Astrology Report April 4 — April 11
Friends, we have before us a dark of the moon with rather volatile aspects, but some harmonious aspects, too, which can help us enjoy this week if we can tune into them. The latter two weeks of April, with Pluto stationary retrograde April 27 could be challenging. Build up your strength. Get those repairs and reforms in motion to avoid bigger problems down the line. Pay attention to what really matters to you.
Tuesday April 6 Venus sextile Mars is exact indicating a harmonious moment between the genders. Spring’s air of attraction is strong. Creative energy is better put to use finishing than starting. Men in general, and any Mars oriented occupations, will benefit from a more gracious approach. Art and music can be especially stimulating.
Friday April 9 Mercury conjunct Chiron is exact and could indicate news about a crisis in the area of health. With Mars square Neptune exact later the same day this could mean that a significant surge in the pandemic is confirmed near the end of this week or next weekend. Be careful. Spring is telling us all to get back to life but with Pluto stationary retrograde coming up we will probably face dangerous circumstances again collectively. Pay attention to the messages your body is sending you. Go easy. Do some research give some thought to improving your well being.
Also April 9 Mars square Neptune is exact, unfortunately an aspect associated with the spread of disease. The cause is overly willful or aggressive behavior. Not a good time to do what you want just because you want to. Be careful awhile longer. Use this rare opportunity to cultivate patience. Charitable actions are favored. Be careful of going off into weird exhausting tangents due to repressed libido, ambition, or anger. Suspicion and speculation are not your friends during this transit.
Saturday April 10 Mercury sextile Saturn is good for meditation, organization and simplification. Have conversations with mentors. For writers and others who edit their work next weekend is a great time for editing. There’s a tricky pair of Venus aspects in orb that Mercury sextile Saturn can help you enjoy without getting into trouble. Think before you speak. Know when to keep quiet, and how to demonstrate loyalty and commitment. As we approach a new way of life ponder this quote from Blaise Pascal, “In each action we must look beyond the action at our past, present, and future state, and at others whom it affects, and see the relations of all those things. And then we shall be very cautious.”
Also Saturday Venus sextile Jupiter can be an aspect of fun and joy, and can indicate opportunities for success, especially in the arts and other Venus ruled occupations. This is a very sociable aspect and the desire for good times will be very strong. Don’t over indulge or over spend as you are likely to regret it with Pluto intensifying. With Pluto stationary about two weeks later this weekend could be a time when the pandemic spreads in a big way. By all means have some fun, but stay safe. A little caution now can prevent unexpected and possibly drastic consequences.
Sun April 11 Venus square Pluto is the thorn of the rose that is Venus sextile Jupiter. Consequences of overdoing Venus can be unexpectedly harsh. The desire for pleasure is counterbalanced by lingering fear of real danger. There may be a dark edge to romantic and artistic expression. Don’t overdo and lose control or destructive tendencies may emerge. Explore your limits if you desire catharsis but keep your wits about you. For creative people this combination of aspects can indicate that manic whiplash of loving something you’ve done only to awake the next morning feeling it’s worthless. Intoxication might be to blame, but don’t over react.
The new moon in Aries arrives Sunday at 7:31 PM turning Spring up another notch. Hold on, next weekend is full of action, some of it challenging, and the rest of April, has some difficult aspects, but harmonious ones are sprinkled in to ease our way. The Pluto station at the end of April will give us a clear picture of our progress. Could Pluto retrograde indicate the beginning of going back to a more open society or does it mean in some areas lock downs will be imposed again? As always it depends on all of us as individuals. If enough people make good choices we might experience a more positive side of this aspect. Above all Pluto teaches us consequences. As Emerson wrote in this quote appropriate for a holiday of Spring, “The sower may mistake and sow his peas crookedly: the peas make no mistake, but come up and show his line.”