Astrology Report April 25 — May 3
Friends, we have before us a roller coaster of a week, astrologically speaking. Last night’s Venus square Saturn remains strong for most of the week. Avoid pessimism in art and romance, or perhaps this is the opportunity to work hard and capture the sharp edges of reality in your creativity. A good time for editing artistic work, for practice, mentorship, learning, simplification, or taking a break to refresh your perspective. In relationships respect boundaries, demonstrate loyalty. Meditation can help you understand how to transform weaknesses into strengths.
Early this morning Mercury square Saturn was exact, usually indicating depression, criticism, ideas running into facts, a good time for editing creative work, especially writing, but don’t get carried away. Simplify to achieve beauty. Get rest. Study. Practice. Consult a mentor or mentor someone. Get organized.
This afternoon Mercury conjunct Venus is exact helping us to get the best out of Mercury square Saturn. This combination can create terse prose, powerful imagery, and dark but beautiful narratives. Say something nice to someone you love. Encourage the females you cherish in your life. Talk about love and art.
Monday April 26 full moon in Scorpio arrives at 8:32 (all times Pacific) intensifying the atmosphere of Pluto very nearly stationary. Secrets are revealed. Breakdowns can happen if problematic areas have been ignored for too long. Anger can turn violent with Pluto so strong. But Pluto is also healing, tranquility, reform and repair. What steps can you take to improve not only your life but the lives of others? What can you fix to eliminate a source of stress? Are you on track with the mission that moves you most?
Tuesday April 27 at 1:04 PM Pluto is stationary retrograde. Pluto is the ultimate teacher. Pluto teaches us impermanence, it can indicate terrible grief and loss, terror and revolution, as in 2020 when Pluto and Saturn were together in Capricorn. Those lessons haven’t quite ended yet. Have a look around your life. Where are you ignoring troubling areas that require repair? What reforms can you make to help you live a better life? When was the last time you felt truly tranquil?” Pluto last stationed in October 2020. We will find out in May whether we are in for another battle with the pandemic or enough good choices have been made to support the freedom so many are reaching for. With Pluto so strong caution is important, nothing wrong with waiting and seeing. Generally giving into compulsions or overwhelming urges doesn’t go well with Pluto unless the catharsis is coherent and inclusive.
Thursday April 29 Mercury sextile Neptune is exact, a great aspect for writing, film, art and music. Also a good time for charitable actions, and the exploration of the mystical, metaphysical and psychic. Intuition and imagination are more easily accessed than usual. This along with several other aspects this week could indicate a pandemic surge. Unfortunately they happen and always have. As Baudrillard noted, “All societies end up wearing masks.”
Friday April 30 sun conjunct Uranus is exact. Can you expect the unexpected? The surprise could be pleasant. Do something different. Accept the detour as an interesting adventure. Explore new technology. Put some ego into your contemplation of the future. What does freedom mean to you now? How can you make things more exciting without endangering yourself or others? One note of caution, avoid getting hypnotized by the screens that own you. As Baudrillard wrote, “The futility of everything that comes to us from the media is the inescapable consequence of the absolute inability of that particular stage to remain silent. Music, commercial breaks, news flashes, adverts, news broadcasts, movies, presenters — there is no alternative but to fill the screen; otherwise there would be an irremediable void…. That’s why the slightest technical hitch, the slightest slip on the part of the presenter becomes so exciting, for it reveals the depth of the emptiness squinting out at us through this little window.” That goes double for your Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or any other feed.
Sunday May 2 Mercury trine Pluto is exact, with moon conjunct Pluto exact a few hours later, making this the right day to get Pluto’s message if you haven’t already. Mind and emotions can give you a better picture of where you are really at in your life. What must be left behind? Where do you want to go as you move forward? Research healing, spirituality, and underground subjects. Have a deep conversation. Get to the core of what matters to you most now. Excellent for writing and creativity.
Also next Sunday Venus sextile Neptune is exact. Another fantastic aspect for creativity, art, imagination, but also for romance and for mystical entrancement with beauty. Take some time to enjoy nature, art, music, or just the presence of those you love.
Monday May 3 the dark of the moon begins just before 1 PM so that week will not be for starting projects but for finishing them. Some may be a bit more exhausted. Get extra rest. It’s okay to introvert. Give some consideration to all that you’ve experienced as we sit here on the ledge wondering about tomorrow.
Also next Monday Mercury square Jupiter is exact, on the negative side indicating possible over spending, talking too much, over indulgence, over optimism, arrogance, and gossip, abut which Baudrillard wrote, “A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided it smacks of jealousy.” Make a point out of praising someone who deserves it. On the positive side this aspect can add majesty to writing. It can help you recognize opportunities for success. It can be fun in moderation. However sun square Saturn later today indicates the possibility of exhaustion and depression, so Monday looks a bit bipolar. Can you balance both aspects and arrive at a pleasant compromise?
Also next Monday morning sun square Saturn is exact. This aspect is usually associated with pessimism and depletion. If you’ve been skipping meals or splurging on bad habits this aspect can present you with the results. Recognize your limits. Don’t take on what isn’t yours. Keep it simple. Be devoted, patient and thorough. Get some extra rest.
Also next Monday evening Mercury enters Gemini. A great placement for writing and research and for fun conversations. The urge to chat and socialize will be strong. But stay safe. We have Pluto retrograde, so we will be going back over old ground. All through May Saturn slows down to stationary retrograde May 23.
The following week is quiet. With Pluto and Saturn so strong we will be hearing echoes of last year in politics, business, and the pandemic. Reversals are common with retrogrades. We could find that we have done well enough to actually enjoy greater freedom, or we may find that we are not out of the woods yet. The next six weeks will be telling. I would counsel you to remain patient and to err on the side of caution. A quick look at the aspects this summer shows difficult inconjunctions, another exact Saturn square Uranus, and a generally rocky terrain. It doesn’t look like a time of liberation, but rather of continued struggles. As always our individual and collective choices will decide how negative or positive our experience of these aspects will be. Instead of moving forward in denial, use the continuing suspense to continue to develop patience. Adverse conditions can bring out the best in us. There is no shame in not being able to do so, but isn’t it worth trying to see if we can?