Astrology Report Nov 29-Dec 7
Friends, as November 2020 comes to a close we are about three weeks away from the end of a 20 year cycle and the beginning of a new one. With the new cycle in Aquarius this promises to be a very different couple of decades. We have not seen a Great Conjunction in Aquarius for hundreds of years, and the fact that it is at zero degrees makes it all the more powerful. Saturn Pluto aspects, especially conjunctions such as the one we had all this year, tend to indicate a resurgence of conservative and even fascist tendencies. The next twenty years will bring an emphasis on the progressive. The younger generations will move into positions of power. The older generations will be less influential in politics and culture, though it will take time for this to become fully apparent.
With Saturn square Uranus dominating 2021 conservative forces will fight tooth and nail against the youth movement but they are doomed to fail. Even the GOP will be transformed as the new 20 year cycle proceeds. We see glimpses of this in a younger generation of GOP leaders who support the party’s focus on smaller government and lower taxes while supporting environmentalist, gay rights, and choice. Scientific discoveries will astonish us over the next 20 years. With vaccines for the coronavirus we call COVID on the way cures for cancer won’t be far behind. But first we must get through what’s left of 2020 and significant challenges remain.
We have before us, including lunar aspects, 16 inconjunctions this week. As inconjunctions can indicate issues around health, this week will likely bring confirmation of a startling surge in the pandemic. While the vast majority of those infected are asymptomatic or suffer mild symptoms, hundreds of thousands have been hospitalized, and many thousands have died. For those taking risks it is true the majority may emerge relatively unscathed, but it’s still a game of Russian roulette. The risk taker, a loved one, or an innocent bystander may suffer drastic consequences due to impatience, false certainty and the kind of selfish optimism that with a flippant shrug consigns the unfortunate, the old and the weak to their fates.
Instead take this opportunity to practice patience, forbearance and stillness. Use this time to find the tranquility in isolation. Appreciate the small pleasures of life. Demonstrate your fortitude in the face of misfortune. Times like these are invaluable opportunities to cultivate the virtues that will serve us well the next time we face a crisis, personal or collective. So many inconjunctions indicate that this week we should not ignore our health. Listen to the messages your body sends you. Establish good eating habits, get rest even if your sleeping pattern has been disturbed. Get some exercise. Meditate. Research ways that you can improve your well being. Avoid getting sucked into the vortex of fear that the collective has been suffering for most of 2020. Accept a simple life for now. Explore it with curiosity and optimism so that you can learn something valuable from it.
Yesterday’s Neptune stationary direct will remain very strong this week and next. The urge toward escapism, nostalgia and intoxication will be strong. Don’t over do as our bodies are more sensitive when Neptune is stationary. It’s also easier to fall prey to the emotional waves accompanying the pandemic, and politics. But Neptune can bring inspiration, opening access to the heights of imagination. If you’re creative or psychic or on a mystical path this is a wonderful time to practice your craft. Acts of charity, compassion and selflessness can bring rich rewards of soulfulness and spiritual insight. Pause to enjoy a sense of wonder about the vast mystery that is life in our world. There’s still plenty to appreciate: the beauties of nature, the presence of those we love, the power of enlightenment.
Mercury sextile Pluto which was exact Friday, and Mercury sextile Jupiter which was exact Saturday, remain a factor in the beginning of this week. This is a good time to ponder what we’ve learned from 2020. In what ways have we reformed and repaired our lives? Have the poignant and beautiful simplicities of life become more precious to us? What optimism can we nurture? How has the definition of success changed. We are like horses waiting for the race to begin. If we are too anxious now we may not be able to run the course when the gate opens. As you ponder the future consider this quote from Confucius: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”
Very early this morning sun inconjunt Uranus was exact, and last Friday’s Venus opposition Uranus is still a factor. Here we have an unfortunate combination of restless urges to break out of restrictions and experience something new, and unexpected disruptions and shocking surprises. The key with inconjunctions is to constantly adjust both sides of the equation, giving both the opportunity to flourish. Sun inconjunct Uranus asks us to balance our present ego with the demands of the future. Liberation is possible but not if we emphasize one side over the other. Venus opposition Uranus can bring changes that help us achieve greater freedom. Romance and art can break us out of ruts. The future beckons. Do you find yourself attracted to new tech, new communities, new perspectives, the strange and unusual? Explore these invitations to a brighter future.
