Astrologically Speaking Sep 26-Oct 3
Friends, we have before us a week that is a prelude to next week when Saturn and Pluto will be stationary direct. With six planets retrograde and the dark of the moon this week we have a good time for finishing, resting, and reorienting. Yesterday’s Mars trine Saturn remains strong, rewarding hard work, patience, discipline, and persistence. If you have difficult work to do that you’ve been putting off now is the time. Mentorship, study and practice can help you deal with ambition, libido and even anger. Build your strength and refine your goals.
Today Mercury retrograde arrives at 10:10 PM, all times Pacific. With six planets now retrograde this is an appropriate time for looking back. Consider where you’ve been and what that suggests about where you’re going. Finish things up. Repair and reform where necessary. This is a particularly powerful Mercury retrograde because it squares stationary Pluto, therefore lasting longer and indicating a higher level of intensity. This aspect favors research, especially about healing and regeneration. On the low end of the spectrum this can be a viciously critical aspect, easily leading to arguments. That critical faculty is best applied to self-improvement and work. Don’t waste it arguing with people who are as committed to their version of reality as you are to yours. Use this aspect to let go of what no longer works. Remember what Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
Tue Sep 28 the dark of the moon arrives at 6:57 PM. Take it easy. Get some rest. Not a good week for starting things or negotiating new situations. But good for finishing. There are some pleasant and relaxing aspects this week. For some it won’t be easy to enjoy them, as the Saturn and Pluto stations are very near. These planets bring endings and you may have noticed in the feed more sad posts about the loss of two and four legged family and friends. But we need not be focused on dire situations. Even in the midst of them we can take a moment to enjoy life. As Ficino said, “Live in the present. Live now. Be happy.”
Wed Sep 29 Venus trine Neptune is exact, one of the pleasant aspects mentioned above. This can be a dreamy time when life can take on a surreal beauty, especially around bodies of water. Art and music can become mystical experiences with this aspect, so be sure to create or enjoy some if you can. The desire for intoxication can be strong, and even with the trine, moderation is key, with Saturn and Pluto about to station.
Also Wed sun trine Saturn is exact. Saturn nearly stationary now will make this an unusually Saturnian sun trine, again favoring rest, hard work, patience, and practicality. This aspect may work against the Venus Neptune trine, so try to find a balance between discipline and enchanting reverie.
Thu Sep 30, Venus square Jupiter is exact, usually a joyful aspect but often indicating over-spending, over-indulging and otherwise over-doing it. Take some time to have some fun but don’t be overly optimistic, that is, don’t take unnecessary risks. This is an aspect that often inspires people to celebrate in crowds but with Mars opposition Chiron the next day a surge in the pandemic seems likely.
Fri Oct 1 Mars opposition Chiron is exact indicating a health crisis motivated by ambition, libido, anger, generally, the desire to exert will to make an impact on the world. This aspect is best used for measured but energetic application of healing protocols, exercise or therapy to address issues around anger, sexual frustration, and stale ambition. All these areas of life can be healed by taking action to do so.
Also Fri Mercury square Pluto is exact, and intensified by the Pluto station. Attraction to cathartic actions can be helpful and even healing. But be careful with communications as secrets and their consequences may be revealed in dramatic fashion. This could indicate a time when the pandemic spread increases, or when news of an increase reaches public awareness. October will be very telling. If we get through it without a major surge in the crisis we may be through the worst of it. Instead of focusing on faults, your own or those of others, take some time this week to renew and regenerate yourself, mind and body.
Sat Oct 2 Venus sextile Pluto is exact, and intensified by the Pluto station now only a few days away. This could be an intensely transformative weekend (and a few days before and after) especially in the areas of creativity and romance. Art and love will require more than the grace of Venus. Pluto wants to explore the secrets and the depths of the human psyche. There may be an attraction to taking risks that is not advised with Pluto stationary.
Sun Oct 3 sun opposition Chiron is exact, another aspect of health crisis, continuing the thread of aspects this week that seem to tell the story of the pandemic lurking and perhaps spreading more quickly. In our own lives it’s important we pay attention to the subtle messages our bodies send us. This is a time for taking good care of ourselves and our loved ones.
Also Sunday Mercury trine Jupiter is exact, a very happy and sociable aspect, and sometimes overly optimistic. For many this may be a time to behave as if there is no pandemic. Perhaps it would be wiser to enjoy life more cautiously with Saturn and Pluto nearly stationary. Don’t over-spend or over-indulge. Enjoy some comedy. An excellent time for writing and other forms of communication.
Wed Oct 6 the new moon arrives and Pluto is stationary direct. The new moon indicates a fresh start and with a Pluto station the same day this could be quite an intense new moon. But take it easy. Saturn is still slowing down to stationary direct Oct 10 and Mercury is still retrograde. Take your time. Pluto can indicate breakdowns, repairs, reform, endings but also healing, regeneration and renewal. Go easy on those appliances. Not a time to push anything to the limit. What is the world trying to show you about areas where you need healing?