Astrology Report Dec 13-Dec 21

Ronnie Pontiac
7 min readDec 13, 2020


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, here we are. This busy week of astrological events leads us to Dec 21, when we go through the gate into the next twenty year cycle. 2020 is almost over. A vaccine has been approved. The Supreme Court ruled against the president. Monday the electors will confirm a new president. We must still be vigilant and careful, but this is not the deep fear and darkness of the unknown that commenced this year. Much of what we have counted on lies in ruins. The close of the last twenty year cycle has been a time of sorrow, anxiety and endings. But the new cycle begins on Dec 21. Let’s not even bother to analyze the difference between the last cycle in Taurus and the next one in Aquarius. Let’s just welcome a change.

You may be hearing that this is the age of Aquarius, which has started more times than an old Ford truck on a cold morning. But 2021 will be dominated by Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. A battle between old and new, past and future, control and freedom. Saturn will try to put the brakes on sudden changes related to money, food, commerce, and security. Uranus will stubbornly resist. As these extremes fight it out they modify each other. While Saturn is in Aquarius for the next 2 1/2 years or so expect startling discoveries and breakthroughs in science and medicine. While Uranus is in Taurus until 2026, expect the modernization of money, food, commerce and security. Despite this aspect of conflict, 2021 is relatively speaking a quiet if tense moment between 2020’s Saturn Pluto conjunction and 2022’s U.S. Pluto return. 2022 will be a stressful year for America. But with Pluto we can usually see the slow arrival of the problem, and certainly the divide in the psyche of the nation, which has existed since the earliest days of colonization, is clear to all.

Early this morning Mercury square Neptune was exact. This can be a confusing aspect, and can indicate a strong urge toward escapism and intoxication. As Neptune rules the spread of the pandemic, and Mercury facilitates, we can expect to find out that this last week and this weekend involved major surges of infection rates. Everyone’s talking about the vaccine. Will they take it? What if they won’t take it? Will they be forced to take it? The truth is very few people will receive it at first. Take it easy. See how events unfold. Don’t unnecessarily stress yourself over probable outcomes.

Monday Dec 14 at 8:17 AM (all times Pacific) the solar eclipse at 23 Sagittarius commences the ceremony. Those with placements around 23 Sag or 23 Gemini may be experiencing the characteristic ending and beginning dynamic of eclipses. Take time to ponder how you could heal yourself of old problems, nip new ones in the bud, start fresh where you never thought you could. Embrace a greater wisdom.

Also Monday Venus sextile Jupiter is exact. This is usually a joyful, fun aspect, very sociable, and potentially successful. But can also indicate overdoing, over indulging, and acting foolishly due to over optimism. What makes you happy? Art, romance and beauty could rekindle your optimism. Cultivate a sense of relief. Appreciate all the wonders of life, the simple joys: birds, sky, warmth. If you are home safe and sound there’s much to be grateful for.

Also Monday Mercury trine Mars is exact at 8:24 PM adding extra force to communication. Drive defensively as this aspect can make for sudden moves, flashes of anger. For writers the motivation to work is strong. A good aspect for exercise, for defining and defending boundaries, and for researching ways to improve effectiveness when it comes to ambition and libido.

Tuesday Venus sextile Saturn is exact at 5 AM, making this a good week to study and to practice the arts, including the art of diplomacy. Romance leans toward commitment with this aspect. It’s also a good time to beautify life by letting go of what you don’t need, and organizing to simplify, especially for those with strong Taurus or Libra placements.

Also Tuesday Venus enters Sagittarius at 8:21 AM bringing a more optimistic outlook, but also a more outgoing urge to socialize. With Venus in Sagittarius and the south node in Gemini the Pluto Sagittarius generation in their late teens and early 20s are unlikely to avoid socializing. The urge for a community feeling of Christmas will be strong. But be careful out there. We’re far from out of danger. By all means think positive, but remember the old saying” Trust in Allah but tie up your camel.” Artists, prepare to feel more optimistic. Affairs of the heart promise to be more festive. Put to work what you learned after Venus entered Scorpio Nov 22.

