Astrology Report Dec 27-Jan 4
Friends, we have finally arrived at the last astrology report for 2020. Congratulations, you have survived some of the worst astrology we’ve seen in decades. Hopefully, lessons about fear, scarcity, loss, pessimism but also patience, restraint, and seclusion have been learned.
2020 and 2021 are about Saturn’s journey. In 2020 Saturn danced with Pluto, amplified by Jupiter, and aggravated by Mars. Saturn has now entered Aquarius, often an indicator of epidemics. In 2021, Saturn will struggle with Uranus. This is not a battle that Saturn can win. The future, technological breakthroughs, younger generations, are going to take the wheel. Big changes are going to sweep away traditions long relied upon. But Saturn will slow down the change. Together they will improve each other, despite the hostility. In our personal lives it’s likely that 2021 will be a year when we feel things aren’t moving fast enough. The recovery isn’t fast enough. We won’t only be in a rush to get away from the bear trap of 2020, we’ll fervently desire opportunities to make up for lost time.
But patience, practice, and simplifying, wherever possible, will bring surprising results. Saturn is in Aquarius, the sign ruled by Uranus. Uranus is in the earth sign Taurus, compatible with Saturn. When they work together great things can be accomplished. So embrace the new, but preserve the old. Stabilize Uranus with the gravity of Saturn. Liberate Saturn with the shock of the new that is Uranus.
We have before us a surprisingly quiet week, astrologically speaking. But the risk levels remain high. Mars square Pluto is still strong, indicating intense frustration, destructive anger, and driven libido, which all too easily become violence. But the aspect is fading. See my post yesterday about the Mars squares of 2020 and 2021. They are triggering the pandemic aspects which, though they have moved out of orb, have left plenty of damage for Mars square Pluto, then Mars square Saturn, and finally Mars square Jupiter, to expose and explore. This will make the first six weeks, at least, of 2021 feel disappointingly like 2022.
With the first of the Saturn and Uranus approaching an exact square in February the struggle between old and new, us and them, past and future comes into great focus as the theme of 2021. With Jupiter square Uranus next year we can expect protest, creativity and action, around topics like liberation and equality, to take center stage. We will see an earnest effort by the 21st century to shake off some shackles of the 20th. In politics, the two sides will be butting heads like rams.
Today Sunday Dec 27 sun trine Uranus is exact at 7:25 PM (all times Pacific). The urge for freedom, the impatience for liberation, can be very strong. This can be frustrating and depressing, even dangerous for those who give in to impulse at the wrong time and place. While the pandemic has been full of Saturnian and Plutonian threats and restrictions, there is also a kind of freedom in it. Take some time at the beginning of this week to savor that sense of freedom at home. Most of us seem to have more time on our hands. Do something different perhaps. Or look into new tech or new networks that could bring the future into your present.
Wed Dec 30 Venus square Neptune is exact at 2:19 AM. The desire for inebriation will be strong all week, any kind of escapism, to feel some sense of pleasure, to savor beauty. Just don’t over do. With squares there’s a tendency to try too hard, or give up. Do take time off to enjoy inspiring art, music that feeds your soul, reminders of the world beyond 2020. A good week for creativity. Write a song. Paint a picture. Make a little movie. A good time for acts of charity.
New Years Eve day starts with moon opposing Pluto and Mars in the morning. Moon opposes Saturn then Jupiter in the afternoon. The year ends with moon square Uranus just before 11:30 PM. Mixed feelings? On one hand the desire to do something, go somewhere, to signify the end of perhaps the toughest year we’ve seen during our lifetimes. But there is also depression, paranoia and malaise, the apprehension that 2021 won’t be any different, or might be worse.
There will be those desperate to celebrate in denial, to dare fate in the name of faith, truth or human will. Most of them will suffer no consequences, but those that do will suffer regrets.For individuals these aspects are appropriate for musing over the difficult year coming to an end. Reflect on what you’ve learned about yourself and about the world.
Friday Jan 1 Mercury sextile Neptune is exact at 3:18 AM, returning us to the theme of the urge for escapism and intoxication. But this is a great aspect for writing, and for other forms of creativity that require imagination and inspiration. Read something mystical. Listen to something or someone that is soulful. Explore the psychic and the metaphysical. Write a poem about the end of 2020.
Monday Jan 4 Mercury conjunct Pluto is exact at 4:58 PM. These may be some stark statistics to digest, or some other alarming news regarding the pandemic or politics. This aspect tends to extreme thinking and actions. In our personal lives it’s a good time to be careful about what we say, especially when intoxicated. Sarcasm may seem more vicious than intended. There’s a compulsive quality to this aspect, that can be paranoid and obsessive. Instead do some research on healing. Read something that makes you feel tranquil. Dig deep into your feelings and your fears as exposed by 2021. Write down what you’ve lost and what you’ve learned. Have an intense conversation. Meditate on the ultimates. Don’t get hooked on doom scrolling, arguing, or proselytizing. Distill your beliefs into thoughtful words and actions.
Thank you to those of you who have followed these reports during this difficult year, and for the kind words some of you have shared with me. Although the first six weeks of January strongly echo 2020, and many of the principle conflicts and crises of 2020 will continue, 2021 will feel different at last. Wishing you a soulful 2021.
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