Astrology Report April 18 — April 27
Friends, we have before us the most difficult part of April, astrologically speaking. But it is nowhere near as challenging as the aspects we went through last year and the beginning of this year. However many of us are sensitive to setbacks and pessimism after such a long series of challenges. Opportunities for joy are here, too, if we can find the balance between acknowledging and adapting to threats while recognizing and appreciating the simple pleasures and beauties around us.
Yesterday’s Mars and Mercury trine Jupiter, Mercury sextile Mars, Mercury square Pluto and Mars inconjunct Pluto are still strong, and the Mars asepcts are with us through most of this week. With Pluto stationary retrograde April 27 the intensity will increase. Mars Pluto aspects, exasperated by Mercury square Pluto, can indicate violent outbursts. That atmosphere will be with us for the next few weeks. Walk away from confrontations. Avoid arguments. People are in deep pain. Don’t engage them when they act out. This transition, questionable, from the world of fear we’ve inhabited for over a year has opened wounds, left great losses, and leaves us uncertain of how to return to life. The threat is far from gone and yet the will of the masses is moving forward. We will see how the gamble goes around that Pluto station just around the corner.
Today sun conjunct Mercury is exact which is great for writing, editing, reading, conversations, instructional videos but not good for gossip, compulsive speculation, and racing thoughts, with all that Mars and Pluto. Remember Pluto can indicate healing and tranquility, reform, repair and rebirth. Do some research about healing any issues you face. Don’t ignore these important messages. As Eliphas Levi pointed out, when it comes to troubles it’s wise to nip them in the bud.
Monday morning at 3:29 AM Mercury enters Taurus. Typically this indicates the torpor of Spring as we settle into enjoying sunshine, the return of flowers and foods we love, and whatever small luxuries make us most comfortable. But the sensuality is eclipsed by the ongoing pandemic to some degree. Musicians, creativity and romance are especially favored. Venus rules Taurus, so give some thought to, and have some conversations about, love, art, and beauty.
Also Monday at 1:33 PM the sun enters Taurus. A world away from the restlessness of Ares, in Taurus Venus smiles on the Sun. Since Venus is nearly conjunct Uranus the desire to break free will be very strong. But Pluto stationary is just around the corner so drastic results are possible. Enjoy the pleasures of Spring, but continue to make a habit of safety.
Thursday April 22 Venus conjunct Uranus is exact. A more adventurous approach to romance or creativity can bring liberating results. The desire for something new can lead to actions that later puzzle us. Great time to make music, film, or for encountering new tech, especially the kind that makes it easier for you to have fun. Do something different, but deny that impish desire to take a risk just for the sake of it. Too much Pluto in the air.
Friday April 23 Mars enters Cancer at 4:49 AM. For some astrologers there is a concern that Mars, which can indicate disease, in Cancer suggests another mutation, because Cancer is ruled by the ever changing moon. Mars at home can indicate increased domestic irritation. Mars here can also indicate accidents and physical issues caused by repressed anger, ambition, and libido. On the positive side we can energize our bodies and put some work into helping make our homes and communities more comforting and functional.
Also Friday Mercury conjunct Uranus is exact, on the low end indicating extreme nervousness, compulsive talking, shocking statements, but on the higher end can indicate sudden realizations, flashes of genius, liberating news, exciting surprises, but be careful walking or driving as people will be more likely than usual to make sudden moves. The urge to break out and socialize, to throw away all caution will be strong. But there are too many cross currents.
Saturday April 24 Venus square Saturn is exact, with education and discipline creativity and romance can greatly benefit. With Mercury square Saturn and Venus conjunct Mercury tomorrow, this an unusually good weekend for editing creative work. Beware becoming overly critical of others and self. For some there may be exhaustion, if so get some rest. Take time to read or enjoy something beautiful. Time off can refresh you.
Sunday April 25 Mercury square Saturn can be pessimistic and deflating, finding faults everywhere and predicting only the bad outcomes. Meditation can help tame the monkey mind. Practice, patience and research can greatly help your creativity. Get organized before you communicate.
Sunday April 25 Mercury conjunct Venus is great for writing, making music, working on film. Thoughts turn to romance. Getting your point across graciously rather than sardonically can work wonders.
Tuesday April 27 Pluto is stationary retrograde at 1:04 PM. A time of reflection begins. Worst case scenario, we are not anywhere near as done with the pandemic as we want to be. We will have to go over old ground again and do it better this time. Best case scenario, we have done enough to emerge to a plateau of relative safety that allows us to catch our breaths and reflect on what we experienced and what we learned. We won’t know until we’re a few weeks after the Pluto station, because what causes the crisis may not be immediately visible. It’s concerning that Saturn will be stationary retrograde in May, around the time we find out. Will this mean a lifting of restrictions or a return to them? Pluto will be retrograde until October 5. Whichever scenario materializes we will be looking at how to reform, repair and reinvent individually and collectively. Being thorough and patient will continue to be important.
The following week is thankfully quiet, astrologically speaking.