Astrologically Speaking: Sep 5 — Sep 12

Ronnie Pontiac
5 min readSep 5, 2021


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have before us a week with more good aspects than we’ve seen for awhile, all becoming exact on Monday. Unfortunately, contrary aspects before and after will make the waters choppy, and as the week proceeds health issues become dominant yet again. Caution is important with Saturn and Pluto slowing down to stationary direct in early October. As we have seen questions about variants and protection continue and with Saturn and Pluto stationary nearing there is a turning point ahead. It may be a crisis in the pandemic, or it may be that better angels prevail.

We like suspense in movies but not in our lives. As Jonathan Swift wrote, “It is a miserable thing to live a life of suspense; it is the life of a spider.” But suspense is the essence of dealing with a pandemic. The suspense, the danger, the monotony, the stress of the pandemic on daily life continues to provide an opportunity for practicing patience, tranquility, clarity, and mindfulness. Our loved ones, our treasures however grand or humble, each moment we inhabit, all are moving in the great river. Take some time to cherish and nurture your companions on this journey. Meet whatever the weather brings with a serene awareness of impermanence.

Last week’s Mars opposition Neptune is with us until Saturday Sep 11. The negative connotations of this aspect include surges and mutations, the drive for intoxication, but also exhaustion, depletion, and illness caused by anger, libido, and ambition, especially when one or more of these are repressed. But this aspect can also indicate charitable actions, enjoyable recreation by ocean, river, lake or pool. Excellent for yoga, martial arts, and other activities that combine spiritual awareness with physical discipline. Relax. Cherish the present moment as you would cherish the opportunity to visit a lost friend, relative or place you loved.

Tonight Venus square Pluto is exact. On the lower end of the spectrum of possibilities we find criminality in matters of Venus, obsessions, suspicions, and the use of force to get what is desired. But this can also be an aspect of healing. In relationships and creative pursuits we can look for ways to bring about renewal and rebirth. This can be an aspect of regeneration. Cathartic artistic or romantic experiences can be energizing but everyone must agree on the details. Pluto can be tranquil. Encourage a friend. Dare to enjoy yourself during a pandemic, but don’t endanger yourself or others.

Monday’s Sep 6, all times Pacific, is a very busy day astrologically speaking. Mars trine Pluto is exact just before dawn, a forceful aspect, impulsive, driven by our old friends anger, libido, and ambition. Pluto is about consequences and reform. Many may feel compelled to go out into the world to party as if there is no pandemic. But how can we use the energy of this aspect in ways that help us and others? This aspect asks us to consider ways we can heal, and be more effective, especially when it comes to our missions in the world.

Also Monday Venus trine Jupiter is exact in the morning. This is usually one of the most beautiful aspects especially for romance and creativity. The desire to have a good time, especially in crowds, is amplified. Obviously, during a pandemic this may have unwanted consequences. Find ways to have fun that don’t involve risk for yourself and others. Don’t over-spend, or over-indulge. Do what you love with loved ones. Enjoy a video by your favorite comedian. Listen to music that makes you feel glad. Admire art. Ponder this quote falsely attributed to Laotzu but nevertheless insightful, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

Also Monday the new moon in Virgo arrives, this is a new moon that can chill emotions when we over-think situations. This a good placement for organizing and for analyzing. Emphasize healthy habits.

Also Monday sun trine Uranus is exact in the evening, demanding liberation or at least novelty. Finding freedom within the restrictions caused by the pandemic has been a constant theme of the Saturn square Uranus that dominates this year and continues to be an influence in 2022. With sun square Uranus, a strong urge to get outside, to feel free, to grab the last of summer, may contribute to a surge, especially considering the following aspect.

Also Monday evening, Mars inconjunct Jupiter is exact. All those positive aspects are topped by this one which can indicate aggressive spread of contagions. On the one hand there are the drives to succeed, to defend or attack, to desire and be desired, on the other the need to succeed, to have well-being. Sometimes these planets can work together well. But this is not one of those times. Be patient. Actions inspired by enthusiasm can misfire. Take it easy.

Tue Sep 7 Mercury opposition Chiron is exact indicating news about the pandemic this week. Chiron can indicate healing through crisis. The opposition suggests the news is not good. This is also an aspect of heightened susceptibility so be extra careful this week. It’s a good aspect for doing research on healing, talking to people who can help us heal and, where we can, helping other heal.

Friday Sep 10 Mercury inconjunct Uranus is exact in the morning. This could indicate surprising news about the pandemic, as inconjunctions can be related to health issues. This can be a very nervous aspect, we feel an urgent sense that we must do something but when we do the results are confusing. Try not to overthink. Don’t get caught up in arguing about politics. Watch out for erratic drivers. It’s a difficult time for communication, negotiation, and writing. There may be flashes of creative genius, or a chance to update your tech, but expect the process to take time and careful attention.

Also Friday Venus enters Scorpio in the early afternoon. Venus in Libra, one of the two signs of its rulership, focused on partnerships, romance, art, balance. Now we get Venus in Scorpio with its tendency toward research, catharsis, obsession, renewal, regeneration, and transformation. Venus will be in Scorpio until it enters Sagittarius a couple days after Pluto is stationary, a couple days before Saturn is stationary, in early October.

As the Saturn and Pluto stations approach, dispensing their gifts of karma, and testing the progress of individuals and societies, we have a wonderful opportunity to practice Wu wei, the effortless action that comes from harmony with the Dao. Now is a good time to practice this alignment. Remember the Secret of the Golden Flower. Put your mind on your breath. Quiet your breathing. Turn around the light. Our lower soul hates life, desperate to be free of the body. Our higher soul loves life as a miraculous ever-changing mystery the parts of which are only temporarily real. We are what views the ever-changing impermanence of ourselves and our world. From that point of view we can experience and admire the absurdities and the beauties of life.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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