Astrology Report March 14- March 21
Friends, we have before us a week of positive aspects. Welcome to Daylight Savings Time, we are now only six days away from the start of Spring. The last three weeks of astrological aspects were very quiet, although Saturn square Uranus continues to indicate challenges and struggles over the long term as this aspect is with us most of 2021. If we get stuck on that tension between past and future we can miss the positive aspects this week. Realize that these issues will require time to sort out and get skilled at finding moments that refresh you.
Saturday’s Venus conjunct Neptune is with us through Thursday. At worst this can indicate confusion in romance and the arts. The urge for intoxication, fantasy, and nostalgic escapism can be quite strong, especially when Mercury joins Venus and Neptune in Pisces on Monday. At best we have an opportunity to find true selflessness and spirituality in love and creativity. Get inspired by great art. music, film and writing. If you are a creative person this is a great week for inspiration and imagination. Let your freak flag fly. Also a good time for exploring the psychic, mystical and metaphysical side of life.
Monday March 15 Mercury enters Pisces. This placement is the beginning of the end of Mercury’s trip around the zodiac. Mercury will enter Aries on April 4. Give yourself a moment to look back over the pandemic year. View the lake of your life up till now with the steady gaze of a heron. The pandemic washed away many of our most cherished assumptions, so did the former president and his followers. Individually we can listen to our intuition. Go ahead and change your mind a few times. Gain a better understanding of what really matters to you, and what you really want to do with the gift of time, and your new perspective on the fragility of not only life but culture.
Tuesday March 16 sun sextile Pluto is exact making this a good week for research, catharsis and the hard work of renewal. Healing and tranquility are the Pluto qualities that don’t get enough attention. Pluto can indicate perversion, criminality, breakdowns, obsession, war, mass suffering, and mass destruction, yes, but it also indicates reform, repair, and rebirth. With Venus sextile Pluto on Thursday this will be a good week for working on returning to a greater sense of well being.
Wednesday March 17 Mars sextile Chiron is exact. Chiron can indicate crisis in the area of health. If you have any lingering sore spots don’t push them too hard in your enthusiasm to prove you’re fine. Put some energy into exercise, improved diet, and research into your specific needs. Libido, ambition, anger require attention. Restoring well being to each will take some time. Why not get started?
Thursday March 18 Venus sextile Pluto is exact. Romantic interests tend to become more transgressive. Catharsis, sexual or artistic, can help along the healing process when it comes to regaining a sense of post pandemic direction. Make no mistake, though, the pandemic is still with us. Don’t take unnecessary risks, because Saturn square Uranus can cause unexpectedly harsh consequences.
Saturday March 20 Spring arrives as the sun enters Aries at 2:27 AM (all times Pacific Daylight Savings). Take a moment to consider how frightening the world was last March when we weren’t certain what we were really dealing with. Even toward the end of last year, really only a few months ago, we were told the vaccine was a ways off. This year Spring arrives with several vaccines in use. Many areas are opening. However Italy, and Duke University, among others, are experiencing surges that required lock downs. With Saturn square Uranus the process of returning to whatever the new normal will be will take time and struggle. The pandemic story isn’t over yet. Also the results of the pandemic in the worlds of business and science have only begun to reveal themselves. The flood of cash unleashed by the new bill the president signed will help bring about major changes that will contrast sharply with the last administration’s approach.
Sunday March 21 Venus enters Aries at 7:16 AM starting a new cycle around the zodiac. Since this week is the last of Venus in Pisces this year take some time to look at what love means to you. How can you be more compassionate with those you love? In art let the imagination soar, and be receptive to inspiration.
Also Sunday March 21 Mercury sextile Uranus is exact, an excellent aspect for writing, communicating, exploring new tech and new perspectives. Since we have Saturn square Uranus this year next weekend will be a good time to work with the Uranus half of the aspect. Do something different. Try something new. Surprise yourself or someone else. What do you think about the future? In what areas do you require more freedom in your life?
Also Sunday March 21 Mars trine Saturn is exact, making this week and next a good time for hard work. We can work with the Saturn side of the Saturn square Uranus with attention to detail and disciplined action. If you’ve been wanting to establish a new exercise routine now is a good time to do so. Get organized so you can use your energy effectively.
The following week is quiet again but Saturn square Uranus will remain a challenge. Perhaps this quote from The Plague by Camus sets the appropriate tone, “All he had gained was to have known the plague and to remember it, to have known friendship and to remember it, to have known affection and to have one day to remember it. All that a man could win in the game of plague and life was knowledge and memory.”