Astrology Report Aug 8 — Aug 16
Friends, we have before us another challenging week with potential pandemic problems indicated by fourteen inconjunctions over the next ten days, only seven are lunar, culminating in Mars inconjunct Chiron on Aug 18. Chiron and inconjunctions both can indicate crisis in the area of health. Will mid-August bring good news or a surge that kicks up some dust just in time for Uranus stationary retrograde on Aug 18th? The push for freedom now, for tomorrow today, may suffer a reversal as Uranus turns back to go over old territory. As always our individual and collective choices will create the result that we ourselves make inevitable.
With so many inconjunctions this is prime time for healing but also for crisis. Look to weak spots and figure out how to strengthen them. Make room for the inconvenient. Be open to contradictory choices. Don’t choose one and ignore the other because you will not be able to avoid accommodating them both. Those who resist balance the most may have the most difficult time. Be an open-minded and attentive student and let life show you what you need to know. Next weekend, with four planetary inconjunctions, is not a good time for risk taking.
The new moon in Leo arrived at 6:50 AM today (all times Pacific). This sunny placement brings a little extra feeling of sunshine to summer. Everyone wants to shine, which requires a certain amount of sociability, but with so many inconjunctions caution is advised. Ponder this quote from Eliphas Levi: “Nothing can resist human willpower when we know what is true and will what is good.” But how to define true and good?
Monday August 9 Mercury inconjunct Pluto is exact and could indicate worrisome news about the pandemic. It also indicates stress between the urge to shop, chat, and travel and the on-going threat of contagion. There are ways to accomplish those things safely. Most people who take risks may suffer no consequences, but many will. Avoid harm. These trying times are a good opportunity to learn how to adapt our thinking to the realities around us, rather than attempting to force our beliefs on the world. We should all use this opportunity to improve our tolerance for suspense. As the poet Robert Burns wrote: “Suspense is worse than disappointment.”
Also Monday Venus opposition Neptune is exact. A good time for creative people to dream and imagine, to receive inspiration. But this aspect can indicate a strong urge for intoxication and escapism that in moderation may not be problematic. But it’s the kind of aspect that can indicate drunken seductions that cause regrets and everything they can symbolize. Enjoy some blissful downtime by water if you can. Enjoy some gonzo art like Frida Kahlo, Fellini, or Kienholz.
Tuesday Aug 10 Mercury opposition Jupiter is exact, the combination of this aspect and Venus opposition Neptune can lead to misunderstandings and perhaps regrets. Mercury opposition Jupiter tends to be arrogant, overly optimistic, over-selling its perspective and encouraging people to believe in fun and profit where it may not be. With the confusion and escapism of Venus opposition Neptune you can see how easily this can lead us into trouble.
Wed Aug 11 Mercury enters Virgo, a comfortable placement. Great for editing, organizing, negotiating, attending to details, but sometimes inclined to worrying, nitpicking, over-analyzing and missing the forest for the trees.
Also Wed Venus trine Pluto is exact. This can be a wonderful aspect indicating healing, transformation, and epiphanies of art, romance, and finances. Reform or repairs may be necessary in those areas. For some catharsis may bring regeneration. Tranquility can lead to peaceful bliss with this aspect. It’s also good for research into the arts. Make some art, or admire some art, you might find something that changes your perspective entirely, or even heals you.
Friday Aug 13 Mars inconjunct Saturn is exact. This aspect can indicate rigid attitudes, irritability, lack of cooperation. Try to avoid micro-managing others. Antagonism is common with this aspect. On the one hand Mars in Virgo insists on forward motion toward the return of so-called normalcy. On the other Saturn in Aquarius demands patience, discipline and isolation. If we over-emphasize Mars we run into a wall of Saturn. If we over-emphasize Saturn we suffer outbreaks of Mars creating chaos. Finding a way to hold space for both will have the best results. That means by all means do something but do it cautiously. Anger can be a problem with this aspect. Saturn wants to control and suppress the aggression of Mars. Conversations can spark anger. Even two people in agreement may find reasons to fight due to frustration or finger-pointing. Mars inconjunct Saturn will be here through Aug 22 but after Friday it will be weakening. Ponder the Chinese proverb: “One moment of patience may prevent a catastrophe. One moment of impatience may ruin a life.”
Saturday Aug 14 Venus inconjunct Jupiter is exact. Over-doing it, over-indulging, partying recklessly, even over-optimism in romance can lead to difficulties. Feeling the middle of August and the imminence of September many people will be driven to have a good time right now, since things will probably get worse before they get better. Can’t let the entire year be a wash. Have to have something to brag about and remember fondly this winter. Caution is advised.
Also Saturday Sun inconjunct Neptune is exact. During a pandemic Neptune can indicate spread. Sun inconjunct Neptune suggests that the desire for some fun in the sun likely leads to further surges. Intoxication and confusion are also possibly problematic. A weekend of astrology like this requires alert clarity.
Sunday Aug 15 Venus enters Libra, which it rules, along with Taurus. This is a more comfortable placement than Venus in Virgo since July 23. This is a time for romance and for practicing arts, for diplomacy, and relationships. Venus will be in Libra through Sep 11.
Monday Aug 16 Mercury inconjunct Saturn, with Mars inconjunct Chiron Aug 18 this suggests more news of lock-downs and mandates. Anger around issues related to health. Expect lots of irate posts from both sides of the pandemic debate. Before long the debate will head back over to the political arena for the 2022 midterms. Remember what the Roman historian Tacitus wrote: “Abuse if you slight it, will gradually die away; but if you show yourself irritated, you will be thought to have deserved it.”
With Uranus stationary retrograde on Aug 19 we are in for a surprise. A breakthrough discovery? A shock that causes restrictions? Or something completely unrelated to the pandemic that captures our attention? Whatever it is, we’re not expecting it, and it may not arrive the same week as Uranus stations. Uranus will occupy the degree of its station until Oct 14. But the astute may see hints. We can use this time of strong Uranian influence to find areas of our lives that need to liberated from old habits and outworn accumulations. New tech could revolutionize your approach. But new perspectives and new ways of doing the same old things could revitalize enthusiasm for life. One can be in lock-down and still find liberation, play safely and still feel free.