Astrology Report April 11- April 19

Ronnie Pontiac
5 min readApr 11, 2021


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have before us a busy week of intense astrology as the challenging last half of April arrives. Good aspects mixed with bad could be a roller coaster for the more sensitive among us.

Last Friday’s Mars square Neptune is with us until April 19 but fading slowly. Unfortunately, this aspect could indicate a surge in the pandemic. If you feel guilty for being too lazy don’t over do to compensate. Balance is key and Mars and Neptune are not easy to balance. Mars is directed and always in motion. Neptune dissolves space and time. The pent up energy of ambition, desire, anger, can delude us into actions that leave us at best confused, at worst exhausted or sick. But this is a good aspect for charitable actions, and for the exploration of the psychic and mystical. How can you add a spiritual dimension to ambition? Consider adding meditation to your exercise program.

The new moon at 22 degrees Aries arrives tonight at 7:31 Pacific bringing another degree of that feeling we call Spring. This is a time for fresh starts except with these difficult squares of Mars and Neptune, Venus and Pluto, sun and Pluto, and the ongoing Saturn square Uranus, this is a week of struggle and conflict, so leaping forward may not be a good idea. Caution can help us avoid harsh consequences.

This evening around 8:30 Venus will be exactly square Pluto. Yesterday’s Venus sextile Jupiter is still strong, and with us most of this week. The urge for romance intensifies. Creative people can achieve breakthroughs in their work this week. In romance, temper optimism with awareness of danger. Over doing it could provoke serious regrets. Keep in mind what Parcelsus said: “All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities. It is only the dose which makes a thing poison.” For best results keep in mind the common good, be ready to reform and repair, and find something that makes you feel tranquil. Art and music can be especially powerful with these aspects.

Tuesday April 13 Sun sextile Mars is exact. If you’re feeling energized don’t waste it on arguments or aggressive actions. Reinvigorate yourself. Be aware of your ambitions, your libido, your pet peeves. Work with them instead of being worked by them.

Wednesday April 14 Venus enters Taurus at 11:22 AM. In the sign of its rulership Venus is especially lovely. Our attentions turn to romance, good food, comfort, the glories of nature, and the joys of Spring.

Thursday April 15 sun sextile Jupiter is exact indicating an optimistic atmosphere. The desire to socialize may be strong. Stay cautious. With Mars square Neptune it isn’t the right time to abandon all precautions. Invitations to success may be in the vicinity.

Friday April 16 sun square Pluto can be challenging, indicating the possibility of conflict, and a whiff of lethal danger that might be ignored with these positive Jupiter aspects. These squares can indicate plumbing and other repair issues. Avoid suspicion, competition, and critical judgement of self or others. Ponder what Jakob Boehme said, “Whatever the self describes, describes the self.” Catharsis, tranquility, reform, and metaphysical studies on the depths of the psyche can help you get the most from this aspect.

Also Friday Mars trine Jupiter is exact. This can be a great aspect, bringing opportunities for success and the energy to make it happen. Put this abundant energy to good use. Regain or build health with exercise. Take actions that can help you succeed. Believe in your potential. But don’t be arrogant. Too much optimism could backfire with all these squares. You may want to rush forward but a more careful advance is called for.

Saturday April 17 is especially busy astrologically speaking. In the morning Mercury sextile Jupiter is exact adding another level of optimism. The desire to socialize is going to be extremely strong this weekend with three Mercury aspects exact. But two Pluto aspects are exact, too, and they are challenging. False optimism may get some people into a lot of trouble next weekend. The desire to shed inhibitions and live again will be very strong, but caution is vital.

Also Saturday just after noon Mercury sextile Mars is exact energizing communications and the desire to converse, shop and travel. For writers and other communicators there is extra energy available but be careful not to be sharper than you intend.

Also Saturday Mercury square Pluto is exact, indicating possible breakdowns requiring repairs, possible bad news regarding the pandemic, perhaps confirmation of a surge. This can be an aspect of vicious criticism of self and others, but it can also help us to research ways to heal our ailments. Frustration of some kind is likely, tranquility and composure are your friends. For writers don’t over edit, dare to go deep.

Also Saturday Mars inconjunct Pluto is exact. Inconjunctions can indicate crisis in the area of health, and Mars and Pluto together are seldom good news. It would seem that the potentially lethal consequences of Pluto will test Jupiter’s optimism. Stress, anger, repressed libido, frustrated ambition can harm health with these aspects, even more than usual. Instead bring reform to these areas of your lives. Contemplate them tranquilly and come to a better understanding of how to apply them in the post pandemic world, which hasn’t yet arrived, we must remind ourselves. Don’t be afraid to change your mind, or your direction. As William Blake wrote, “The man who never alters his opinions is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind.”

Sunday April 18 sun conjunct Mercury is exact. more good news for writers. Communications can have some extra ego attached, and with all these squares taking care in traffic is advised. Put that mental power to work asking questions, organizing, and talking it over.

Monday April 19 Mercury and the sun will leave Aries for Taurus. We will begin to feel that the beginning of Spring is over and Spring has arrived in full bloom. Taurus can be stubborn and aggressive, but Aries is quick to anger, so negotiations and even simple conversations may take on a more relaxed tone as the sun and Mercury join Venus in Taurus.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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