Astrology Report Dec 6- Dec 14
Friends, we have before us a week of mixed aspects. This week gives us the opportunity to prepare ourselves for the momentous astrological events occurring between Dec 14 and Dec 21. Saturn conjunct Pluto must still be reckoned with. As was true for most of this year, not a time to take risks. Saturn and Pluto both have the effect of a long grinding struggle and many people simply snap at a certain point, refusing to accept the situation, ego overrides common sense. For many there may be no consequences, but for some the consequences may be unexpectedly harsh. Be considerate of others who may be vulnerable. Saturn and Pluto respond best to patience, tranquility, and self reliance.
Yesterday’s Venus trine Neptune, and Venus inconjunct Mars, remain strong today and through the first half of this week. Artistic and romantic inspiration and imagination are strong, but so is escapism, delusion, and friction between the feminine and the masculine. Avoid unnecessary irritation and argument by being compassionate. Let both sides have their say. Don’t try to force your way. Enjoy beauty, art, and meditation. Practice kindness. Help out where you can.
Early this morning Mercury inconjunct Uranus was exact. As reported in yesterday’s brief note we have seven inconjunctions this weekend. Health issues are at the forefront. News of the pandemic surging is intimidating and infuriating many people, creating sharp divides in society. Pay attention to your body. Most big problems can be prevented by making adjustments, owning emotions, and avoiding damaging behavior. What is your body telling you that you need more or less of?
Monday Dec 7 at 4:37 PM (all times Pacific) the dark of the moon begins. Finishing and resting are favored. Starting new projects and pushing forward relentlessly may not produce good results. Take it easy. Eat well. Get some sleep. Get ready for the astrological fireworks of the following week. This is the last dark of the moon of not only 2020, but of the ending 20 year cycle. These cycles often end with great difficulties and this one has been no exception. But the next two decades will be unlike the last two. It’s a good time for looking back over our lives.
Wednesday Dec 9 sun square Neptune is exact at 11:41 AM. Delusion, propaganda, confusion take center stage. Over intoxication may lead to exhaustion and illness. Neptune is one of the astrological indicators of a pandemic. With the sun square to Neptune the urge to ignore reality will be strong, but the results will most likely be disturbing. The feeling that the pandemic is impinging on our lives, the news about surging hospitalizations and infections, is likely to continue. With a little effort compassion, inspiration and imagination can be put to good use. Try not to get swept away in the prevailing psychic weather of the collective, which will be gloomy and stormy.
Thursday Dec 10 Venus sextile Pluto is exact at 3:52 AM. Usually this aspect can be put to good use in romance and artistic creativity. There can be a strong inclination this week toward transgressive sexual behavior, exploring the darker side of the human psyche, releasing tension and anxiety through catharsis. But make sure everyone is on the same page. With Pluto still conjunct Saturn the wrong kind of risk taking can have devestating results. Healing can be found through catharsis, but also through artistic creativity and the appreciation of beauty. The tranquility of nature can help us feel better about the present and the future.
Also Thursday a series of difficult lunar aspects from early morning throughout the day including moon opposing Mars, moon square Pluto, moon square Jupiter, and moon square Saturn, make this day a bit of a minefield. All these aspects are involved in the pandemic astrology, so be especially careful. Listen to the messages your body is telling you. Don’t push too hard. Don’t drown your sorrows in intoxicants and junk food. Take good care of yourself and others.
Also Thursday sun in Sagitarrius trine Mars in Aries is exact ar 10:01 PM. The urge to go out and socialize may be very strong. Mars in Aries wants to do whatever it wants to do, but it is about to embark on a series of stressful squares with the planets that indicated the pandemic. Just because we want something to be so, does not mean it will be. Sun in Sagittarius along with South Node in Gemini will be activating the Pluto in Sagittarius generation. Perhaps you saw the news about the mob of young people outside Harrod’s in London? This kind of massing together in defiance of the pandemic and government restrictions is likely to continue. The Pluto in Sagittarius generation were born from 1995 to 2008, they are 12 to 25 years old. The energy of sun trine Mars can help to reinvigorate us. Get some exercise. Consider what your new set of goals are for the next twenty years.