Monday Nov 30 Mercury sextile Saturn is exact at 11:01 AM (all times Pacific). A good time to embrace limitations, this aspect can help us simplify, organize, and face facts. Meditation can help, and so can extra rest. Mentors, study and practice can help us to identify weaknesses and strengthen them.
Also the full moon with a lunar eclipse in Gemini arrives on Nov 30. This can increase the urge to socialize. Do so safely. For those with placements of planets or angles around 8 degrees Gemini or 8 degrees Sagittarius this can be a time of endings and beginnings. What needs to be let go of in your life? Where and how can you make a fresh start?
December begins with Mercury entering Sagittarius at 11:51 AM. Mercury has been in Scorpio since November 11 bringing an obsessive, suspicious, secretive atmosphere to our mental processes and communications. Sagittarius is much more optimistic and outgoing. This may be unfortunate as Mercury in Sagittarius intensifies the desire to go out and socialize, obviously problematic when the pandemic is surging. Mercury in Sagittarius can also enable false optimism and false certainty, the kind of confirmation bias that leads to taking foolish risks. The best way to express this placement may be to enjoy the splendors of nature. A visit to a forest trail, the beach or the desert is a better choice right now than an evening at your local bar.
Friday Dec 4 Mercury trine Chiron is exact at 4:40 PM. This could indicate good news regarding the pandemic but since Chiron often coincides with crisis in personal or public health, and Saturn is still conjunct Pluto, there will be a cloud to the silver lining. The obvious probability is good news about the release of an imminent vaccine but bad news about the extent of the pandemic surge. In our own lives this is an excellent time to do research and to communicate about ways to improve health and heal illness or injury. If you have found something valuable share it with others. For example, I highly recommend Moringa tree leaf powder for general well being and improved healing. That recommendation comes from personal experience.
Saturday Dec 5 Venus trine Neptune is exact at 8:53 AM. This beautiful aspect can indicate romantic passion, idealized love, artistic inspiration, and the ability to harmonize individually and collectively, not just musically, but as it were psychically. If you are creative, psychic, inclined to the mystical, spiritual religious and metaphysical this week and next, and especially next weekend could be a wonderful time. Be kind to the feminine in your life. Enjoy some beautiful art and appreciate the wonders of nature going on all around us. Fall in love again with the mystery of life. Ponder this Daoist quote: “The wise look into space and know there are no limits.”
Also Satuday Venus inconjunct Mars is exact at 4 minutes before midnight, this aspect could undermine Venus trine Neptune. If we allow ambition, anger or libido to over ride grace and harmony the result will be irritation and perhaps illness of one kind or another, such as headaches, indigestion or mysterious aches and pains. With this aspect there can be an irritating friction between the genders as both men and women feel their needs and their perspectives are being ignored. Be sure to include both sides of the equation and adjust where necessary.
Sunday Dec 6 Mercury inconjunct Uranus is exact at 4:42 AM, possibly indicating more shocking news about the pandemic. This aspect can coincidce with erratic behavior and actions, blurted unintentional insults, unexpected disruptions. Our thought processes may wish to skip down the merry path of Sagittarius but Uranus wants to wake us up to the future and liberate us from the past. This can be a time of startling insights that help us meet tomorrow with a more realistic and effective approach. There may be frustrations associated with making these adjustments but the results will be worthwhile. As Confucius said: “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” Consider studying your own astrological chart and transits to help with healing and well being.
Monday Dec 7 the dark of the moon begins at 4:37 PM. Not a good time for starting projects, better for finishing them, and for resting and recharging. Look back over 2020 from here, as this is not only the last fourth quarter of the moon of 2020, but the last dark of the moon of the 20 year cycle that ends on Dec 21. Once the electors vote and Trump’s presidency is officially notified of its end, once the first of the vaccines reach those who will choose to make use of it, the world will remain challenging, but will feel a little lighter. Embrace the dark gravity of these last few days of 2020. Saturn conjunct Pluto will be out of orb Dec 21, putting extra emphasis on the beginning of the new Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at zero degrees Aquarius. What things of real value has this year taught you? What do you still need to learn? What life do you wish to have next? What do you want to accomplish? Consider this quote by Confucius: “Virtue is not left to stand alone. One who practices it will have neighbors.”
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