Astrology Report Feb 7-Feb 17
Friends, we have before us a week that begins a little rough but ends with some lovely aspects, which we may miss if we get stuck in the pressure of the imminent Saturn square Uranus on Feb 17.
Yesterday’s Venus trifecta is still strong but will fade as the week progresses. Venus conjunct Saturn requires hard work, facing facts, simplifying, learning, and practice. Otherwise we face depression and feelings of futility Venus sextile Chiron suggests healing through creativity, romance, or the enjoyment of art or music. Invite Venus for greater well being. Venus square Uranus can indicate disruptions in creative or romantic endeavors. It’s the dark of the moon, so avoid starting new things if you can. Make perhaps inconvenient but simple adjustments to safeguard yourself in a world where, at least for the near future, danger lurks around every corner.
Suspense can drive a person crazy. Speculation and dreams can haunt our days and nights. Can you be okay with not knowing what’s going to happen? Can you focus on the moment, on the small things, the details that require attention? If you’re stuck in catastrophizing and other symptoms of shock take some time to rest. Find something or someone inspiring to help you reinvigorate and renew yourself. Don’t let boredom endanger you. Drudgery is protection from harm. If the repetition of life in a pandemic is disturbing find who and what you appreciate most in your life and put your attention there.
Monday Feb 8 sun conjunct Mercury is exact making the beginning of this week a good time for communication and for writing or other arts requiring dexterity and the other Mercurial virtues.
Tuesday Feb 9 Saturn sextile Chiron is exact. This long lasting aspect is a rare opportunity for healing self and society. To achieve greater well being befriend Saturn. Identity weaknesses and turn them into strengths by study and practice. Consult with a mentor. Be patient. Simplify. Take your time. Be dedicated. Be disciplined. Use quiet and isolation whenever possible to give yourself space to heal and to evolve. Address long term discomforts by making necessary adjustments. Note what makes you feel better, and what makes you feel worse. Accentuate the beneficial. Minimize the harmful.
Wednesday Feb 10 Mercury square Mars is exact, putting an edge on communication. Avoid being overly critical. Don’t assume someone is angry. Ask before reacting. Be careful in transit, as Mercury square Mars can be spiteful, aggressive and erratic. Avoid unnecessary arguments by expressing yourself carefully. Take care when exercising or playing sports as this aspect can indicate accidents or injuries.Repressed libido, ambition, and anger may increase the likelihood of a mishap or outburst.
Thursday Feb 11 Venus conjunct Jupiter is exact in the morning. This can be a wonderful, lucky, successful, romantic, fun, and joyous aspect. But how will it fare in a world full of people in shock? The desire to travel and to socialize, to party and to fall in love, will be strong. A bit of springtime in winter. There are some warnings, though. Don’t over indulge. Don’t be overly optimistic. This is the proverbial rose colored glasses aspect. If you are a creative person dive into your work.
Also Feb 11 the new moon in Aquarius, the lunar new year, and the Chinese Year of the Ox arrive in the late morning. This is the beginning of 2021 in a way that January, with its overhang of Mars squares, could not achieve. Chinese Rat years are known for plagues and other widespread health issues, and 2020 was no exception. The year of the Ox is a time for hard work. It takes a long time to get results but for those who persist success is assured.
Friday Feb 12 Mercury conjunct Venus just before midnight makes the end of this week a wonderful time for creativity, especially writing, painting, music, graphic arts, and others arts involving dexterity. Be sure to make time to be creative, or at least to enjoy some great writing, music, and film. This can be a time of romantic conversations, and an opportunity to bring greater harmony into your life. Pay attention to the simple beauties of a quiet life. With both planets in Aquarius it’s a good time to do research and otherwise contemplate the future.
Saturday Feb 13 Mars sextile Neptune is exact. The urge for escapism and intoxication may be very strong this week. Expect a new wave of propaganda and confusion. Unfortunately this aspect can indicate a surge in pandemics, especially if people are willful about ambition, anger or libido. Not a good time to take risks. But a great time to do hard work in fields that require imagination. Also a good time for charity work.
Sunday Feb 14, Valentine’s Day, a beautiful Mercury conjunct Jupiter offers happiness, laughter, optimism, and could be, unfortunately, the cause of the surge Mars sextile Neptune may indicate. This could be a scenario where the numbers are looking better, false confidence in the vaccine rollout, and the desire for a romantic holiday, cause too many people to take risks and the numbers go up again. For writers this weekend is a time when writing is a must. That applies to all the arts, but especially writing and film. What does success mean to you now? Will your definition change when the pandemic finally recedes? What could you do now to help you succeed then?
Wednesday Feb 17 on Ash Wednesday the first of this year’s three Saturn Uranus squares is exact. This is the defining aspect of 2021 and is with us for most of this year. Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus indicate big changes in institutions and business across the board. Saturn will moderate Uranus but cannot stop the modernization that is long over do. Uranus will force Saturn to live in the 21st century, bringing new technology that simply can’t be ignored.
The pattern of this year will be one of shocking developments that many overreact to in the short term, meanwhile the institutions and authorities will methodically make the necessary adjustments. That causes the disrupters to innovate new approaches. More adjustments are made by the powers that be. It’s going to be quite a show. You want to be on the right side of it. There will be losses suffered by those who cling too long to their habitual patterns. There will be gains by those who follow Voltaire’s advice about getting out in front of the inevitable changes pushed along by the governments of the world. But with Uranus involved, collectives like the GameStop reddit gamblers, and Bitcoin investors, will continue to shock the status quo into realizing we are not only in a new century but a new millenium. What will you do in a world where so many things are changing? What would you like to change?
Remember these wise words of the Daoist master Laozi (Lao Tzu), “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
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