Astrology Report Jan 3-Jan 14
My friends, January is full of astrological fireworks. We have before us a week that begins quietly but gets intense fast, commencing what promises to be an eventful remainder of January. As the week begins, angsty and obsessive Mars square Pluto continues until Wednesday afternoon, but Mars approaches an exact square to Saturn 1/10–16. Meanwhile Jupiter square stationary direct Uranus will be exact on 1/17. This aspect has been seen to coincide with protests, leaps forward in technology, and demands for freedom and equality.
As always keep in mind that your experience of an aspect may not be strongest when the aspect is exact. Some people experience the themes of an aspect before or after it is exact. The aspects delineated here last at least a few days, sometimes weeks, and in the case of the most distant planets, months.
Monday 1/4 Mercury conjunct Pluto is exact at 5:58 PM (all times Pacific). This can be an obsessive, suspicious, compulsive aspect. Dwelling on fear, envy, doubt can lead to anxiety and even health breakdowns. Plumbing repairs is a theme that may come up for some. Suppressed sexuality may demand attention in cathartic ways. Cathartic conversations are a possibility, but don’t stumble into one by blurting hurtful words after a long fester. Research into healing body and soul can help you find ways to make important changes for the sake of your well being. Positions taken in negotiations during this aspect may be more intense than necessary. Many people will say and do things with Mercury conjunct Pluto they will regret when Mercury conjuncts Saturn on Saturday.
Wed 1/6 as we enter the dark of the moon Mars enters Taurus at 2:27 PM. This placement is not quite as aggressive as Mars in Aries, but can be stubborn and belligerent. Mars square Pluto ends. This is the day when militias and some politicians are planning antics in support of Trump, violence is likely. With Mars joining Uranus in Taurus we could see further shortages, and perhaps disruptions to some supply chains in the next month or two. Give some energy to making your life as comfortable as you can, given the circumstances.
Friday 1/8 Mercury enters Aquarius at 4 AM. Mercury in Capricorn can be very organized and effective, but tends also to be dour and depressed, even downright grim. Mercury in Aquarius is future oriented, enchanted by the latest tech, drawn to the shocking and strange. With the new 20 year cycle in Aquarius only a couple of weeks old Mercury the messenger may bring us events that provide insights about the future. Explore cutting edge tech.
Also Friday Venus enters Capricorn at 7:41 AM. This is considered a chilly placement by some, certainly not as optimistic and sociable as Venus in Sagittarius, but this placement can be deeply loyal, and you know what they say about old goats. Focus on the relationships that matter most for you, or maybe you need some time alone. Finding romance, beauty, harmony and creativity will involve discipline in difficult circumstances, patience with delays, but may produce life changing moments of realization. Don’t be afraid of the somber. As Jun’ichirō Tanizaki wrote in In Praise of Shadows, “If light is scarce then light is scarce; we will immerse ourselves in the darkness and there discover its own particular beauty.”
Also Friday sun sextile Neptune is exact at 8:53 AM. Inspiration from a dream, and an increased sensitivity to intoxication, physical or collective. Take it easy. Find a flow. Take a break from thinking about serious problems. Watch a movie that inspires. Take a charitable action. Help where you can.
Also Friday Mercury square Mars is exact at 9:44 PM. This can indicate irritable and argumentative communications. Words said sharply may be regretted the following day. Be extra careful in traffic, when ever you are in motion, as aggressive driving is likely. Avoid conflict. It’s too easy for anger to turn violent. Put some of that energy into writing, organizing, protecting your boundries.
Saturday 1/9 Venus trine Mars at 7:53 AM indicates a good time for creativity and romance. Although Mercury conjunct Saturn is exact at 7:17 PM, which can indicate depression, nervous exhaustion, pessimism. But Mercury is almost conjunct Jupiter. Some kind of good news is on the way. It’s healthy to practice optimism and to find pleasure in the simple things, the most cherished every day companions.
Monday 1/11 Mercury conjunct Jupiter is exact at 9:19 AM. There can be a tendency toward false certainty and false optimism. Overdoing pleasures and over spending are also common themes, but moderated by Mercury’s conjunction to Saturn. Find the balance for best results. Indulge a little. Be patient. Trust in Allah but tie up your camel. If you’re a writer be sure to make as much time as you can for writing this week.
Also Monday Mercury sextile Chiron is exact, possibly a little good news about the crisis, or the bad news is as expected, along the way to a peak. In our own lives it’s important to pay attention to what our bodies are telling us. Research and conversation may help us find new approaches to achieving better health.
Also Monday at 9:48 AM Jupiter sextiles Chiron making most of this month a potentially powerful time for healing. At the low end of the spectrum it could indicate a major surge in the virus again. But sextiles are generally gently positive. In our own lives optimism can go a long way toward well being. We don’t know how long it will take for this to be completely over, or how bad it may get, we’re billions of pestilence ridden primates, rueful, fearful and somehow ashamed. But this too shall pass. What will success mean to you then? How can you choose the kinds of success that improve your health?
Tuesday 1/12 Mercury square Uranus is exact at 7 AM. This can be a nervous aspect, another reason to be careful when driving, and even at home, as people tend to be a bit more accident prone. Slow down a little. Pay attention to one thing at a time, especially when using sharp objects. Devoted work may reward writers with flashes of genius. New tech may liberate communications for you, so go exploring online.
Also Tuesday at 1:04 PM Venus square Chiron is exact, health issues could arise from too much indulgence in pleasures including but not limited to comfort food. Creativity and romance can have a healing quality with this aspect, but it will take a little work, the right balance can be struck between healing, love and art.
Wednesday1/13 the new moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn arrives at midnight marking a moment of intensity that may involve numbers of deaths or some other frightening fact about the pandemic. In our own lives we’re likely to be pondering last year’s loss and grief. But there is also the possibility of tranquility and healing.
Also Wed 1/13 Mars square Saturn is exact at 3:02 AM. This can indicate frustrations, limitations, failed actions. Suppressed libido and ambition can inspire harsh criticism and stubborn pessimism. Even argument grinds to a halt. But by identifying weaknesses, by teaching ourselves better ways to apply our energy, by streamlining and simplifying, we can become more effective, and more energetic. But for some what will be required most will be rest.
Also Wed 1/13 Venus trine Uranus is exact at 4:22 PM, a beautiful aspect for creativity, romance, fashion, astronomy, and pleasant surprises. Artists of all kinds are highly encouraged to check out what new inventions out there might revolutionize the way you express and the way you share art. If you are drawn to the strange and unusual, good times may result, but with Uranus almost stationary things may be stranger than you expect. Add sun conjunct Pluto the next day and things might get too intense. In all areas of life it’s so helpful to be clear about the difference between fantasy and reality.
Thursday 1/14 Uranus is stationary direct at 12:36 AM. Expect some big surprises collectively and personally. Allow for the new. Embrace the necessary change. Do something different. But don’t take unnecessary risks as with sun conjunct Pluto in the evening consequences may be harsh for some. Here again the idea of new tech to liberate areas of your life that need updating.
Also Thu 1/14 sun conjunct Pluto will be exact at 6:19 AM hearkening back to Mercury conjunct Pluto at the beginning of this report. Avoid risk. Take precautions against criminality where needed. Find catharsis by facing your deepest fears and desires. Can you be tranquil in the middle of mass frustration? Must you resonate with the hive? As Jun’ichirō Tanizaki wrote, “The quality that we call beauty, however, must always grow from the realities of life, and our ancestors, forced to live in dark rooms, presently came to discover beauty in shadows, ultimately to guide shadows towards beauty’s ends.”
And that’s just the first two weeks of 2021!
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