Astrology Report Jan 31-Feb 9
We have before us a relatively quiet week, followed by two more quiet weeks, astrologically speaking. Still there are some powerful aspects leading up to Feb 17’s first of three exact Saturn squares to Uranus. With Uranus in Taurus we’re not even a third of the way into the transformations that will take place over the next four or five years as the planet of disruption, modernization, technology, and futurism transforms our society. The Reddit Wall Street gambit forced Robin Hood to live up to its name, however reluctantly. Fortunes were made and lost due to new technology. Bitcoin, Tesla, and other let’s call them artifacts of the future are just a few of the trends transforming our world. The new administration is showering the scientific community with money and authority. We’re going to be seeing some serious breakthroughs in medicine and technology.
However the Saturn in Aquarius part of the square will slam on the brakes, using regulations and restrictions to try to control the pace of change, and where possible they will attempt to prevent it. This will inspire more innovation, more unexpected reactions. The younger generations are beginning to understand that they will define the future. When hedge funds are at war over billions of dollars with gamers at their computers the financial world has obviously changed dramatically. Leaving politics out of it, this is another storming congress moment. Gamestop, a place where people have jobs, is a ping pong ball in a game that is both generation gap and class war. These kinds of events, where the old and the new clash, where tradition and innovation obstruct each other, and force each other to evolve, will be the theme of 2021, in economics, in politics, and in our personal lives.
Monday Feb 1 sun square Mars is exact. After many months of Mars squares anger has been an important theme during the pandemic, and here’s an angry aspect to bring to light more of what has happened and what may happen. Stay away from belligerent people, as anger can turn violent. Watch out when commuting as aggressive driving is more likely to happen. See how anger influences your life. Have you been able to make changes in the way you deal with anger, ambition, libido, and boundaries? Are there better uses for all that energy?
Also Monday Venus enters Aquarius at 8:05 AM. Some find Venus in Capricorn chilly, Venus in Aquarius is a friendlier placement. If you’ve been feeling the shadow of Saturn on your creativity and relationships, you may find some relief. Be open minded, relax, enjoy some fresh air, figuratively or literally. How can you bring more freedom, more innovation into the Venus areas of your life?
Thursday Feb 4, the dark of the moon begins at 9:37 AM, so this is a better time for finishing projects than for starting them, until Feb 11 when the new moon in Aquarius arrives. Some may feel low energy this week. It’s a good time to get extra rest, to listen to the messages your body and emotions are sending you. Relax but try not to relax too much in ways that, if you over do them, can harm your well being.
Friday Feb 5 Venus conjunct Saturn is exact, beginning a busy weekend for Venus. This can be an indicator of disappointments in love, art and finance. Saturn forces caution and pessimism on Venus. Suspicion, depression, exhaustion, or for creative people over editing, or simply being overly critical, can cause feelings of loneliness and resentment. But this can be a great time for learning, for the patience and thoroughness required to create beauty, and for the simple joys of lasting devotion. Help out the ladies and the artists in your life. Say something nice.
Saturday Feb 6 Venus sextile Chiron is exact indicating opportunities for healing, possibly through crisis. This could be a bit of good news this week about progress being made in dealing with the pandemic. Art, music, and romance offer opportunities for healing. This weekend be sure to make time to be creative, and to show appreciation for the humble gifts of love and beauty in our lives.
Also Saturday Venus square Uranus is exact, making this weekend a time when we can gain important insights into the Saturn square Uranus aspect that dominates this year. In relationships and in creativity it’s important to recognize where old patterns are crying out for change. For some a new approach to diet might improve health. For others a new approach to investment may offer interesting opportunities. The key is to balance learning with instinct, facts with insights into the future. These days the improbable can make people millionaires, but it can also wipe out savings and ruin lives. These are the big stakes of Saturn square Uranus. It may feel urgent that you react now, but with these big planets we have plenty of time this year to learn our lessons, but why not learn them now.
Monday Feb 8 sun conjunct Mercury is exact. The desire to get out into the world may be quite strong, but be safe. Why take unnecessary risks with Saturn sextile Chiron tomorrow? This Mercury aspect can indicate talking too much, over thinking, over analyzing, but it’s good for asking questions, taking care of paperwork, and organizing.
Tuesday Feb 9 Saturn sextile Chiron is exact, this long lasting aspect is a powerful opportunity for healing. It will be exact again in June and in November. Tremendous healing can be accomplished with patience, thoroughness, learning, by simplifying, and by repetition. Identify your weaknesses and make them strengths. Not all trouble can be avoided before it happens, but some can. Also a great time to learn about, or to receive training in modalities of healing. If you’ve ever had an interest in medical astrology, for example, this year would be a good time for studying that. By accepting limitations, and making choices that replace bad habits with good, we prepare ourselves to get the most from the post pandemic world, however long it takes to get here.
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