptive innovations that can turn businesses and communities upside down. Think of Saturn square Uranus as the 20th c. holding on for dear life to the steering wheel while Uranus pries loose that grip one finger at a time. For those who refuse to change the difficulties intensify. For others a time of exciting opportunity in the midst of a new world coming to birth. With so much Mars static keep in mind this quote from George Eliot, “Impatient people, according to Bacon, are like the bees, and kill themselves in stinging others.” Patience, and attention to detail, are essential during a pandemic.
Halloween evening Mercury trine Jupiter will be exact. Have a great time, but be careful out there. Even positive aspects can have negative effects. This one warns against over-optimism, over-doing a good time, and saying too much. But it can also indicate joy, good news, happy social events. For most it will be hard to repress the desire to have a good Halloween after missing last year’s Saturday night Halloween. This is an aspect that will take risks in the name of a good time. Also, in the beginning of the week, look for opportunities and for reasons to be optimistic. What is the happy ending you may ask? By the end of November this series of Mars aspects will be over.
Monday Nov 1 sun inconjunct Chiron indicates possible health crisis on an individual and collective level. This could be as minor as an especially vicious hangover Monday morning or it may indicate that all that trick or treating will mean another surge in the pandemic. Look what’s happening in Juneau. As always, keep in mind that having been vaccinated improves personal and over all odds, but it does not mean you will not contract or transmit. We all want to believe that the worst is behind us, and it very well may be, but a little caution doesn’t have to spoil a good time, and for some it may prevent great harm.
Tue Nov 2 in the very early morning (all times Pacific) Mercury square Pluto is exact. This may also indicate troubles associated with Mercury’s happy outing with Jupiter. Mercury square Pluto can be fun, cathartic, even healing. It’s great for research but difficult for communications. It’s easy to go too far in criticizing self or others. The desire to lash out can be strong. This is the classic aspect for arguing about politics or pandemics online. For writers it is a great time to edit. To seek criticism. But don’t over do the pessimism. As George Bernard Shaw said, “A pessimist is a man who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself, and hates them for it.” The potential for rebirth, repair and renewal offers us an opportunity to improve work and life.
Thu Nov 4 sun opposition Uranus, exact in the late afternoon, can bring surprises, accidents, but also liberating changes and realizations. Be extra careful commuting as this aspect can indicate erratic actions. There can be irritability associated with feeling a lack of freedom in life. Try something different. A new perspective or approach may help you solve a problem that’s been holding you back. Find little ways to have new experiences.
Also Thu the new moon in Scorpio arrives at 2:15 PM. Scorpio moon can be transformative or it can cause an obsessive focus on negativity. Why be a scorpion when you can be the phoenix?
Friday Nov 5 Venus enters Capricorn at 3:44 AM. While this can be a chilly placement bringing an often unwelcome realism to romance and the arts let’s not forget that Elvis was a Capricorn. The goat is famously horny. While gushy displays of affection may fall out of favor with this placement, loyalty and respect for the long view can deepen the foundations of relationships. Remember, while they can be severe Capricorns are often very funny. Add a little humor to romance and creativity.
Also Fri Mercury enters Scorpio at 3:35 PM, excellent for research and for figuring out the best approach to reforms and repairs. If you need healing this is a good time to learn about how to get it. Wherever you may be facing a challenge in your life see what you can incorporate from the experience to strengthen your position.
Sat Nov 6 romance and the arts are favored as Mercury sextiles Venus. Be sure to make time for both.
The following week is even quieter but two problematic Mars aspects could indicate trouble. Mars square Saturn will be exact Wed Nov 10, while Mars inconjunct Chiron will be exact Nov 12. With Mercury making the same aspects to Saturn and Chiron and then opposing Uranus the next day there may be bad news involving the pandemic. The sense that things have moved too quickly. There may be further restrictions on movement.
These Mars aspects can really help us get in touch with our ambitions, our libidos, with what drives us in life. We can evaluate how to use this energy to benefit rather than harm. Anger can be properly expressed, or channeled into creativity. How can we best use all of this magnificent energy? By learning the lessons these aspects can teach us we can look forward to being more effective and more energetic in 2022.