Also Tuesday Chiron is direct at 2:17 PM, indicating a time of healing through crisis. With Venus trine Chiron Saturday this is an appropriate week for rolling out the vaccine. Call it celestial influence or merely synchronicity, but the stars indicate a major moment in the collective process of healing. Take time to understand your health. What does greater well being require? What can you have a little less of? What do you need a little more of? Embark on the path to healing. Keep an eye out for the help you need.

Wednesday Dec 16 Saturn enters Aquarius. Saturn was last in Aquarius from March 23 to July 3 this year. Saturn in Aquarius has been associated with epidemics historically. While the vaccine will begin to reach those who want it, it’s probable that over optimism will continue to feed the spread. Again, we’re not through this yet. The worst may be yet to come. But at least we have some ways of dealing with it now. Aquarians, no need to fear, Saturn was originally the ruler of Aquarius, and today Uranus is most often considered the sign’s ruler. It’s all about Aquarius in 2021. Be prepared for hard work. Identify weaknesses and make them strong. Become an example of the way to balance old and new, freedom and responsibility.

Saturday Dec 19 at 5:07 AM Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius. Jupiter in Capricorn is not comfortable. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn, and Saturn’s contraction is not good with Jupiter’s expansion. Jupiter in Aquarius brings success to the futuristic, to new technologies, to scientific breakthroughs, and to the collective, but with an eye to the individual. How could new tech or new communities bring greater ease to your life, and more opportunity?

Also Saturday at 7:22 AM Venus inconjunct Chiron is exact. Healing through romance and art could make next weekend special. A crisis could lead to an opportunity for greater well being. Balance the desire for pleasure with the need for better health. Find beauty in doing what makes you stronger and clearer.

Also Saturday at 7:26 PM sun conjunct Mercury makes next weekend and the beginning of the following week a great time for writing and other creative communications. This is another aspect indicating a strong urge to take short trips, to socialize, to avoid feeling stir crazy. But during a pandemic sun conjunct Mercury can indicate spread. The risk is still there. Most people don’t suffer too badly, but many do, and many have died from this virus. It’s the worst kind of game to play. So little to win, so much to lose. Why potentially endanger others? Practice caution and patience, this battle between freedom now and stay safe will be going on well into next year. Find a comfortable mean.

Sunday Dec 20 Mercury enters Capricorn at 3:07 PM. For writers a great time to get organized, to study, to work hard. Communications may take on a more clipped or even dour quality. Realize the weight of your words. Look back, or perhaps even write about what you experienced this year, what you learned, what you observed about human nature.

Also Sunday Venus inconjunct Uranus is exact at 10:12 PM. Inconjunctions can indicate health issues, usually caused by stress over two areas of life that can’t be compromised. Many people will emphasize one while ignoring the other, but then the ignored side of the equation breaks out in some disruptive way. Make time for both areas of life. Don’t get fixated on what you want, or what you’re afraid of. Welcome surprises in romance and the arts, but don’t expect them to go entirely smoothly.

Monday December 21 is the day we’ve been waiting for, a day worth celebrating. The end of the 20 year cycle that began in 2000. The beginning of 2020–2040. Consider for a moment how different these 20 year cycles are from each other. Compare 1960–1980 to 1980–2000. A long line of 20 year cycles in earth ends on this day. The new cycle is of the element air. Welcome to the future. What would you like to leave behind with the ending cycle? What would you like to achieve in the new one? Jupiter conjunct Saturn, the so called Great Conjunction, will be so bright this year it will resemble the Star of Bethlehem. It’s exact at 10:21 AM.

Also Monday Dec 21, just before the Great Conjunction, the sun will enter Capricorn, the winter solstice. The days begin to grow longer. Get organized. Be pracitical. Practice the virtues of goats.

Wednesday Dec 23 Mars square Pluto will be exact. Watch out as irritation can easily spill over into anger, and anger into violence. This commences the final series of squares of Mars to Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter, continuing into February 2021. Tempers will remain hot. Politic hatred will be in the news. All the energy suppressed during the pandemic is eager for expression. Don’t waste time on fruitless arguing. Mars square Pluto can indicate the rough kind of fun when it comes to libido, but even when everyone is in agreement participants must take care not to be more aggressive than they intend, or harm may result. Commute and communicate carefully, as anger will be easy to find. Reform and repair can help you achieve a better life. Onward and upward!

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Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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