Astrology Report Jan 10-Jan 17
Friends, we have before us an action packed week, astrologically speaking. Saturday’s Venus trine Mars, and Mercury conjunct Saturn, continue through the beginning of this week. The trine can bring energy to romance and the creative arts, indicating harmony between the genders. The conjunction can indicate exhaustion, depression, pessimism, but is also excellent for meditation, study, mentorship, rest, and practice. Get the facts before surrendering to futility, or stubbornly holding on to false certainty. Don’t create problems by being overly critical of yourself or others.
Monday Jan 11 Mercury conjunct Jupiter is exact at 9:19 AM (all times are Pacific). So contrary an aspect to Mercury conjunct Saturn creates a split between optimism and fatalism, success and failure, the urge to socialize and the feeling of security in isolation. These two Mercury conjunctions remind us that we are in a new twenty year cycle, in Aquarius now. Astrologers may speculate had the storming of Congress occurred just a few months earlier would the outcome have been much worse?
In the last five years of the last 20 year cycle we marveled at Trump’s ability to glide through difficult planetary aspects that usually bring karmic comeuppance. But as the new cycle neared Trump lost the election. The new cycle began and we see what appears to be a reversal of fortune. The man who could do no wrong, who thought he might become president for life, believed the judges and politicians he had cultivated and placed would support his will to power. But all that has evaporated. Even his obedient Vice President and allied senators have abandoned him. Icarus has fallen.
What other changes will this new cycle bring us? The costume debacle at the Capitol could not be a more appropriate symbol of Uranus, and of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius. But the same can be said of the way that the most visible perpetrators were quickly reaped, doxed within hours, not by law enforcement, or by political factions, but by citizens at home on their computers. The sad thing about this political divide is that both sides earnestly attempt vigilance in the name of liberty. Both sides are passionate about America. The Aquarius Great Conjunction demands that we learn to play nice together, even when we disagree. There are very likely more points of agreement than not, but the differences have been intentionally inflamed, for many generations, for the gain of the few, who already have quite enough.
Also Monday Mercury sextile Chiron is exact at 9:23 AM offering an opportunity for healing, perhaps through crisis. With Jupiter also sextiling Chiron today we can hope for some kind of good news. A demonstrable reason for optimism may show up somewhere this week. Do some research. Ask some questions. Find new approaches to healing the areas in your life that are ailing.
Also Monday Jupiter sextile Chiron is exact at 9:48 AM. There is great opportunity for healing all this month. But it may come through crisis. One would expect the pandemic to surge again. Refrigerator trucks are used to store corpses in Los Angeles because the morgues are full. Yet there are many who deny the reality of the virus. Perhaps a breakthrough in vaccine distribution happens this week. In our own lives we have the opportunity to greatly enhance well being by paying attention to what makes us sick and what makes us healthy.
Tuesday Jan 12 Mercury square Uranus is exact at 1:04 PM, a nervous aspect that can make us talk or text too much. It’s a bit like Mercury retrograde, so travel with care as there are liable to be more erratic moves and accidents than usual this week. Try not to jump to conclusions. This week there are many aspects that hold us back, but many that urge us forward. If you’re feeling anxious, stop what you’re doing. Unplug. Enjoy something simple, perhaps nearby nature offers you a treasure.
Also Tuesday Venus square Chiron is exact at 1:04 PM, yet another indicator of a crisis related to healing. Art, romance, the appreciation of beauty, can have a healing influence, more so than usual. Artists who have lost confidence, or romances that have sickened, may find the cause and the cure this week.
Wednesday Jan 13 the new moon in late Capricorn arrives at midnight, near a conjunction to Pluto. With sun conjunct Pluto the next day things get intense. Expect bad news about the pandemic. Do not take risks. Don’t waste your energy on worry, outrage, or argument. Pluto can be violent, especially with Mars square Saturn later in the day. But Pluto can also indicate deep healing, meditation, tranquility, and rebirth.
