Astrology Report Jan 24–Feb 1
Friends, we have before us a comparatively quiet week, astrologically speaking. And a quieter week after that. We are almost through some of the most challenging aspects of 2021, a hangover, if you will, of the Saturn Pluto conjunction of 2020. But here we are in the domain of the Aquarius Great Conjunction. Take some optimism from the avoidance of another violent mass confrontation the last several weeks. The astrology indicated the potential for destructive conflicts. Dare we hope that this bodes well for America’s upcoming exact Pluto return, still a couple of years away, but already applying? As Eliphas Levi said, “Nothing can resist the will of man when he knows what is true and wills what is good.”
Yesterday Mars square Jupiter was exact. The last of the Mars squares now begins to wane, although Mars square Saturn is still active, but fading. These squares, especially Mars square Pluto earlier this month, attempted to continue the trends of 2020 into 2021. But with Jupiter and Saturn now in Aquarius the power of technology is on display, and rash actions have unexpected consequences. By the end of February this series of Mars squares will be over. Wrathful influences will further decline. Perhaps consider how to update your definition of success, to make your efforts more effective.
Yesterday Venus sextile Neptune was exact, a wonderful aspect for romance and creativity, but somewhat dampened by yesterday’s exact sun conjunct Saturn. It’s a good time for writing and other creative ventures, and editing skills can be nicely balanced with inspiration and imagination. But sun conjunct Saturn can leave you deflated, exhausted, depressed, as you confront limitations and consequences. Both influences fade as the week continues but happily the Venus aspect lasts longer.
Monday Jan 25 sun sextile Chiron is exact. This aspect can indicate healing through crisis. We’re in a race between the vaccines and the mutations of the virus as it seems to react to this threat against its blitzkrieg on humanity. There may be some good news early this week, but the crisis continues to wreak havoc on our lives and our economy.
Tuesday Jan 26 sun square Uranus is exact. This aspect can indicate surprises good and bad. Disruptions to technology are possible. People tend to be a bit more accident prone so take care when traveling or working with potentially dangerous equipment. There may be a strong urge to do something different, especially with Venus conjunct Pluto this week. Don’t take unnecessary risks just because you’re stir crazy. Put those urges into learning about new technology, and set yourself up for a better future.
Thursday Jan 28 Venus conjunct Pluto is exact. This powerful aspect can indicate sexual compulsions, artistic obsessions, suspicion and intrigue in romance. Relationships that are overdo for rebirth, or an ending, may erupt into crisis. But romance and art can also lead to healing, and to the kind of transformations that leave us feeling sparkling and renewed. Catharsis can be quite healing with this aspect. Art and music can be intense and enlightening, whether created, or simply enjoyed.
Also Thursday Jan 28 Sun conjunct Jupiter is a lucky aspect. The urge to gamble may be strong with both this aspect and Venus conjunct Pluto amplifying each other. Avoid foolish optimism, false certainty, urgent schemes offering impossible gains, over indulgence in luxuries including food, and arrogance. But do look for realistic reasons to feel optimistic. Not too long ago we were wondering if we’d be waiting another year for vaccines. Millions thought the country would erupt in a civil war before Biden ever took office. Better days ahead. In the meantime, stay safe. We’ve got a long way to go before we’re out of the woods.
Saturday Jan 30 Mercury retrograde begins, lasting until Feb 21. Best not to start new ventures for the first three weeks of February. Finish your work. Edit. Allow some time for introspection. We may be seeing confusion in government. Problems with technology and miscommunication. Commute carefully. Ask questions. Don’t make assumptions or jump to conclusions.
Saturn square Uranus on Feb 17 is the next big challenge. This aspect has been with us since the end of last year, and it is the dominant aspect of 2021. The cultural split continues, but there may be surprising moments of cooperation since Saturn in Aquarius is a little more compatible with Uranus. 2021 may be the year that clearly delineates past and future, before and after. If we return to any semblance of normalcy by the end of this year, or just in summer, there may be the sense of greater distance from the 20th century. The younger generations race out of the gate into the world that will be theirs. New tech, and learning about new approaches to your fields of interest, or finding new fields of interest, can help you get on the good side of these changes. Those who cling to old ways of doing things may find themselves forced to change this year. Get good at balancing patience and discipline with urgency and fresh perspectives. Know when to be reserved and when to be exuberant, when to respect tradition, and when to set it all aside to explore something new.
As you ponder your post pandemic future keep in mind these two quotes from Eliphas Levi: “Everything is possible to him who wills only what is true! Rest in Nature, study, know, then dare; dare to will, dare to act and be silent!” But when life becomes a struggle remember, “Up to one’s last breath, one may retain the simple joys of childhood, the poetic ecstasies of the young person, the enthusiasms of maturity. Right to the end, one may intoxicate one’s spirit with flowers, with beauty and with smiles.”
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