Astrology Report July 4 — July 12
Friends, we have before us a roller coaster of a week of both challenging and positive aspects. That is the theme of this summer for most part, along with the aspect that dominates this year, Saturn square Uranus. While compared to last year this year is considerably less dire astrologically speaking this is nevertheless a formidable square that brings about massive changes. It can be seen as a clear mark between the overhanging 20th century culture and way of doing things and what will become the 21st century approach, involving transformations caused by technology.
With all the inconjunctions this summer and the big square concerns about the pandemic remain. We will see when fall arrives what we shall reap. In the meantime caution may not be necessary in many situations but it’s a small price to pay for prevention of harm.
Yesterday’s sun inconjunct Saturn and Mars square Uranus are still strong and the Mars square will be with us until the middle of next week. The former is often associated with health crises related to overwork, exhaustion, poor nutrition, depression, and can sometimes indicate blows to the ego that are deflating but can be educational. This square is part of a difficult T-square involving Uranus, Saturn and Mars. This is a volatile aspect filled with anger, frustration, urgent desire for change struggling against the inertia of alienation. Not a good time to push your way forward. And all too easy too lapse into pissy criticism of others. Pay attention to your own little bit of paradise. Put this energy to good use by giving some attention to issues around anger, libido and ambition. Where could you simplify? Where could you learn and practice? New tech, new communities, a more futuristic way of doing things could dissolve the stagnation.
Sun square Chiron was exact this morning, which can indicate a crisis in health. Obviously, for most of us that will not be the case, but even the healthy can pay attention to those small messages our bodies send us. Now is a good time to notice habits that are harming us more than they’re helping us. Unfortunately this aspect could indicate that holiday celebrations may cause a surge, especially with Mercury square Neptune almost exact.
Monday July 5 sun sextile Uranus is exact giving us a fresh perspective. Look for new opportunities or for unexpected ways to make your life easier, especially involving tech, or cutting edge practices. Do something that makes you feel free.
Tue July 6 Mercury square Neptune is exact, sometimes an indicator of the spread of disease, this aspect also suggests the urge to intoxication and escapism, mental exhaustion, mistaken speculation, and confusion in commuting and communication. So take your time, ask questions, listen carefully, and be aware that others may not be especially clear-headed. For writers and other creative people it can indicate strong inspiration and imagination.
Also Tue Venus opposition Saturn is exact. The poet Khodasevich captured the flavor of Venus Saturn aspects: “I walk in bliss through flowerbeds of broken urns, and glorify your flight, O Saturn, over us along the empty starry sky.” This difficult aspect can indicate depression about relationships, or issues related to beauty and creativity. It’s easy to become overly critical of self and others with this aspect. Perhaps your partner needs some space, or you do. Loyalty goes further than words with this aspect. It’s also good for learning and practicing the arts, or finding exercises or cosmetics that improve appearance. At the very least get some sleep.
Wed July 7 Venus trine Chiron is exact suggesting healing through the arts, romance, or the appreciation or creation of beauty. What is beauty to you? How can you spend some time basking in the glory of what you find beautiful? It won’t be easy to bring healing with so many difficult aspects in the weather, but this trine can help you greatly improve your well-being. Women and the otherwise Venus ruled in your life are most likely the sources of the healing you need.
Thu July 8 Mercury inconjunct Pluto is exact. This is a difficult aspect. The mind can turn to preoccupation and obsession, to suspicion and chronic criticism of self and others. For some there can be a draw toward cathartic, and even criminal, places and activities. Since inconjunctions can be related to health issues. The above bad habits and all sorts of others are more likely to cause some sort of breakdown with this aspect. If your reaction to this possibility is fear that this could happen to you take a long look at what you can do to avoid harm, including meditation, improved diet, more rest, and especially not spending time fearing what can most likely be avoided by improving habitual behaviors that are more harmful than helpful.
Also Thu July 9 Venus square Uranus is exact, often indicating attraction to the new, the different, the shocking. Loyal committed partners can find their eyes and thoughts straying. After so much restriction the urge for adventure, luxury, exciting pleasures, can be strong. Avoid being abrupt. Take into consideration the feelings and needs of others. This aspect can help us liberate romance, art, and our relationship with beauty. Consider this quote by Sartre: “Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you.”
Friday July 9 the new moon in Cancer arrives, time to start new projects. For many there begins a sense of refreshed energy that builds to the full moon. Enjoy some fun by the pool, lake, river, or ocean. The imagination can be stronger than usual with this full moon. Don’t waste it on speculation when you could create something instead. Moon in Cancer tends to emphasize home life and family. Enjoy your domesticity. Appreciate those nearest you who travel with you through your life, including your pets.
Next Sunday June 11 Mercury enters Cancer leaving chatty Gemini. There’s a possibility that in some areas there will be news of a return to the stay at home strategy in dealing with the pandemic. We’ll see what happens when the Delta variant flexes its muscle. Mercury in Cancer reemphasizes the power of the imagination and also the allure of water so have some fun in the sun.
Monday July 12 Mercury trine Jupiter is exact, an optimistic aspect that can indicate opportunity and success, people working together, and happy thoughts. For some there may be over-spending and over-indulgence, which with all the rough astrology is probably not a good idea. But do have some fun, be generous, make future oriented plans, take a fun trip, encourage a friend, create something uplifting. Remember what Camus said: “In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.”