Also Wednesday Mars square Saturn is exact at 3:02 AM. Perfect for planning revenge, for scheming in secret against the highest authority in the land. But Saturn does not reward the extremes of Mars. Saturn is how Mars learns right from wrong. The heavy consequences of reckless actions is what Saturn is all about. In our own lives we may be feeling frustrated, defeated, exhausted. But this aspect can also indicate getting organized, conserving energy, exploring ways that Mars can be used more effectively. Frustrated libido, ambition, or indignation could easily turn violent with sun conjunct Pluto the next day. Again, no risks. Avoid belligerent people. Don’t tempt fate.
Also Wednesday Venus trine Uranus is exact at 8:29 PM. This can be a liberating aspect bringing surprises in art, love, finance, fashion. A fascination with the new, the unusual, and the strange can refresh creativity and romance. Artists and writers, don’t worry about editing or finishing unless you have to, this is the time to let your creative freak flag fly. While you’re at it, find some new tech to make it easier for you to do what you do and to share it.
Thursday Jan 14 Uranus is stationary direct at 12:35 AM so expect surprises and perhaps shocks this week. This continues through January as Uranus moves slowly. These shocks are intended to liberate. Future shock. Bolt out of the blue realizations. Uranus is all about erratic actions so take a little extra care any time you’re around something dangerous. Detours may prove enlightening. Look back to August 15, 2020 when Uranus went retrograde. What have you learned about what freedom means to you? What have you lost, and what will you do with the space left by loss?
Also Thursday Sun conjunct Pluto is exact at 9:18 AM. Look out! Uranus stationary with sun conjunct Pluto on the same day? An explosion is not out of the question, or perhaps explosions, literal or metaphorical. This will also be a time when the pandemic regains the headlines. We are reminded how deadly it can be. Again, don’t take risks this week. This aspect is best used for healing, meditation, cultivating tranquility, or perhaps catharsis that allows healing to begin. Don’t coerce, don’t be paranoid, don’t obsess, don’t give in to fear. You are the captain of your ship. Your body is a world onto itself. When you neglect its needs, or you flush your system with the chemicals of rage, anxiety, despondency, or futility, you tear down your own integrity, and the integrity of those who depend on you. Take a break. Take it easy. Enjoy the circus, but don’t run away to join it.
Next Sunday Jan 17 Jupiter square Uranus is exact, with Mars conjunct Uranus Jan 20, this is an especially powerful pair of squares, with potential for violence. Protests are likely to erupt into street battles or riots. It’s all in the name of equality and freedom, of justice and tomorrow. New memes will capture the zeitgeist. Artists and writers will create quick masterpieces that, when they come to light, will contribute to the feeling that an era has turned. Breakthroughs in tech, or cutting edge technologies already deploying, may cause great optimism and wealth. For the latter there could be no better example than TSLA stock. Those who bought one share at this time in 2020, at about 300 a share, now have five shares each worth almost 900 dollars. There will be more opportunities like this as the technology of the 2020s leaves earlier trends behind. But there will be downs as sudden as the ups.
Already we are seeing the dominant theme of 2021, as brought to you by Saturn square Uranus, the aspect that will be with us all year and into 2022, with three exact squares this year, the first Feb 17, then June 14, and the last on Dec 24. Saturn Uranus aspects, Richard Tarnas has written, tend to indicate “the exacerbation of tensions between authority and rebellion, order and freedom, structure and change. Often the two archetypal principles combined and interpenetrated in contradictory ways: repressive revolution, erratically unpredictable authority, and so forth, as evident during the Terror in revolutionary France and the Cultural Revolution in communist China.” We can see similar urges at work in the storming of Congress.
Even with a relatively smooth transition of power this will continue to be the theme all year. It is possible, especially with Saturn in Aquarius, that the two sides begin to understand each other better. In our own lives the Saturn Uranus square asks us decide where we will draw the line between freedom and necessity. The more we learn, the more practical and humble we become, the greater the opportunities for freedom. New studies, new tech, new perspectives, new communities focused on achieving viable futures, can help us co-create the world that is being born, rather than being left behind by it.
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