Astrologically Speaking Sep 12-Sep 20
Friends, we have before us a relatively quiet week of aspects, although we are approaching the Saturn and Pluto stations of early October, and Mercury retrograde from Sep 26 through Oct 18. With Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, and even Jupiter, all slowing to station the intensity increases a little every day. At the upper end of the spectrum these stations are excellent for meditation, hard work involving writing and other forms of communication, repairs, and other necessary changes.
Has the pandemic changed you? Have you revised your goals in some way? Have you increased your appreciation of the small things that make life beautiful? Have you learned new ways of doing things? Have you acquired new skills? Are you more patient? Saturn and Pluto stations have a way of showing us what’s really going on. Allow life to teach you what really matters. Find a reason to fall in love with living again.
The Saturn and Pluto stations, only a few days apart, echo their conjunction of January 2020, and other stations that indicated intense moments in the progress of the pandemic. Saturn square Uranus continues to be a factor, exact again for the third time in December and active if not exact in 2022. We’ll know more about the next chapter of the crisis in October. By Halloween it should be clear if the worst is over, the status quo will drag on, or there is another crisis. I continue to advise taking all precautions and avoiding risks. Remember that the vaccinated are contagious and that Delta is not the only variant and at least one of those may be vaccine resistant. We could be one mutation away from the Spanish flu, or the pandemic may wind down in an obvious way giving hope for relief in 2022. Of course that is the midterm election year so even in that best case scenario we may only exchange one shit-storm for another as political fighting replaces fighting over the pandemic. Focus on what matters to you most. As Aristotle said, “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives — choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”
Tue Sep 14 sun opposition Neptune is exact, echoing the Mars opposition Neptune aspect that has thankfully ended. But the theme of confusion, especially when ego related actions are taken, will continue. A good time to commute carefully as people tend to be spaced out with this aspect. The desire for intoxication, nostalgia, fantasy can be strong. Escapism is the order of the day. But this can be an aspect of inspiration, imagination and meditation.
Also Tue Mars enters Libra about a quarter after 5 PM (all times Pacific). Mars in Virgo can be nervous and frustrated by details. Mars in Libra is more focused on pleasure, romance, art, and stability through balance. Partnerships, including the desire to pair off, become more important. Said to be a good placement for matters related to sexuality, this aspect is good for playing or enjoying music and dancing.
Thu Sep 16 sun inconjunct Jupiter is exact. As we’ve seen inconjunctions are often indicative of troubles around health. With this aspect over doing it is not a good idea. It could indicate a surge in the pandemic especially in areas where safety protocols are ignored. False optimism can be a problem with this aspect. Arrogance can become obvious unexpectedly. Be optimistic but pay attention to what’s in front of you.
Also Thu sun trine Pluto is exact. This is a good aspect for reforms, repairs, and for letting go of what no longer works. If healing is needed this is a good aspect for research. If metaphysics interests you, you may find your studies more intense than usual. Who will you become in the 2020s? What would you like to achieve? Take the long view, then look at your life and see what needs to go, but also where regeneration and renewal are needed.
Also Thu Venus square Saturn is exact, this can be a depressing aspect, sometimes indicated the ending of a relationship in a personal transit. But if you’re willing to work hard this can be a time when creativity can really take form. Also, great for editing film, music, and writing. Loyalty, patience, discretion and alone time may improve relationships. With tomorrow’s Mercury inconjunct Neptune this combination of aspects could indicate news that chills the good times a bit, the results of late August’s socializing may become apparent. This aspect is good for studying and practicing the arts, including romance.
Fri Sep 17 Mercury inconjunct Neptune is exact, another aspect associated with health issues and contagiousness, this could indicate activity that leads to a surge, or news of a surge. But the news may also be contradictory. Be cautious out there, this is an aspect that can indicate distracted or impaired drivers. Communications may be misunderstood, or may betray confusing secrets. Let Neptune and your intuition lead the way, and take your time.
Mon Sep 20 Venus inconjunct Chiron is exact, another aspect that can indicate crisis in the area of health, specifically brought about by socializing, pleasure, romance, musical concerts and the like. Chiron can indicate healing through crisis. With Venus square Saturn and Saturn and Pluto slowing to station it would not be surprising if whispers of imminent lock-downs in trouble spots begin circulating this week, becoming news when Mercury goes retrograde in a couple of weeks. In our own lives over-indulgence, especially in rich foods, can lead to illness with this aspect. Look for ways to heal the romantic and creative. Choose healthy treats, on all levels.
Also Monday Mercury trine Jupiter is exact, a sociable, lucky, and for some prosperous aspect. Talking can become a favorite pastime. Entertain some optimism. Find joy in conversation, reading or other forms of communication. Spend some time thinking about what would make you happy.
The full moon in Pisces arrives just before 5 PM making for a nostalgic end to summer. Watch movies. Enjoy some time by water. Don’t get too intoxicated. Give yourself some time to daydream and dream about what you’d like some future summer beyond the pandemic to look like. Where do you want to be? Who do you want to be?
The week following is also relatively quiet, astrologically speaking. Then we meet the Saturn and Pluto stations. Enjoy this time off. If you feel apprehensive, yes, Saturn and Pluto slowing down to stationary direct can make everything feel very real and very dire. Time and mortality are only part of the Saturn and Pluto story. Wisdom and transformation, meditation and healing, there are many ways these “malefic” planets can help us. Be open to learning how to live a better life and life will show you the way. But these planets require great patience. Their wheels of fate turn slowly.
We’re far better off than we were a year ago. We have reason for optimism. But the situation remains in flux. We still have a contagious virus active in our population and do not really know what happens next. Many of those who try to live life as it was may go unaffected but by virtue that the lessons to be learned were neglected. Why endanger others and yourself? Practice all appropriate precautions, especially patience. And use these times to develop the skills every person needs when facing adversity. Then you may look back on these difficult times with mixed feelings because of the accomplishments they inspired. As Marcus Aurelius said, “Love nothing but that which comes to you woven in the pattern of your destiny. For what could more aptly fit your needs?”