Astrology Report Feb 28 — Mar 7
Friends, here we are on the last day of February. Spring begins in three weeks. We have before us two of the quietest and most lovely weeks we’ve seen in a long time, astrologically speaking. Aspects are few and the ones we have are good. However, Saturn square Uranus remains strong. Challenging lunar inconjunctions this weekend may have brought up health issues, and caused the kind of frustration that happens when two areas of our lives go off in different directions that don’t work well together. The key is to give the necessary attention to both. Bad results are common when we favor one and neglect the other.
Saturn square Uranus is about keeping what works from the past while innovating new ways to do things that provide more freedom, a better future, and greater equality. If you’re on the wrong side of this square, which lasts most of this year, and returns to exact two more times (the first time was Feb 17) the result can be exhaustion, anxiety, depression, erratic actions, breakdowns, insomnia, and resentment. To get on the right side find reasons to be excited about the future. Let go of burdens from the past.
Wed March 3 brings the first aspect of the week, a lovely Venus sextile Uranus. This aspect is good for romance and creativity, as long as we welcome detours and the unexpected. Through Venus we can work with the Uranus side of the Saturn Uranus square. Love and beauty can inspire and awaken us. Artists, don’t worry about editing. Try different things. Trying different things can work in romance as well. Commit yourself to being a fool for Aphrodite this week. With Uranus involved online is fine. No need to take unnecessary risks with Saturn still closely square Uranus. Film and the fine arts, including music, are especially favored. Good time to update your approach and your gear. How can you bring your creativity into the 21st century?
Also Wed Mar 3 Mars enters Gemini at 7:30 PM. Mars is comfortable in earthy grounded Taurus, although more domestic and more sluggish than usual. In Gemini the ambition, libido and aggression of Mars go into talking and texting so watch out what you say as you may change your mind more quickly than you thought possible. Mars in Gemini can be exciting, thriving on socializing, but with Saturn square Pluto perhaps it’s better to continue socializing online. This is a good placement for writing, so writers take note, from now until April 10 extra energy is available. The temptation to waste it searching for the latest novelty or arguing on social media will be strong, especially this week
Thu Mar 4 Mercury is conjunct Jupiter, good news is possible, but so is getting carried away counting chickens before they hatch. A note of optimism is in the air. You may have to take a moment or two of silence to notice it. But it’s there. Saturn square Uranus will continue to battle it out as progressives and conservatives fight amongst themselves and with each other, part of the necessary process of modernizing how we do just about everything. The pandemic is shaking many 20th century traditions out as the 21st century begins to assert its way of doing things. Perhaps 2020 may be looked back upon as the real end of the 20th century. Good conversations and good reads can inspire perspectives that succeed. This is another great aspect for writing, and for film, and communication in general.
Those are our major planetary aspects for this week. The challenge is to enjoy them despite all that has happened, and all that is still happening. To do so we must give ourselves the space required. By all means do what must be done, but set aside some time to enjoy art, music, romance, dance, the beauties of nature, and the inspirations of literature and film.
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