Astrology Report March 28 — April 4
Walking in a zen garden is like waking up in a dream, or hallucinating perfection. By contemplating each plant, and helping it realize the best possible use of light, space, and time in relation to all the other denizens of the garden, awareness of the Buddha world is achieved, because this world is the Buddha world. Most of us don’t see it because we are entangled in illusions. This week gives each of us an opportunity to cultivate the zen garden that is daily life. But remember what Rudyard Kipling said: “Gardens are not made by singing ‘Oh, how beautiful,’ and sitting in the shade.”
This morning Venus conjunct Chiron was exact making this weekend and early this week a good time for healing, especially by means of art, creativity, harmony, and love, so take the time to appreciate the beauty all around us as Spring arrives. Women, artists and other sensitive Venusian types may find themselves confronting a crisis related to well being. Most likely it’s part of the slow awakening from pandemic world. PTSD is no friend to Venus. Be kind to yourself and to others.
Monday, March 29, Mercury conjunct Neptune is exact. On the negative side this aspect can indicate confusion, mental exhaustion, delusion, propaganda and it can indicate a time when the pandemic spreads more easily, so don’t let down your guard. On the positive side imagination and inspiration are emphasized. A great time for exploring the metaphysical, the mystical and the psychic. For writers, musicians, filmmakers and other creative people the first half of the week is good for tuning in and getting inspired. If you’re stuck pray for guidance and follow your intuition. Also a good time for acts of charity.
Tuesday, March 30, Venus sextile Saturn is exact making this week a great time for structuring your creativity, your fashion sense, and your romantic life, or adding beauty to your structure. Study, practice, patience, mentors can help help you achieve new levels. In relationships boundaries and loyalty are especially important this week. Organize your creative space. Prioritize your romantic goals. Know your limits and blossom.
Wednesday, March 31, Sun sextile Saturn is exact emphasizing the importance of patience, organization, discipline, simplicity, rest, meditation, and learning. Use this week to gently organize areas of your life that fell into disrepair. Identify what no longer belongs in your life. Manly Hall liked to tell the story of how the soul receives a gift from each planet as it descends to incarnation on Earth. The gifts enable the soul to manifest and operate a human body. Those gifts must be given up on the way home. All that we cherish here in the schoolroom we ultimately surrender. Why cling to what is harmful?
Thursday, April 1, Mercury sextile Pluto is exact making this week and next week a good time for research into healing. repair, reform and negotiations about important matters. You may find yourself drawn to peculiar preoccupations. Can you see how they signify rebirth? Perhaps you can give them expression in more conscious and effective ways. Get to the core of the problem. Meditate for tranquility.
Also Thursday Mars square Neptune is in orb, getting stronger until exact on April 9. With Pluto stationary retrograde on April 27 this month could represent another crisis in the pandemic, perhaps a significant surge. Mars square Neptune can relate to the spread of pandemics and Pluto stationary retrograde could bring back a whiff of the fear from last year. In our own lives Mars square Neptune warns us not to overdo intoxication. With this aspect it’s easy to veer off into deluded tangents. Be careful commuting. Charitable actions are favored.
Saturday, April 3, Mercury enters Aries at 8:41 PM. While we’re a couple of weeks into Spring with Mercury lingering in Pisces our minds have remained preoccupied with looking back. As Mercury begins a new cycle through the zodiac we finally catch up to Spring. But don’t be reckless. With the Pluto station out there the danger is real. Appreciate how far we’ve come. Not so long ago the pandemic was raging out of control and so was the president. New beginnings are ahead, but let’s not be in a rush. Let’s respect the pace of nature in the process of recovery, personal and collective.
We enter the dark of the moon at 3:02 AM on Sunday April 4, so next week will be about getting extra rest, finishing up, not starting new things. Between Mars square Neptune in the beginning of April, and Pluto stationary retrograde at the end, April may be a little more challenging. This week let Saturn help you get centered and grounded. Disentangle from problems that are not yours. Hatch a plan or an outline to help yourself build better habits. Find the fun in getting healthy. Prioritize well being.