Sunday Dec 13 Mercury square Neptune is exact at 3:38 AM causing confusion and indicating manipulation and delusion. Expect propaganda to be flying next weekend. Disturbing news about the pandemic, and denial about that news, are likely to occupy the collective mind. Squares are like steps, it takes effort to make them work. With a little effort this square can bring inspiration and imagination to creativity. It’s a good aspect for getting organized in ways that can help others. Don’t let false certainty betray you into wasting time on useless arguments, paranoid speculation, or risk taking denial. Meditation can help clarify what’s really important to you.
Monday Dec 14 the new moon arrives at 8:17 AM with a powerful solar eclipse at 23 Sagittarius. If you have placements around this degree of Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces or Virgo, but especially in Sagittarius and Gemini, you may experience an ending and a new beginning. Close the door to the past. Open the door to the future. The effects of eclipses can be subtle or overpowering, depending on how well you’ve learned the lessons they imply. If you’re already moving in the right direction this may be a time of liberation from the burdens of the past. If you are clinging to outworn habits of thought, emotion and action this can be a difficult time of loss and suffering. As Manly Palmer Hall used to say, everything in the universe is a teacher, we are surrounded by teachers. What is the universe trying to teach you about the past and the future, and about yourself, your potential, and what is holding you back?
Also Monday Dec 14 Venus sextile Jupiter is exact at 12:58 AM. This can be a joyous aspect, and may be very sociable, but again, be careful or risk. Find ways to bring joy into your life safely. There may be an urge to over do, especially to overspend or to over indulge. That’s not the best kind of happiness. Art and romance can bring us optimism and remind us of the pleasures and wonders of life.
Also Monday Dec 14 Mercury in Sagittarius trine Mars in Aries is exact at 8:24 PM, another aspect that can make us restless for social activity. Again, a indication that this will be a week when the Pluto in Sagittarius generation will demand freedom and social connection at whatever risk. If you are angered or horrified by this behavior, keep in mind that they represent the vitality of youth, the future demanding to have its day, damn the cost. This is an invigorating aspect we can use to build up our energy. Exercise can improve well being. Contemplate your ambitions and your libido from the point of view of a brighter future, then prepare yourself to take advantage of the opportunities. They may be delayed, given the obstacles still ahead, and the necessity of addressing ways of bringing the pandemic to an end, but also of repairing and replacing what has been destroyed in the turmoil. With Saturn square Uranus dominating next year this process will be made more difficult by the continuing opposition of two very different perspectives on just about everything.
Dec 14–21 is a momentous week, one of the most powerful series of astrological events we’ve seen in a long while, bringing to a close a twenty year cycle, and beginning a new one. It starts with the eclipse mentioned above. Continues with Saturn entering Aquairus on Wednesday the 16th and Jupiter entering Aquarius on Saturday the 19th. On Monday the 21st Saturn conjunct Pluto ends and Jupiter conjunct Saturn is exact, commencing the new 20 year cycle. This cycle will be in Aquarius. The last was in Taurus, and we certainly saw the worst of Taurus on display: selfishness, unwillingness to admit faults or wrongs, laziness, emotions limited to self interest, love of luxury, bull headed bullying, right is might, stubbornness, and intimidation. The 20 year Aquarian cylce that begins Dec 21 will emphasize science, the future, the new, equality, or at least we hope so. Negative Aquarian traits include anger, mindless rebellion, absent mindedness, pessimism, alienation, stubborn opinions, and shocking behavior just for the hell of it, so there are still plenty of challenges. But Aquarius is a fourth quadrant sign and Taurus is first quadrant, the fourth usually indicates a higher conception of what life is all about, though there are always exceptions.
Keep in mind that Mars square Pluto returns that week, too, to commence a difficult sequence of Mars squares through January 2020, hopefully representing the beginning of the end of the pandemic turmoil that began with Saturn conjunct Pluto in late 2019/early 2020. As the results of the election are made permanent by the Electoral College and the first doses of vaccines begin to reach people, there should be a slight reduction in anxiety for many, though the danger and the challenges will continue for some time. Make the best use of these last few days of the old 20 year cycle. Ponder where you’ve been, where you’re going, and where you want to go. There’s still time to learn valuable skills, not the least of which is patience, and the ability to remain optimistic even when the world has become a swamp of pessimism. A good time to contemplate this quote from the great Neoplatonist and Theurgist Iamblichus: “Perfect justice rules the world for the Powers that are superior to us know the whole life of every soul and all their former lives.”
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